is it bad to have an untreated impacted canine tooth if the non permanent tooth comes out
you might not have a permanent canine tooth. It is rare but possible. My bro in law still has his lower inciser baby tooth and no permanent. the only thing to do is go to the doc to make sure this is the case. If no such tooth then there is the option of an implant or bridge. However, if it really is impacted, you might have to have it taken out. Not completely sure. Duscuss with your doc. They know best.
Reply:no i dont think so
Reply:Normally it´s not bad. You´ll have a gap. And sometimes, not very often, the impacted tooth then tries to come out and moves the neighboring teeth. But you dont´t have to be scared of anything like inflammation or pain.
Reply:Impacted canines can develop a cyst around them if they are left in place. This is NOT like a tumor or anything and if you just can't have the tooth brought into your mouth, you can just follow the tooth with periodic x-rays, like once every year or two, to make sure it is okay.
Reply:I dont think so.......But you could always go and see your dientst!!!
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