How much is an average dental filling?

I live in Calgary Canada.

I am planning on going to see the dentist, but does anyone know how much it would normally cost to fill up a small hole in a canine tooth (my tooth) would cost?


How much is an average dental filling?
around $100. I live in ontario and thats how much they are roughly
Reply:Here in Texas I just paid $150. Took him 30 minutes tops. Pretty good wage, $300/hr.
Reply:This could vary a great deal. A Dental School might do it for free or a nominal charge. Dentist could charge anywhere from $60 to $150.
Reply:depends what kind of dental insurance you have but if you don't it should be around no more than 280 depends how many suffuses it has 4 or less occ, lingual, missal, buckle,facial or distal.


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