Whats wrong with my gums?

last night i went to the orthodontist and i got my lower and upper teath chained together (if you have braces you'd know what that was I think) it's just to close up gaps so yeah it hurts like hell but also, in the back on the top part of my mouth, i think my gum has swolen a little behind the left canine tooth. I had some popcorn (shut up i know it's bad for braces) could it be that some kernel or w/e got stuck in it or what is it and how can i get rid of it w/o going to the dentist?

Whats wrong with my gums?
Try using a mouthwash of warm salt water and see if that helps.. over a few days.
Reply:Can you manage to get a toothpick in their to see? It may be. Try swishing some salt water in your mouth. It should bring the swelling down.



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