It is wiggiling and practically hanging there, but it won't come on out!!! I am too chicken to just yank it.... I'm a wimp, I know. What is keeping it connected? It looks like a huge chunk of my gum. It's on the bottom right, next to the pointy tooth (canine?)
I'm 34 and have a baby tooth that won't come out! Any advice?
LOL! I'm 28 and just had my last baby tooth extracted last week. Actually, I wouldn't even call it an extraction..because my dentist took a look at it, and poked it a couple of times and it popped out on its own. I wasn't even charged for the visit (since he didn't actually DO anything, really).
Whats keeping it in? There might be a tiny bit of the root still left in your gums/jaw. Play around with it with your tongue..and eventually it'll relent and fall out. If its wiggling a lot, its just about ready. Give it another day or two, and you'll have a nice little present for the "tooth fairy."
On a side husband put a $20 bill under my pillow the night after my baby tooth fell out :-) It was hysterically funny, and a sweet gesture all at the same time. Maybe you'll be treated to the same, eh?
Good luck!
Reply:hmm go to the dentist! they will definatly take care of it haha.. i bet they would just yank it out (professionaly) and you wont even feel a thing
Reply:go 1 round with tyson he is sure to help u take out any tooth u want and if not that try the dentist
Reply:for some reason I used to like getting lose teeth and playing with them.
Reply:You are 34 and I am a little worry that might not be a baby tooth. having said that, you might want to check with a dentist because replacing a permanant teeth won't be cheap and your dentist will be able to give you more options regarding that if you still have the tooth in your mouth.
safari browser
Please help!! How much does impacted upper cuspid (canine) correction surgery cost?
I have an impacted upper cusped tooth. I have already had my braces on to create space for the cuspid tooth. How much does it usually cost for an oral surgeon to do the surgery to uncover the tooth? $500, $1,000, $1,500,...?
I know what the procedure is and everything. I would just like to know what the cost is. I live in Tennessee.
I have tried to research this online but I couldn't find anything.
Please help!! How much does impacted upper cuspid (canine) correction surgery cost?
i have no clue in USA, but in canada it would not be more than 300 - 500$, so that should not be more than that at your place..
Yet again it really does depend where it is... Shallow or deep... completely in bone or not. buccal or palatal...
Reply:i tend to think $200 to $400. I can't remember my office's fees on this since I have not done this procedure.
hotels reviews
I know what the procedure is and everything. I would just like to know what the cost is. I live in Tennessee.
I have tried to research this online but I couldn't find anything.
Please help!! How much does impacted upper cuspid (canine) correction surgery cost?
i have no clue in USA, but in canada it would not be more than 300 - 500$, so that should not be more than that at your place..
Yet again it really does depend where it is... Shallow or deep... completely in bone or not. buccal or palatal...
Reply:i tend to think $200 to $400. I can't remember my office's fees on this since I have not done this procedure.
hotels reviews
How much does impacted upper cuspid (canine) correction surgery cost?
I have an impacted upper cusped tooth. I have already had my braces on to create space for the cuspid tooth. How much does it usually cost for an oral surgeon to do the surgery to uncover the tooth? $500, $1,000, $1,500,...?
I know what the procedure is and everything. I would just like to know what the cost is. I live in Tennessee.
I have tried to research this online but I couldn't find anything.
How much does impacted upper cuspid (canine) correction surgery cost?
Have you called any oral surgery offices and asked the cost rather than checking on line? We're in N. MN and to uncover a tooth, without bonding and bracketing, is around $800. If we uncover it, bond and bracket it, it is around $1200. There is a definite difference in cost from rural to metro, but ask around and get some references from other people, see who they would go to.
my cat
I know what the procedure is and everything. I would just like to know what the cost is. I live in Tennessee.
I have tried to research this online but I couldn't find anything.
How much does impacted upper cuspid (canine) correction surgery cost?
Have you called any oral surgery offices and asked the cost rather than checking on line? We're in N. MN and to uncover a tooth, without bonding and bracketing, is around $800. If we uncover it, bond and bracket it, it is around $1200. There is a definite difference in cost from rural to metro, but ask around and get some references from other people, see who they would go to.
my cat
Is it necessary for a root canal treatment when the tooth is dead?
Can filling be done on a dead tooth? When a tooth is dead, does it means that the nerve is also dead? OR Nerve can be still alive when the tooth is dead? I was told by the endodontist that my upper tooth (canine) which has a cavity (near the gumline) is dead, and need root canal treatment. Why can't filling be done instead of root canal? When root canal treatment requires few visits, what is the normal interval between 1st and 2nd and 3rd visits? Appreciate if anyone who can give your valuable advice. Thank you
Is it necessary for a root canal treatment when the tooth is dead?
No fillings can't be of any good on a dead or dying tooth, the old nerve needs to be removed and replace with a sort of "dummy" nerve, and then supported by a crown if needed. That depends on the condition of the tooth after the decay has been removed. You may need a post and a build-up to stabilize the tooth. If it is one of your anterior teeth you really should think about having the root canal done to save the tooth. Loosing it could cost you a lot of money to have it replaced in the long run, with either an implant or a three unit bridge. Normally, the doctor will schedule your appoints about 2 weeks apart, with you having been on an antibiotic for about 5 days. It's a good investment to save your teeth, it's part of a very healthy lifestyle. Good luck %26amp; peace 2 u.
Reply:If the tooth is dead, it will turn black so have it pulled and replaced with a false tooth. Root canals are the pits, because if everything isn't removed you will have toothaches.
Reply:If a tooth is dead, that means the pulp is dead. It is better for your mouth to have your original tooth with root canal treatment than to have it pulled or replaced by an artificial tooth. A root canal will eliminate any dead tissue and bacteria that can continue growing out the root tip and into your connective tissue and bone. A root canal can take 2-3 visits and depends on your tooth anatomy, time of day, and materials available in the dental office.
Reply:The nerve could still be alive.
family nanny
Is it necessary for a root canal treatment when the tooth is dead?
No fillings can't be of any good on a dead or dying tooth, the old nerve needs to be removed and replace with a sort of "dummy" nerve, and then supported by a crown if needed. That depends on the condition of the tooth after the decay has been removed. You may need a post and a build-up to stabilize the tooth. If it is one of your anterior teeth you really should think about having the root canal done to save the tooth. Loosing it could cost you a lot of money to have it replaced in the long run, with either an implant or a three unit bridge. Normally, the doctor will schedule your appoints about 2 weeks apart, with you having been on an antibiotic for about 5 days. It's a good investment to save your teeth, it's part of a very healthy lifestyle. Good luck %26amp; peace 2 u.
Reply:If the tooth is dead, it will turn black so have it pulled and replaced with a false tooth. Root canals are the pits, because if everything isn't removed you will have toothaches.
Reply:If a tooth is dead, that means the pulp is dead. It is better for your mouth to have your original tooth with root canal treatment than to have it pulled or replaced by an artificial tooth. A root canal will eliminate any dead tissue and bacteria that can continue growing out the root tip and into your connective tissue and bone. A root canal can take 2-3 visits and depends on your tooth anatomy, time of day, and materials available in the dental office.
Reply:The nerve could still be alive.
family nanny
Which works faster, Invisalign or traditional braces?
My upper front teeth (canine to canine) kind of stick out a little and I need it 'pushed back'. I have the option of Invisalign but I've heard stories in which people who've had Invisalign had to extend their treatment because ... well, Invisalign just works slow (is this true?). My dentist says that traditional braces and Invisalign can move the teeth at about the same rate but few other dentists have told me otherwise (who to believe?).
Generally speaking, which works faster?
I'm 20 years old and totally willing to have metal in my mouth if it'll work faster than the trays.
Which works faster, Invisalign or traditional braces?
Invisalign vs. traditional braces is a subject dentists tend to disagree on. I have worked with a few dentists who are pro invisalign but most tend to recommend staying with traditional braces. Most case presentations I have been in on if the patient chooses invisalign it takes 3-6 months longer. Plus it takes 4-6 weeks from the time you take your impressions to the time that the invisalign trays will be delivered to your dentist. That right there is additional time. Anytime teeth are being moved you will feel pressure and discomfort. You could look into ceramic brackets/braces. They give the advantages of traditional braces but are still less noticeable. Hope this helps!
Reply:I would personally go with invisolign, for one, it hurts less.
Reply:invisalign...having real braces suck, and besides, you have to go back and forth to the ortho when you have real ones.
Reply:Invisalign would look better and I think would be less painful.
I had braces for 3 years. It wasn't exactly flattering..and it hurt.
Personally, as much as Invisalign would look better, I just trust the old fashioned braces more. If you're teeth aren't that bad, and I'm guessing they're not since they need to be "pushed back," then you probably don't have to wear them too long? Hopefully. In that case, braces!
Reply:it depends on you... if your dentist says you can use invisalign go with it.. I personally would. I had braces when i was 18 and it was great but i really need them...
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Generally speaking, which works faster?
I'm 20 years old and totally willing to have metal in my mouth if it'll work faster than the trays.
Which works faster, Invisalign or traditional braces?
Invisalign vs. traditional braces is a subject dentists tend to disagree on. I have worked with a few dentists who are pro invisalign but most tend to recommend staying with traditional braces. Most case presentations I have been in on if the patient chooses invisalign it takes 3-6 months longer. Plus it takes 4-6 weeks from the time you take your impressions to the time that the invisalign trays will be delivered to your dentist. That right there is additional time. Anytime teeth are being moved you will feel pressure and discomfort. You could look into ceramic brackets/braces. They give the advantages of traditional braces but are still less noticeable. Hope this helps!
Reply:I would personally go with invisolign, for one, it hurts less.
Reply:invisalign...having real braces suck, and besides, you have to go back and forth to the ortho when you have real ones.
Reply:Invisalign would look better and I think would be less painful.
I had braces for 3 years. It wasn't exactly flattering..and it hurt.
Personally, as much as Invisalign would look better, I just trust the old fashioned braces more. If you're teeth aren't that bad, and I'm guessing they're not since they need to be "pushed back," then you probably don't have to wear them too long? Hopefully. In that case, braces!
Reply:it depends on you... if your dentist says you can use invisalign go with it.. I personally would. I had braces when i was 18 and it was great but i really need them...
affiliate reviews
Does make any sense to do a root canal on an old baby tooth?
I'm 34 years old and I have a baby tooth ( 11. Cuspid (canine/eye tooth) that had never fallen out. The adult tooth is up in my gums. I feel no pain in the area... if it wasn't for xrays and the tooth being smaller than my other teeth I'd never know I had an adult one up there.
My dentist says he wants to do a root canal on the baby tooth and put a crown on it. Does this make sense? I've never heard of anyone doing this.
I thought the only options I had was to have the baby tooth removed and either have a bridge made or get an implant... or have the baby tooth removed, get braces, and have the adult tooth slowly pulled down into place (if it hasn't fused into my bone already). Both of these are WAAAY to expensive for me right now. (Ugh, this has been the excuse my parents gave years ago when we first found out about this. lol It sucks not having a lot of $$$)
Does make any sense to do a root canal on an old baby tooth?
I think the best option is the one you mentioned, having the baby tooth removed and the adult cuspid orthodontically pulled into its proper position.
Implant would be next best option if the implant could be placed with the adult cuspid impacted up there. This is better than the bridge option because placing the implant will preserve bone in the area. If the baby tooth is lost and a bridge done, the neighboring teeth will have to be cut down for the bridge and you will develop a bone defect where the tooth was.
The pulpotomy and crown idea for the baby cuspid is an option, but I question if there will be enough tooth there to provide enough structural strength so that the tooth will not fracture and the crown break off.
Our canines are very important teeth for our bite. Cuspids are the size and shape they are because they need to withstand a great deal of occlusal force. When we bite together and then slide our teeth to one side, our teeth are meant to touch only on our cuspids and our other teeth are meant to not touch. This is called Canine Rise, and if you do not want to wear your teeth abnormally,it is an important component of your bite.
Reply:ouch... removed then pulling the new one up... yikes! I say if it doesn't bother you let it be.
Reply:hi there, i personally suggest that u get a second opinion by another dentist and see what he recomends...both of the options u mentioned sounded better than what ur dentist is suggestin..ask question like which procedure would be less painful and more affordable for u from getting removed and getting an implant to gettin removed /get braces ect..ouch it really sounds more pricey and painful than an implant yet i think u should still get a profecional opinion..good luck!! ps..i have gotten 2 implants (not so bad) just took about 2 to 3 weeks to completely heal..
windows installer
My dentist says he wants to do a root canal on the baby tooth and put a crown on it. Does this make sense? I've never heard of anyone doing this.
I thought the only options I had was to have the baby tooth removed and either have a bridge made or get an implant... or have the baby tooth removed, get braces, and have the adult tooth slowly pulled down into place (if it hasn't fused into my bone already). Both of these are WAAAY to expensive for me right now. (Ugh, this has been the excuse my parents gave years ago when we first found out about this. lol It sucks not having a lot of $$$)
Does make any sense to do a root canal on an old baby tooth?
I think the best option is the one you mentioned, having the baby tooth removed and the adult cuspid orthodontically pulled into its proper position.
Implant would be next best option if the implant could be placed with the adult cuspid impacted up there. This is better than the bridge option because placing the implant will preserve bone in the area. If the baby tooth is lost and a bridge done, the neighboring teeth will have to be cut down for the bridge and you will develop a bone defect where the tooth was.
The pulpotomy and crown idea for the baby cuspid is an option, but I question if there will be enough tooth there to provide enough structural strength so that the tooth will not fracture and the crown break off.
Our canines are very important teeth for our bite. Cuspids are the size and shape they are because they need to withstand a great deal of occlusal force. When we bite together and then slide our teeth to one side, our teeth are meant to touch only on our cuspids and our other teeth are meant to not touch. This is called Canine Rise, and if you do not want to wear your teeth abnormally,it is an important component of your bite.
Reply:ouch... removed then pulling the new one up... yikes! I say if it doesn't bother you let it be.
Reply:hi there, i personally suggest that u get a second opinion by another dentist and see what he recomends...both of the options u mentioned sounded better than what ur dentist is suggestin..ask question like which procedure would be less painful and more affordable for u from getting removed and getting an implant to gettin removed /get braces ect..ouch it really sounds more pricey and painful than an implant yet i think u should still get a profecional opinion..good luck!! ps..i have gotten 2 implants (not so bad) just took about 2 to 3 weeks to completely heal..
windows installer
Is it too late for me to wear braces in order to correct beaver teeth, if im already 20?
ive also got my left canine jutting out from the top cos their was no space for it to grow where it should. so i look like Roger Shark.
Is it too late for me to wear braces in order to correct beaver teeth, if im already 20?
It's never to late. I'm a month away from 38, and I'm going through braces right now! :-D
Reply:20 is a fine age for braces, people get them at all ages now. fix your teeth, they are very important.
Reply:Hey there, my mom is getting braces for the first time in her life, and she just turned I don't think it is ever to late. =) After her braces are off she's getting veeners put in and she's very excited about it...good luck! =)
Reply:My roommate just got them in March and she is 20. I'd say go for it.
Reply:My aunt didn't get braces until she was in her 20's. They worked just fine.
Reply:I have seen 30 year-olds wearing braces and just think, Tom Cruise was wearing braces at 40.
Reply:It is never to late to get braces. Although the older you get the more it will hurt!! At least thats what i have heard!!
Reply:no it's defiantly not to late people do it all the time in their fifties and over get them done and see a whole new acceptance among other people and it'll make u feel better they even have clear ones so that you don't have to broadcast it to the world when you open ur mouth
Reply:no...many people have braces...even people older than you...but it sucks...cuz when someone thinks of braces...they usually think of teenagers and little people...and so you would be in your early 20s getting may shock people at first...but they will get over it sooner or later....but you have to be prepared for the pain that is associated with it...i have braces now and im only 15...ive had them for like 2-3 hurts some times...but if your all good with that...then i say go ahead
Reply:I don't believe so, but I'm not a dentist or anything. I went though my braces stage when I was younger. But you might do well to look into the clear braces so that you don't get harrassed or teased. They might be still more expensive then the traditional ones, but it's up to you. Also, I've seen 40 year olds have braces so I think you're good to go for tit. Just go get checked out to see if you can. Answers isn't gonna help you as much as professionals can.
Reply:It is never tooo late to do something! You can do it when ever you feel prepared to do it. the earlier the better i did it at 16!
Reply:head of the orthodontics department in my faculty wears braces ast the age of 50. he was a prof.
Reply:Definitely not too late. :)
People in their 40s wear braces for some time and I have heard everyone saying it is really worth it.
If you feel uncomfortable about metal braces, you can choose plastic ones that are almost invisible. There are so many materials available that you will definitely find a suitable option. Some people even consider braces as jewelery...
Thinking about the future, wearing braces might last for some years depending on how much needs to be done. Also, you might not be allowed to eat taffy and some other candies that might stick to braces. Though I think that is a tiny problem in comparison to advantages...
If you get braces now, the probability of getting head aches, hurting neck etc. decreases and naturally, you will also get a great smile soon.
Good luck!
scooter parts
Is it too late for me to wear braces in order to correct beaver teeth, if im already 20?
It's never to late. I'm a month away from 38, and I'm going through braces right now! :-D
Reply:20 is a fine age for braces, people get them at all ages now. fix your teeth, they are very important.
Reply:Hey there, my mom is getting braces for the first time in her life, and she just turned I don't think it is ever to late. =) After her braces are off she's getting veeners put in and she's very excited about it...good luck! =)
Reply:My roommate just got them in March and she is 20. I'd say go for it.
Reply:My aunt didn't get braces until she was in her 20's. They worked just fine.
Reply:I have seen 30 year-olds wearing braces and just think, Tom Cruise was wearing braces at 40.
Reply:It is never to late to get braces. Although the older you get the more it will hurt!! At least thats what i have heard!!
Reply:no it's defiantly not to late people do it all the time in their fifties and over get them done and see a whole new acceptance among other people and it'll make u feel better they even have clear ones so that you don't have to broadcast it to the world when you open ur mouth
Reply:no...many people have braces...even people older than you...but it sucks...cuz when someone thinks of braces...they usually think of teenagers and little people...and so you would be in your early 20s getting may shock people at first...but they will get over it sooner or later....but you have to be prepared for the pain that is associated with it...i have braces now and im only 15...ive had them for like 2-3 hurts some times...but if your all good with that...then i say go ahead
Reply:I don't believe so, but I'm not a dentist or anything. I went though my braces stage when I was younger. But you might do well to look into the clear braces so that you don't get harrassed or teased. They might be still more expensive then the traditional ones, but it's up to you. Also, I've seen 40 year olds have braces so I think you're good to go for tit. Just go get checked out to see if you can. Answers isn't gonna help you as much as professionals can.
Reply:It is never tooo late to do something! You can do it when ever you feel prepared to do it. the earlier the better i did it at 16!
Reply:head of the orthodontics department in my faculty wears braces ast the age of 50. he was a prof.
Reply:Definitely not too late. :)
People in their 40s wear braces for some time and I have heard everyone saying it is really worth it.
If you feel uncomfortable about metal braces, you can choose plastic ones that are almost invisible. There are so many materials available that you will definitely find a suitable option. Some people even consider braces as jewelery...
Thinking about the future, wearing braces might last for some years depending on how much needs to be done. Also, you might not be allowed to eat taffy and some other candies that might stick to braces. Though I think that is a tiny problem in comparison to advantages...
If you get braces now, the probability of getting head aches, hurting neck etc. decreases and naturally, you will also get a great smile soon.
Good luck!
scooter parts
Invialign braces?
can i get invisalign if i have an impacted canine tooth
Invialign braces?
No. Not if you want to help put the canine into position, anyway. Or, not if the canine would be in the way of moving the other teeth, should you choose to leave it where it is. You could conceivably use conventional braces to get the canine into the arch and then have the braces taken off and finish with Invisalign, but at that point, you may as well finish with regular braces.
Reply:You can still have invisiline braces. They take a molding/impression before you get the braces, b/c they will be custom fit for your teeth/mouth
Reply:Only a consultation with an orthodontist can answer that. Not everyone is a candidate for Invisalign.
Reply:invisalign will not help you for impacted canine
visit for detail
Invialign braces?
No. Not if you want to help put the canine into position, anyway. Or, not if the canine would be in the way of moving the other teeth, should you choose to leave it where it is. You could conceivably use conventional braces to get the canine into the arch and then have the braces taken off and finish with Invisalign, but at that point, you may as well finish with regular braces.
Reply:You can still have invisiline braces. They take a molding/impression before you get the braces, b/c they will be custom fit for your teeth/mouth
Reply:Only a consultation with an orthodontist can answer that. Not everyone is a candidate for Invisalign.
Reply:invisalign will not help you for impacted canine
visit for detail
Why do my 2 huskies pee so much when I am not home?
If I am home my 2 huskies can hold themselves alll day long. I only have to take them out 2-4 times depending on their water intake. But when I go to work (5-9 hrs depending on the shift), I leave them in a spacious doggie proof room with a window to overlook the front yard. When I come home they have peed in multiple spots! And its always in the same place in the room. When I come home I stick their faces in it, but it seems to have no effect. I tried crate training but my dominant husky broke out and in the process broke his canine tooth and cut himself badly needing 10 stitches. So crates wont work....My other option is a fence, but I dont have the money :-/ What are my options? (and for those of you wondering why I have 2 huskies its because I rescued them and I love them very much so I will NOT give them away.)
Why do my 2 huskies pee so much when I am not home?
It may be seperation anxiety. Use a good enzyme cleaner on the spots so that they won't reuse those spots out of habit. For the anxiety, try having them confined while you're still home. Don't put them away %26amp; let them back out the moment you leave or come home. Associate being confined as "quiet time" not "momma has to go away for awhile" time.
Reply:Maybe they have a bladder infection take them to the vet
and also 9 hrs is WAY to long for the dog not to go potty.
Reply:I was going to say crate but they broke out. Try a different sized crate maybe, slightly smaller. Some dogs will prefer a smaller crate that normal.
Also, and only if you absolutely have to, restrict their water intake till they are fully trained and understand that the room they are in is not their 'pee room' which they probably think it is now. Only hold their water when you have to, if you are home and are not going out, make sure they have plenty.
Reply:Because they are dogs and don't care. They can go whenever they want. The dos belong outside. They are dogs not humans and much be treated as such.
Reply:Personally I think it is a bit mean to leave those dogs in a room all alone and not expect them to pee. I mean, have dog will pee. I really really hope you save up for a fence for those two. Not just when you feel like it but as a matter of urgency.
Give them a daily supply of water as ice cubes. That way they'll drink slowely.
You say when you're at home you let them out to pee, then all of a sudden you expect them to not pee with no breaks...think about it.
Why do my 2 huskies pee so much when I am not home?
It may be seperation anxiety. Use a good enzyme cleaner on the spots so that they won't reuse those spots out of habit. For the anxiety, try having them confined while you're still home. Don't put them away %26amp; let them back out the moment you leave or come home. Associate being confined as "quiet time" not "momma has to go away for awhile" time.
Reply:Maybe they have a bladder infection take them to the vet
and also 9 hrs is WAY to long for the dog not to go potty.
Reply:I was going to say crate but they broke out. Try a different sized crate maybe, slightly smaller. Some dogs will prefer a smaller crate that normal.
Also, and only if you absolutely have to, restrict their water intake till they are fully trained and understand that the room they are in is not their 'pee room' which they probably think it is now. Only hold their water when you have to, if you are home and are not going out, make sure they have plenty.
Reply:Because they are dogs and don't care. They can go whenever they want. The dos belong outside. They are dogs not humans and much be treated as such.
Reply:Personally I think it is a bit mean to leave those dogs in a room all alone and not expect them to pee. I mean, have dog will pee. I really really hope you save up for a fence for those two. Not just when you feel like it but as a matter of urgency.
Give them a daily supply of water as ice cubes. That way they'll drink slowely.
You say when you're at home you let them out to pee, then all of a sudden you expect them to not pee with no breaks...think about it.
Injured Dog, not mine, NEED advice!?
I just went into my kitchen (2:00 am my time) and a huge Chocolate Lab is laying on the floor. The dog next door is in heat and I have seen this dog hanging around. He has a front paw that is swollen about 3 times the size of his other ones. His nose is very dry and crusty. The cracks of the swelling on his paw ooze a pinkish foamy goo when the paw is slightly squeezed. I can't find a cut or any sandspurs (common in my area). I do see one deep puncture-like (canine tooth sized) wound. He is unresponsive to commands. He has tried twice to get up, but layed back down without moving more than a foot or two. I think he either has an un-attended infection or a snakebite. Either way I'm not sure what I should do until morning when I can call a vet. I put hot towels on his paw. Now I don't know what to do.
Injured Dog, not mine, NEED advice!?
You need to call animal control and have them come get the dog so it can be treated. They will notify the owner.
There is nothing else you can do that can take the place of vet care. What is oozing from his paw is plasma coming from a very infected wound. Put a warm cloth, not a hot one, that will help bring out the infection and soothe the pain.
You also could take him to the nearest animal hospital they are open all night and tell them you found him and he needs help. Most likely they will not turn him away, but then you never know..
Reply:call vet and tell him the dog is not yours but it is in pain
Reply:Call animal control.
Reply:Sounds like another dog bit him (probably competing for the female in heat, or maybe she did it) and it got infected (hence the funky oozing). A snake bite wouldn't leave a puncture that big.
You should probably call a 24 hour vet since he seems to be in such bad shape.
And, tell your neighbors to spay their dog, or bring her inside.
Reply:I took my pet to an emergency vet clinic in our area.
If you have such a place near you, call them and see what advice they offer first.
It sounds like you have done all the first aid I could think of to offer.
While tis a shame the pup is injured, he is lucky to have found such a caring human to help him.
Good Luck.
Reply:Sounds like he's a goner.Septic. Unless you get him to the Vet right away for some IV fluids and antibiotics. If he's febrile and full of infection from his paw and now raging through his entire system he will go into multisystem failure soon with out aggresive support from an animal hospital. It's not free, several thousand dollars, but you must do the right thing.
Reply:It sounds like he has infection from the dog bite,and that would be the reason for the swelling.If you have some hydrogen peroxide,try to clean the wound with that(if not salty water will work).I would also be putting an icepack on the swollen foot as with swelling it would be hot and the hottowel on his poor will only encourage more swelling.You must cool it down.
Working on the dog having an infection and the fact that his nose is dry and cracked,please try and get something to drink into him.You will find he is very dehydrated.You can test this by doing a pinch test on the skin.Pull up the skin with your fingers it should flick straight back.If it doesnt then he is dehydrated.Some water or milky water to encourage him to drink would be a great advantage.Good luck and god bless you for taking care of this animal.
Reply:snake bite:
dog bite:
Reply:This dog is dehydrated, in shock, and in need of EMERGENCY care. If he is that unresponsive, he likely won't last the night. Call the Vet's emergency #, or an emergency vet to see about stabilizing him before bringing him in. At the very least call Animal Control %26amp; get some advice/someone out there. Shock itself can kill, and very quickly. It is the result of the body not getting enough oxygen, in this case as a result of trauma.Cover him with a blanket or towel, as shock causes hypothermia which makes it worse. Rub a drop or two of honey or corn syrup on the gums as shock can also cause very low blood sugar levels.My states "Pets who are treated quickly will recover from shock within a few hours. But because shock is so serious and acts so quickly-pets can die within minutes-fast first aid and veterinary attention are essential". Don't move him, keep a calm environment, and get emergency treatment NOW to avoid tragedy. Praying for you.
Reply:I treat a lot of dog injuries but I'm not a vet.The first thing I would do is take his temp.You can use a human thermometer.Remember to use something as a muzzle as dogs in distress can be unpredictable.His normal temp. should be 100.5 to 102.5 It is important to give him fresh clean water, if he will drink.He doesn't need food at this time.If he won't drink use a turkey baster with water and put in the side of his lip be very careful to go slow YOU DONOT want liquid in his lungs!! If he will eat at this point give him some canned food diluted with water so he is taking in liquid.Please take him to a vet as soon as possible.You can clean his wounds with Betadine or a half and half mixture of iodine and water.Puncture wounds can cause a lot of trouble so he needs antibotics and the vet!! He may be in shock and it sometimes kills very quickly try to cover him and keep him quite and warm.Try to find an 24hr. emergency vet service in your area or try the humane society to help. GOOD LUCK
Reply:Give him a Benadryl pill (one for every 50 lbs or so) to help with any swelling and get him to a vet or call animal control.
Reply:From your description the dog is allowing you to go near him? Is he allowing you to touch him (you dont have to take chances, just asking if he is one of those friendly dogs). You can feed him fluids and semi-solid food to prevent dehydration. The dry nose is indicative of dehydration also. When there is intake of food dogs usually recover fast on their own even without vet care if its not possible. You can try to contact the local or nearby animal shelter for help. For now its just food and rest for him. Snake bite may not be the reason because if it was so, there would be frothing in the mouth and if its a lethal snake he would have been gone by now. Good that you are trying to help him. If you can locate the owner, that is best,,,look in local dailies if someone has put an ad about a dog they have lost? Dogs do go to other areas during mating season and may not be able to get back sometimes (due to hostile dogs on their path). Good Luck
Injured Dog, not mine, NEED advice!?
You need to call animal control and have them come get the dog so it can be treated. They will notify the owner.
There is nothing else you can do that can take the place of vet care. What is oozing from his paw is plasma coming from a very infected wound. Put a warm cloth, not a hot one, that will help bring out the infection and soothe the pain.
You also could take him to the nearest animal hospital they are open all night and tell them you found him and he needs help. Most likely they will not turn him away, but then you never know..
Reply:call vet and tell him the dog is not yours but it is in pain
Reply:Call animal control.
Reply:Sounds like another dog bit him (probably competing for the female in heat, or maybe she did it) and it got infected (hence the funky oozing). A snake bite wouldn't leave a puncture that big.
You should probably call a 24 hour vet since he seems to be in such bad shape.
And, tell your neighbors to spay their dog, or bring her inside.
Reply:I took my pet to an emergency vet clinic in our area.
If you have such a place near you, call them and see what advice they offer first.
It sounds like you have done all the first aid I could think of to offer.
While tis a shame the pup is injured, he is lucky to have found such a caring human to help him.
Good Luck.
Reply:Sounds like he's a goner.Septic. Unless you get him to the Vet right away for some IV fluids and antibiotics. If he's febrile and full of infection from his paw and now raging through his entire system he will go into multisystem failure soon with out aggresive support from an animal hospital. It's not free, several thousand dollars, but you must do the right thing.
Reply:It sounds like he has infection from the dog bite,and that would be the reason for the swelling.If you have some hydrogen peroxide,try to clean the wound with that(if not salty water will work).I would also be putting an icepack on the swollen foot as with swelling it would be hot and the hottowel on his poor will only encourage more swelling.You must cool it down.
Working on the dog having an infection and the fact that his nose is dry and cracked,please try and get something to drink into him.You will find he is very dehydrated.You can test this by doing a pinch test on the skin.Pull up the skin with your fingers it should flick straight back.If it doesnt then he is dehydrated.Some water or milky water to encourage him to drink would be a great advantage.Good luck and god bless you for taking care of this animal.
Reply:snake bite:
dog bite:
Reply:This dog is dehydrated, in shock, and in need of EMERGENCY care. If he is that unresponsive, he likely won't last the night. Call the Vet's emergency #, or an emergency vet to see about stabilizing him before bringing him in. At the very least call Animal Control %26amp; get some advice/someone out there. Shock itself can kill, and very quickly. It is the result of the body not getting enough oxygen, in this case as a result of trauma.Cover him with a blanket or towel, as shock causes hypothermia which makes it worse. Rub a drop or two of honey or corn syrup on the gums as shock can also cause very low blood sugar levels.My states "Pets who are treated quickly will recover from shock within a few hours. But because shock is so serious and acts so quickly-pets can die within minutes-fast first aid and veterinary attention are essential". Don't move him, keep a calm environment, and get emergency treatment NOW to avoid tragedy. Praying for you.
Reply:I treat a lot of dog injuries but I'm not a vet.The first thing I would do is take his temp.You can use a human thermometer.Remember to use something as a muzzle as dogs in distress can be unpredictable.His normal temp. should be 100.5 to 102.5 It is important to give him fresh clean water, if he will drink.He doesn't need food at this time.If he won't drink use a turkey baster with water and put in the side of his lip be very careful to go slow YOU DONOT want liquid in his lungs!! If he will eat at this point give him some canned food diluted with water so he is taking in liquid.Please take him to a vet as soon as possible.You can clean his wounds with Betadine or a half and half mixture of iodine and water.Puncture wounds can cause a lot of trouble so he needs antibotics and the vet!! He may be in shock and it sometimes kills very quickly try to cover him and keep him quite and warm.Try to find an 24hr. emergency vet service in your area or try the humane society to help. GOOD LUCK
Reply:Give him a Benadryl pill (one for every 50 lbs or so) to help with any swelling and get him to a vet or call animal control.
Reply:From your description the dog is allowing you to go near him? Is he allowing you to touch him (you dont have to take chances, just asking if he is one of those friendly dogs). You can feed him fluids and semi-solid food to prevent dehydration. The dry nose is indicative of dehydration also. When there is intake of food dogs usually recover fast on their own even without vet care if its not possible. You can try to contact the local or nearby animal shelter for help. For now its just food and rest for him. Snake bite may not be the reason because if it was so, there would be frothing in the mouth and if its a lethal snake he would have been gone by now. Good that you are trying to help him. If you can locate the owner, that is best,,,look in local dailies if someone has put an ad about a dog they have lost? Dogs do go to other areas during mating season and may not be able to get back sometimes (due to hostile dogs on their path). Good Luck
Jaw clenching?
I have an occasional problem in which when I am under pressure or stress I clench my jaw. This occasion it has led to be actually damaging my canine tooth and excrutiating pain from the nerves. My dentist has given me a Gum shield to put on night time. Are there any exercises that I could be doing to help?
Jaw clenching?
This is a bad problem yes something to help you relax may help a gum shield will only protect your teeth I have and still have this problem if you check my questions you will see how serious it can be look at and that will give you the correct info
Reply:just relax that will help
Reply:the obvious one!
Reply:sounds like u need something to help u relax a little. Try taking a mild antianxiety med.
Reply:I would also recommend you start taking a calcium/magnesium supplement at night along with your supper. Cal/mags help the body relax, %26amp; may lessen your tension...which may result in improved jaw.
You may also want to consider buying a dental rinse/mouthwash that strengthens teeth.
Reply:meditation. You need to relax more.
Reply:stay clam and when you r nervous put any thing in your mouth to eat this will improve your habit.
I had also the same problem and hope this method will also make a chnage in you.
Reply:Try giving Indian Head Massage a whirl. It involves, amongst other things, a nice relaxing facial massage and will do wonders for you.
HTH Fozbah ;-)
Reply:may be chewing a gum will be helpfull for u
Jaw clenching?
This is a bad problem yes something to help you relax may help a gum shield will only protect your teeth I have and still have this problem if you check my questions you will see how serious it can be look at and that will give you the correct info
Reply:just relax that will help
Reply:the obvious one!
Reply:sounds like u need something to help u relax a little. Try taking a mild antianxiety med.
Reply:I would also recommend you start taking a calcium/magnesium supplement at night along with your supper. Cal/mags help the body relax, %26amp; may lessen your tension...which may result in improved jaw.
You may also want to consider buying a dental rinse/mouthwash that strengthens teeth.
Reply:meditation. You need to relax more.
Reply:stay clam and when you r nervous put any thing in your mouth to eat this will improve your habit.
I had also the same problem and hope this method will also make a chnage in you.
Reply:Try giving Indian Head Massage a whirl. It involves, amongst other things, a nice relaxing facial massage and will do wonders for you.
HTH Fozbah ;-)
Reply:may be chewing a gum will be helpfull for u
How to sooth swollen gums?
Well, only one part of my gums are swollen. My gums right infront if my bottom right canine tooth is swelling a bit. My main question is how to make it feel better. If you think you know why it happened, please, don't hesitate.
How to sooth swollen gums?
salt water my help the pain . it could be gingivitis if you don't have a heath mouth or maybe you just ate something that cut your gum or got lodged in there . be genital and try to floss to see if you can dislodge something , if the pain persists for more than a week go to a dentist it could be an abses tooth
Reply:Rinse your mouth with salt water, it helps any infections if any.
Reply:can be LOTS of to a dentist.
Reply:Its a case of ginigivitis. Go to your doctor and ask for your teeth to be cleaned - they can also clean underneath the gumline. Once they do this and you keep up a regular brushing and flossing technique the swelling will go down.
In the meantime brush and floss your teeth regularly and use a mouthwash or salty water to prevent the infection from spreading to the rest of your gums.
Reply:try a tea bag
Reply:try ice to make the swelling go down.
Reply:Some numbing solution like Ambesol That is the skip zone when you are brushing. Slow down when your brushing and focus on that area. The tissue is thin in that area so be gentle only a soft tooth brush.
Reply:don't touch them with your tongue.Drink Water.
family nanny
How to sooth swollen gums?
salt water my help the pain . it could be gingivitis if you don't have a heath mouth or maybe you just ate something that cut your gum or got lodged in there . be genital and try to floss to see if you can dislodge something , if the pain persists for more than a week go to a dentist it could be an abses tooth
Reply:Rinse your mouth with salt water, it helps any infections if any.
Reply:can be LOTS of to a dentist.
Reply:Its a case of ginigivitis. Go to your doctor and ask for your teeth to be cleaned - they can also clean underneath the gumline. Once they do this and you keep up a regular brushing and flossing technique the swelling will go down.
In the meantime brush and floss your teeth regularly and use a mouthwash or salty water to prevent the infection from spreading to the rest of your gums.
Reply:try a tea bag
Reply:try ice to make the swelling go down.
Reply:Some numbing solution like Ambesol That is the skip zone when you are brushing. Slow down when your brushing and focus on that area. The tissue is thin in that area so be gentle only a soft tooth brush.
Reply:don't touch them with your tongue.Drink Water.
family nanny
Do braces work for adults i,e some who is 23!!?
my incicors have overlapped i was thinking about using braces to push 1 incicor because i dont have a canine tooth with this i create space for the other incicor will this work please advice. thanks
Do braces work for adults i,e some who is 23!!?
Yeah, of course, but I heard it hurts more as you grow older...
Reply:Yes they do.
Reply:My sister got braces at 40 and now loves her straight teeth!
Reply:Of course they work. I got mine when I was 21 and wore them for a couple of years. My orthodontist told me that they had 50 year old patients as well.
Reply:its ok
but try a specialist Doctor to help you with it
Reply:I'm 48 years old and a few years ago, I got into a very serious rodeo accident where I got kicked in the face by a Rodeo Bull. I was level one trauma with my pallet split 3/4" of an inch, my check bone and sinus was crushed in and My jaw was broke in 7 different places and my teeth were knocked out on the left side. Over $400,000.00 later along with my pallet chained together, my jaw wired together with 11, 3" wires and plates for a sinus and cheek bone as well as a part of my lower jaw bone. The best part was...I had braces to hold my teeth back in place and now my teeth are not only straight but they're all as tight and together as can be. My teeth were hanging vertical in my mouth at the hospital and now they're tight and straight as can be. If Braces fixed my teeth, I have no doubt they will take care of your gap at 23 years of age. Good luck to you. Oh yea, the only thing different after the hospital visit was I went right back to fighting Bulls 2.5 weeks later but had to mumble my cuss words to get the Bulls attention and I lost 28 pounds because the only thing I could eat was anything I could shoot into my mouth with a syringe, a straw was out of the question.
Reply:I was 49 when I got braces and yes braces do work. My braces are off and I have straight teeth. Schedule a consultation with an orthodontist.
Reply:Absolutely they do! I am 25 and been braced for two weeks and I can already see dramatic improvement. Granted being braced as an adult has its social stigmas...but its so worth it!
Reply:I had braces on my top and bottom teeth when I was 28 (I am almost 30) and still have the bottom braces on but my dentist has almost finished so the bottom ones will be coming off soon. To look at my teeth before I got braces they looked perfectly straight to anyone else (and myself) but from an x-ray they looked totally crooked and I was amazed at how great they looked when I saw the x-ray almost 2 years later.
There is no max age on getting braces but getting them will be a pain but you won't regret it when you see the end result. I just went through dental implant surgery yesterday (I had no adult teeth grow in after baby teeth fell out). You are never too old to get this kind of thing done. Best of luck!
Reply:lol.....I was in my late 50s and got braces and now get compliments on my smile all the time......and you think 23 is too old???? lmao thats good go for it and smile you'll love it
office supply
Do braces work for adults i,e some who is 23!!?
Yeah, of course, but I heard it hurts more as you grow older...
Reply:Yes they do.
Reply:My sister got braces at 40 and now loves her straight teeth!
Reply:Of course they work. I got mine when I was 21 and wore them for a couple of years. My orthodontist told me that they had 50 year old patients as well.
Reply:its ok
but try a specialist Doctor to help you with it
Reply:I'm 48 years old and a few years ago, I got into a very serious rodeo accident where I got kicked in the face by a Rodeo Bull. I was level one trauma with my pallet split 3/4" of an inch, my check bone and sinus was crushed in and My jaw was broke in 7 different places and my teeth were knocked out on the left side. Over $400,000.00 later along with my pallet chained together, my jaw wired together with 11, 3" wires and plates for a sinus and cheek bone as well as a part of my lower jaw bone. The best part was...I had braces to hold my teeth back in place and now my teeth are not only straight but they're all as tight and together as can be. My teeth were hanging vertical in my mouth at the hospital and now they're tight and straight as can be. If Braces fixed my teeth, I have no doubt they will take care of your gap at 23 years of age. Good luck to you. Oh yea, the only thing different after the hospital visit was I went right back to fighting Bulls 2.5 weeks later but had to mumble my cuss words to get the Bulls attention and I lost 28 pounds because the only thing I could eat was anything I could shoot into my mouth with a syringe, a straw was out of the question.
Reply:I was 49 when I got braces and yes braces do work. My braces are off and I have straight teeth. Schedule a consultation with an orthodontist.
Reply:Absolutely they do! I am 25 and been braced for two weeks and I can already see dramatic improvement. Granted being braced as an adult has its social stigmas...but its so worth it!
Reply:I had braces on my top and bottom teeth when I was 28 (I am almost 30) and still have the bottom braces on but my dentist has almost finished so the bottom ones will be coming off soon. To look at my teeth before I got braces they looked perfectly straight to anyone else (and myself) but from an x-ray they looked totally crooked and I was amazed at how great they looked when I saw the x-ray almost 2 years later.
There is no max age on getting braces but getting them will be a pain but you won't regret it when you see the end result. I just went through dental implant surgery yesterday (I had no adult teeth grow in after baby teeth fell out). You are never too old to get this kind of thing done. Best of luck!
Reply:lol.....I was in my late 50s and got braces and now get compliments on my smile all the time......and you think 23 is too old???? lmao thats good go for it and smile you'll love it
office supply
how long will it take for an impacted canine tooth to get in position if its over the incisor 4-7 millimeters?and do you need braces to do that?
OMG! you came here to ask that!?!?!? you should either ask your dentist or an orthodontist
Reply:An impacted tooth of any kind should be seen by your dentist. They can help you decide if braces or other care is necessary.
Asking for medical advice from a bunch of folks hanging out on the internet isn't the best way to stay healthy.
Reply:Have you had this checked by a good dentist, oral surgeon, or othodontist?
Often an impacted tooth will be surgical removed... or exposed some, and pulled down by a small chain.
Reply:Probably it will took a half a year. Braces will be the one to help it to be in it right position.
office stationery
OMG! you came here to ask that!?!?!? you should either ask your dentist or an orthodontist
Reply:An impacted tooth of any kind should be seen by your dentist. They can help you decide if braces or other care is necessary.
Asking for medical advice from a bunch of folks hanging out on the internet isn't the best way to stay healthy.
Reply:Have you had this checked by a good dentist, oral surgeon, or othodontist?
Often an impacted tooth will be surgical removed... or exposed some, and pulled down by a small chain.
Reply:Probably it will took a half a year. Braces will be the one to help it to be in it right position.
office stationery
I need to learn why my cat is not functioning properly?
He is only 2 years old, and has been in many fights. Has had a broken leg, and recently broke a canine tooth off right below the gum line. He has suddenly become very, very lethargic, and wont eat. He has never meowed, only made a cackling sort of sound since I found him. I rescued him from an abusive situation a year and a half ago and he was covered in cooking oil when I found him. Had to bathe him 18 times to get him clean. Anyway, I was just wondering what the heck is going on, and if anyone can answer my questions.
I need to learn why my cat is not functioning properly?
Wow... I'm so sorry for you and your cat. You should take him to the vet. If it's too expensive, just bring him in to some sort of clinic to gt their opinion. if they tell you that your cat needs to see a vet, then bring him right away. I hope he gets better!
Reply:Uh....take the cat to the vet? Why are you wasting time asing us what is wrong. The poor thing...take it to the vet as soon as possible!
Listen if you don't have the money to take it to the vet give it to a rescue angency who willpay for the cost and give him a good home.
Reply:You should bring him to a vets!!! They will probably be the only ones who can tell you EXACTLY what is going on with your cat! Good Luck!
Reply:Just take him to vet and see what's wrong. A lot of things can make a cat act strangely, is it it fixed? I think sometimes unfixed male cats have little eppisodes where they act funny. Just take it to the vet and see.
Reply:If he gets in a lot of fights and isn't current on his shots, it could be something like Feline Lukemia (also called kitty aids). Whenever there is biting involved, there is a super high infection rate, especially if he's fighting with feral cats. I had a cat die from this and it is so sad. I'm not trying to freak you out, just take him to the vet and see what they say.
Reply:I believe your cat has got an infection from whichever cats or dogs that s/he was fighting with. See a vet, s/he should be very weak now. Losing appetite and wanting to sleep all the time are signs of infection.
Reply:He needs to be examined by a veterinarian!
Reply:That's sooooooooooooo sad! sry can't answer ur question! My cat got in a fight once. then it NEVER came in the house agian! isn't that weird?
Reply:Take him to the vet because he may have a really bad mouth problem which can make4 him sick. I had a female that had the same problem and where the tooth broke off had an abscess in other words she had a severe infection. His leg also needs to be looked at as well.
Reply:(P)awwwww1 My heart goes out 2 you. May the Lord bless u for rescuing this cat; however, u must do more. The cat's still suffering...please spay him; make him stay indoors; take him 2 the vet. Maybe consider VPI (Vet Pet Ins.). ASAP, please...
prada handbags
I need to learn why my cat is not functioning properly?
Wow... I'm so sorry for you and your cat. You should take him to the vet. If it's too expensive, just bring him in to some sort of clinic to gt their opinion. if they tell you that your cat needs to see a vet, then bring him right away. I hope he gets better!
Reply:Uh....take the cat to the vet? Why are you wasting time asing us what is wrong. The poor thing...take it to the vet as soon as possible!
Listen if you don't have the money to take it to the vet give it to a rescue angency who willpay for the cost and give him a good home.
Reply:You should bring him to a vets!!! They will probably be the only ones who can tell you EXACTLY what is going on with your cat! Good Luck!
Reply:Just take him to vet and see what's wrong. A lot of things can make a cat act strangely, is it it fixed? I think sometimes unfixed male cats have little eppisodes where they act funny. Just take it to the vet and see.
Reply:If he gets in a lot of fights and isn't current on his shots, it could be something like Feline Lukemia (also called kitty aids). Whenever there is biting involved, there is a super high infection rate, especially if he's fighting with feral cats. I had a cat die from this and it is so sad. I'm not trying to freak you out, just take him to the vet and see what they say.
Reply:I believe your cat has got an infection from whichever cats or dogs that s/he was fighting with. See a vet, s/he should be very weak now. Losing appetite and wanting to sleep all the time are signs of infection.
Reply:He needs to be examined by a veterinarian!
Reply:That's sooooooooooooo sad! sry can't answer ur question! My cat got in a fight once. then it NEVER came in the house agian! isn't that weird?
Reply:Take him to the vet because he may have a really bad mouth problem which can make4 him sick. I had a female that had the same problem and where the tooth broke off had an abscess in other words she had a severe infection. His leg also needs to be looked at as well.
Reply:(P)awwwww1 My heart goes out 2 you. May the Lord bless u for rescuing this cat; however, u must do more. The cat's still suffering...please spay him; make him stay indoors; take him 2 the vet. Maybe consider VPI (Vet Pet Ins.). ASAP, please...
prada handbags
Can a vet please give me an opinion about treating head trauma in cats with steroids?
My 8-year old cat recently was whacked in the head with a heavy door. At first, she seemed fine, but within 24 hours she was showing signs of neurological problems (loss of balance, head tilt to the right, loss of appetite, etc.) The vet also found what seems to be an abscess at the root of her canine (?) tooth. She prescribed a steroid (prednisolone) to deal with the head injury and an antibiotic (clavamox) to deal with the infection. The cat is doing a little better, now. Still unbalanced, and still has the head tilt, but she's eating and interacting with us again. Also, her eyes have regained pupillary response and aren't "ticking" as much.
My question relates to the use of steroids to treat the head trauma. I just read an article that says it's not a good idea, and that people (and, presumably, pets) are more likely to die within two weeks of being injured than those not treated with steroids. Is this now widely believed? Are we making a potentially lethal mistake?
Can a vet please give me an opinion about treating head trauma in cats with steroids?
Steroids are very effective at reducing swelling quickly. With head trauma, the goal is to get swelling down fast before brain damage can occur. The fact that she is responding is a good sign.
I would ask this question of your vet and see what he thinks before stopping any treatment, especially since your cat is improving. There may be some risk, but it may be a situation with both people and animals with brain injuries that the risks of prednisone are outweighed by the need to reduce the swelling quickly. It may be that steroid use should only be limited to certain specific situations where they are likely to do the most good.
Reply:The steroid is for the infected tooth too. The tooth may actually be causing more of the disorientation than the hit on the head.
Reply:1 call the vet and ask that fool if they knew about the dangers of them meds 2 cortazone does the same thing for head trauma clavamox is good stuff 10 times better then penacilin you didn't state how long on the meds but they will help no matter what we or animals take we have that chance of death but you'll be OK the tilt is from the balance of her or his inner ear being knock out of wack the animals will regain it's balance in time eating drinking and play is very good if this is a first time to that vet ask them about what you read and if the double talk you tell them that they will be fully resposable for any deaths do to the meds you gave out knowing that it will kill the animals yank his or her lic Boo Hoo to them maybe one day we will see them money hungry fools under a bridge sorry no change but here is some meds give it time if not happy go to a second vet
Visual Arts
My question relates to the use of steroids to treat the head trauma. I just read an article that says it's not a good idea, and that people (and, presumably, pets) are more likely to die within two weeks of being injured than those not treated with steroids. Is this now widely believed? Are we making a potentially lethal mistake?
Can a vet please give me an opinion about treating head trauma in cats with steroids?
Steroids are very effective at reducing swelling quickly. With head trauma, the goal is to get swelling down fast before brain damage can occur. The fact that she is responding is a good sign.
I would ask this question of your vet and see what he thinks before stopping any treatment, especially since your cat is improving. There may be some risk, but it may be a situation with both people and animals with brain injuries that the risks of prednisone are outweighed by the need to reduce the swelling quickly. It may be that steroid use should only be limited to certain specific situations where they are likely to do the most good.
Reply:The steroid is for the infected tooth too. The tooth may actually be causing more of the disorientation than the hit on the head.
Reply:1 call the vet and ask that fool if they knew about the dangers of them meds 2 cortazone does the same thing for head trauma clavamox is good stuff 10 times better then penacilin you didn't state how long on the meds but they will help no matter what we or animals take we have that chance of death but you'll be OK the tilt is from the balance of her or his inner ear being knock out of wack the animals will regain it's balance in time eating drinking and play is very good if this is a first time to that vet ask them about what you read and if the double talk you tell them that they will be fully resposable for any deaths do to the meds you gave out knowing that it will kill the animals yank his or her lic Boo Hoo to them maybe one day we will see them money hungry fools under a bridge sorry no change but here is some meds give it time if not happy go to a second vet
Visual Arts
Whats wrong with my gums?
last night i went to the orthodontist and i got my lower and upper teath chained together (if you have braces you'd know what that was I think) it's just to close up gaps so yeah it hurts like hell but also, in the back on the top part of my mouth, i think my gum has swolen a little behind the left canine tooth. I had some popcorn (shut up i know it's bad for braces) could it be that some kernel or w/e got stuck in it or what is it and how can i get rid of it w/o going to the dentist?
Whats wrong with my gums?
Try using a mouthwash of warm salt water and see if that helps.. over a few days.
Reply:Can you manage to get a toothpick in their to see? It may be. Try swishing some salt water in your mouth. It should bring the swelling down.
Whats wrong with my gums?
Try using a mouthwash of warm salt water and see if that helps.. over a few days.
Reply:Can you manage to get a toothpick in their to see? It may be. Try swishing some salt water in your mouth. It should bring the swelling down.
Odd spot on upper left side of lip question?
I don't know if I bit my lip or what, but on the upper left side of my mouth, by my canine tooth, I detected almost a scrapelike feeling two days ago, yesterday it turned brownish yellow, and today a yellowish white. It hurts a bit, but it was sort of big and has decreased in size.
Could this be cancer, or is it normal for a sore in the mouth to heal this way?
Odd spot on upper left side of lip question?
This sounds normal. If the sore persists for more than 2 weeks, call your dentist.
Reply:Most likely a normal reaction to a trauma that will heal fairly quickly. When we do an oral cancer exam we are looking for any very red, white or blue lesions to indicate an area to be furthur evaluated by an oral surgeon or by an in office biopsy.
Hope that helps!
JAMRDH -a dental hygienist
exchange rate
Could this be cancer, or is it normal for a sore in the mouth to heal this way?
Odd spot on upper left side of lip question?
This sounds normal. If the sore persists for more than 2 weeks, call your dentist.
Reply:Most likely a normal reaction to a trauma that will heal fairly quickly. When we do an oral cancer exam we are looking for any very red, white or blue lesions to indicate an area to be furthur evaluated by an oral surgeon or by an in office biopsy.
Hope that helps!
JAMRDH -a dental hygienist
exchange rate
Sore gum/ringing ears?
i have a pain and tenderness on my gum at the site of my canine tooth...the toooth is no longer there it was extracted a few months ago......i have a feelling of pressure and swelling in my face i also have a ringing in my you think i could have infection there?...would the ringing in my ears indicate infection?.......The gum is very tender to touch.....
id appreciate any help you can offer me....many thanks in advance
Sore gum/ringing ears?
The ringing in the ears may or may not be related. The swelling and feeling of pressure sure sound like an infection to me. Get to the dentist--an x-ray should tell the tale.
Steve Bornfeld, DDS
id appreciate any help you can offer me....many thanks in advance
Sore gum/ringing ears?
The ringing in the ears may or may not be related. The swelling and feeling of pressure sure sound like an infection to me. Get to the dentist--an x-ray should tell the tale.
Steve Bornfeld, DDS
Is my baby teething?
My son is about two and a half months old. He started drooling a lot about two weeks ago and today he has cold like symptoms. He has a runny nose. He sounds congested and is coughing a lot. He has been chewing on his fists and his gums are turning a little white. Especially in the one spot on the bottom where his canine tooth would be. Is he teething or could he just be sick? Please help. Thanks in advance.
Is my baby teething?
teething can occur at any age - some babies are born with teeth :-/
but symptoms of teething can also occur months before any teeth put in an appearance.
I would say my first daughter showed signs of teething about 4 months before anything happened and my 4 month old shows similar symptoms to your son.
However, the congestion and coughing doesn't sound like teething - poor little love might have a cold AND be teething.
Keep an eye on his temperature and go to the docs if your instincts tell you he really is sick.
otherwise, looks like a few months of this before a tooth appears - sorry!
Reply:thats a bit young to start teething. But he could have a cold. OR just like the way his hands feel in his mouth. Also he could have cold. You should consult your ped doc.
Reply:What are the symptoms of teething?
The symptoms of teething vary from child to child. Because of these different experiences, parents and physicians often disagree as to the symptoms of teething and how painful it is. The list below shows symptoms that a teething baby may experience. While most parents usually agree that some or all of the symptoms below happened around the time of teething, it is still recommended that if your baby experiences any of these symptoms you check with your pediatrician to rule out other possible causes for the symptoms.
Cold like symptoms (runny nose, etc.): Some parents find that their baby will show signs of having a cold. Runny noses, coughing and general cold symptoms are believed to come from the baby having their hands in their mouth more often. Play it safe and always notify your doctor if symptoms such as this occur.
Drooling: From three to four months of age you may see your baby start drooling more often than normal. Teething stimulates drooling, which is often worse with some babies than others.
Irritability: As the sharp little tooth rises closer to the surface your baby’s gums may become increasingly more sore and painful, leading to your baby being very fussy. The pain and discomfort is most often worse during the first teeth coming in and later when the molars come in because of their bigger size. This is most often the case since babies become accustomed to the sensations of teething and learn to live with them. But you may find your baby may be fussy during the whole time that every tooth comes in. Every child reacts differently.
Coughing: The extra saliva can cause your baby to occasionally cough or gag. This is usually nothing to worry about as long as your baby seems fine and shows no signs of a cold or flu and does not run a high fever.
Chin rash: If your baby is a big drooler, the constant contact with saliva can cause the skin around the chin and mouth to become irritated. To help prevent this, gently wipe your baby’s mouth and chin periodically throughout the day.
Biting %26amp; gnawing: A baby that is teething will gnaw and gum down on anything she or he can get their mouth around. The counter pressure from biting on something helps relieve the pressure from under the gums.
Cheek rubbing and ear pulling: Pain in the gums may travel to the ears and cheeks particularly when the back molars begin coming in. This is why you may see your baby rubbing their cheeks or pulling at their ears. However, keep in mind that pulling at an ear can also be a sign of an ear infection.
Diarrhea: While this is a symptom that is disagreed upon by physicians, researchers and parents, most parents usually notice slightly looser bowel movements when a baby is teething. While the recent study done by the Children’s Hospital in Australia found this to be the most common symptom of teething, there are still many people that will agree and disagree with this recent study. It is believed that the most likely cause of this is the extra saliva swallowed, which then loosens the stool. Be sure and report any diarrhea to your doctor that lasts more than two bowel movements.
Low-grade fever: A fever is another symptom that doctors are sometimes hesitant to directly link with teething. But there are many parents who will disagree with this and find their baby gets a slight fever while teething. The best thing to do is be extra safe and notify your doctor if a fever last more than two days.
Not sleeping well: With teething pain happening during the day and night, you may find your child wakes more often at night when the pain gets bad enough. Most parents agree that the night waking happens more often during the first set of teeth and with the molars.
So it looks like teething. But he seems too young. Check your doctor first.
See this site
Reply:sounds like he is teething. there are lots of teething remedies. one is orajel or anbesol for babies. or hylands teething tablets. they dissolve immediately under the tongue. or camemillia from "boiron" but don't let your baby be in pain if you he doesn't have to be. if it gets really bad you can give Tylenol but check with your pediatrician first. since he is so young.
good luck
Reply:I have a baby girl who is teething also and she is only 2 months and 3 weeks. She always has her hands in her mouth and is drooling quite a bit now. She had a fever one day and also another day had diahrrea. My mother told me this is because she is teething. My first born went thru the same thing and got her first tooth when she was 4 months old. It kind of sounds like your baby is teething but also might have a cold. Check with your doctor just to make sure. Good luck. And Orajel works wonders!
Reply:I have heard of babies getting their first tooth as early as 3 months old, so it is possible that your son is starting to show some signs of teething; however, most babies do not start getting teeth until around 6-7 months. If he is teething he will appreciate having something nice to chew on like a chilled teething ring or a cold damp wash cloth. If the cold-like symptoms persist, and for your own peace of mind, you might want to take him to your doctor to rule out the possibility of a head cold, ear infection, or allergy issues.
Reply:I'm guessing that he just has a cold......most babies get their front bottom teeth first........the gums will be swollen......usually babies don't start teething until they are at least 4 months.........I would take him to the doctor you will be able to find out for sure...good luck!
credit cards
Is my baby teething?
teething can occur at any age - some babies are born with teeth :-/
but symptoms of teething can also occur months before any teeth put in an appearance.
I would say my first daughter showed signs of teething about 4 months before anything happened and my 4 month old shows similar symptoms to your son.
However, the congestion and coughing doesn't sound like teething - poor little love might have a cold AND be teething.
Keep an eye on his temperature and go to the docs if your instincts tell you he really is sick.
otherwise, looks like a few months of this before a tooth appears - sorry!
Reply:thats a bit young to start teething. But he could have a cold. OR just like the way his hands feel in his mouth. Also he could have cold. You should consult your ped doc.
Reply:What are the symptoms of teething?
The symptoms of teething vary from child to child. Because of these different experiences, parents and physicians often disagree as to the symptoms of teething and how painful it is. The list below shows symptoms that a teething baby may experience. While most parents usually agree that some or all of the symptoms below happened around the time of teething, it is still recommended that if your baby experiences any of these symptoms you check with your pediatrician to rule out other possible causes for the symptoms.
Cold like symptoms (runny nose, etc.): Some parents find that their baby will show signs of having a cold. Runny noses, coughing and general cold symptoms are believed to come from the baby having their hands in their mouth more often. Play it safe and always notify your doctor if symptoms such as this occur.
Drooling: From three to four months of age you may see your baby start drooling more often than normal. Teething stimulates drooling, which is often worse with some babies than others.
Irritability: As the sharp little tooth rises closer to the surface your baby’s gums may become increasingly more sore and painful, leading to your baby being very fussy. The pain and discomfort is most often worse during the first teeth coming in and later when the molars come in because of their bigger size. This is most often the case since babies become accustomed to the sensations of teething and learn to live with them. But you may find your baby may be fussy during the whole time that every tooth comes in. Every child reacts differently.
Coughing: The extra saliva can cause your baby to occasionally cough or gag. This is usually nothing to worry about as long as your baby seems fine and shows no signs of a cold or flu and does not run a high fever.
Chin rash: If your baby is a big drooler, the constant contact with saliva can cause the skin around the chin and mouth to become irritated. To help prevent this, gently wipe your baby’s mouth and chin periodically throughout the day.
Biting %26amp; gnawing: A baby that is teething will gnaw and gum down on anything she or he can get their mouth around. The counter pressure from biting on something helps relieve the pressure from under the gums.
Cheek rubbing and ear pulling: Pain in the gums may travel to the ears and cheeks particularly when the back molars begin coming in. This is why you may see your baby rubbing their cheeks or pulling at their ears. However, keep in mind that pulling at an ear can also be a sign of an ear infection.
Diarrhea: While this is a symptom that is disagreed upon by physicians, researchers and parents, most parents usually notice slightly looser bowel movements when a baby is teething. While the recent study done by the Children’s Hospital in Australia found this to be the most common symptom of teething, there are still many people that will agree and disagree with this recent study. It is believed that the most likely cause of this is the extra saliva swallowed, which then loosens the stool. Be sure and report any diarrhea to your doctor that lasts more than two bowel movements.
Low-grade fever: A fever is another symptom that doctors are sometimes hesitant to directly link with teething. But there are many parents who will disagree with this and find their baby gets a slight fever while teething. The best thing to do is be extra safe and notify your doctor if a fever last more than two days.
Not sleeping well: With teething pain happening during the day and night, you may find your child wakes more often at night when the pain gets bad enough. Most parents agree that the night waking happens more often during the first set of teeth and with the molars.
So it looks like teething. But he seems too young. Check your doctor first.
See this site
Reply:sounds like he is teething. there are lots of teething remedies. one is orajel or anbesol for babies. or hylands teething tablets. they dissolve immediately under the tongue. or camemillia from "boiron" but don't let your baby be in pain if you he doesn't have to be. if it gets really bad you can give Tylenol but check with your pediatrician first. since he is so young.
good luck
Reply:I have a baby girl who is teething also and she is only 2 months and 3 weeks. She always has her hands in her mouth and is drooling quite a bit now. She had a fever one day and also another day had diahrrea. My mother told me this is because she is teething. My first born went thru the same thing and got her first tooth when she was 4 months old. It kind of sounds like your baby is teething but also might have a cold. Check with your doctor just to make sure. Good luck. And Orajel works wonders!
Reply:I have heard of babies getting their first tooth as early as 3 months old, so it is possible that your son is starting to show some signs of teething; however, most babies do not start getting teeth until around 6-7 months. If he is teething he will appreciate having something nice to chew on like a chilled teething ring or a cold damp wash cloth. If the cold-like symptoms persist, and for your own peace of mind, you might want to take him to your doctor to rule out the possibility of a head cold, ear infection, or allergy issues.
Reply:I'm guessing that he just has a cold......most babies get their front bottom teeth first........the gums will be swollen......usually babies don't start teething until they are at least 4 months.........I would take him to the doctor you will be able to find out for sure...good luck!
credit cards
My cat got into a fight please help?
my cat is an outside cat but sometimes comes in. there is one other neighborhood cats. today when I came home from a sleepover i notice she had a hole in her neck that was about the size of a pea, it was pretty deep too. it was leaking thick pus. i asked my dad to take her to the vet but he said no and told me to put zinc oxide on it ( so i did), what else should i do? how can i get my dad to take her to the vet? she also has a chipped canine tooth. im worried about her please help me
My cat got into a fight please help?
your cat needs to go to the vet because that could probably get infected. and dont let it go outside anymore.
Reply:What a lovely father you have. As the adult in the family he HAS to care for this animal when it's sick or injured. But then again, if he's irresponsible enough to let a cat roam around outdoors I guess this reaction is expected.
This cat NEEDS to see a vet. So if your father won't take him then you should call your local animal control to come get this cat. Your family has no business owning a pet if you're not going to provide it the care it needs. Very sad.
Reply:I agree with the poster above me. She needs to go to the vet, puncture wounds can be very hard to treat and if there's puss she may need oral antibiotics as well as topical. If you're dad is unwilling to take her to the vet then find a no kill rescue that can take her, or depending on your age take her to the vet yourself and tell them what's going on, sometimes vet's can be sympathetic. They may also let you release her into their care so they can fix her and find her a home that can afford to care for her. I'm sorry you're having to go through this since you want to take her to the vet and your dad won't, but if he won't budge on it then out of love for your cat relinquish her to someone who can care for her. Good luck.
Reply:cut the hair around it put some neosporen on it and then put some strong band-aids on and tell your dad to take it to the vet if it becomes infected it may get soo bad it could kill your me it happened to my cat willow because my parents last year told me we couldn't go to the vet and being the stupid 12 year old i did nothing until she got so sick and we had to put her down.
Reply:i reckon u should tell ur dad to p iss off and take it NOW if my cat died from this i would honestly disone him
Reply:You DO need to take it to the vet. My cat got bit and had an absess (infection in the hole) and my vet had to take out the rotting flesh, fill the hole with an antibiotic goo and he needed to be on antibiotics for a day. If you don't do this, the infection could spread through his body and blood and could get really sick and maybe die. Her immune system could fight the infection itself, but it would be a really good idea to have this looked at.
I wouldn't worry about the tooth.
If he will not take you to the vet, clean the wound with peroxide in the meantime. I don't think zinc oxide will do anything, since that is for skin rashes (eczema, diaper rash).
Reply:If that hole is deep and pus is present, she has an infection. These abscesses will reappear if not treated. If he will not take the cat in you can try this. Clean the wound. Put Peroxide on the would and then Neosporin. Neither of these will hurt the cat if applied correctly. Keep the wound clean and reapply the ointment. The chipped tooth might cause sensitivity and pain. You may want to remind your father that being a responsible pet owner includes vet visits. Good luck.
Reply:Although the tooth is a minor issue, the hole would be something to worry about. If theres dischrage coming out is it a watery bloody discharge? or straight up puss? if its watery bloody it should be ok for now, but if its straight up puss then it needs to be seen that means infection and you dont want that... please seek vet help. if your dad doesnt have the heart then maybe you can talk to you mother?... if you go the peroxide route dont use alot... its not good for the animal.
myspace images
My cat got into a fight please help?
your cat needs to go to the vet because that could probably get infected. and dont let it go outside anymore.
Reply:What a lovely father you have. As the adult in the family he HAS to care for this animal when it's sick or injured. But then again, if he's irresponsible enough to let a cat roam around outdoors I guess this reaction is expected.
This cat NEEDS to see a vet. So if your father won't take him then you should call your local animal control to come get this cat. Your family has no business owning a pet if you're not going to provide it the care it needs. Very sad.
Reply:I agree with the poster above me. She needs to go to the vet, puncture wounds can be very hard to treat and if there's puss she may need oral antibiotics as well as topical. If you're dad is unwilling to take her to the vet then find a no kill rescue that can take her, or depending on your age take her to the vet yourself and tell them what's going on, sometimes vet's can be sympathetic. They may also let you release her into their care so they can fix her and find her a home that can afford to care for her. I'm sorry you're having to go through this since you want to take her to the vet and your dad won't, but if he won't budge on it then out of love for your cat relinquish her to someone who can care for her. Good luck.
Reply:cut the hair around it put some neosporen on it and then put some strong band-aids on and tell your dad to take it to the vet if it becomes infected it may get soo bad it could kill your me it happened to my cat willow because my parents last year told me we couldn't go to the vet and being the stupid 12 year old i did nothing until she got so sick and we had to put her down.
Reply:i reckon u should tell ur dad to p iss off and take it NOW if my cat died from this i would honestly disone him
Reply:You DO need to take it to the vet. My cat got bit and had an absess (infection in the hole) and my vet had to take out the rotting flesh, fill the hole with an antibiotic goo and he needed to be on antibiotics for a day. If you don't do this, the infection could spread through his body and blood and could get really sick and maybe die. Her immune system could fight the infection itself, but it would be a really good idea to have this looked at.
I wouldn't worry about the tooth.
If he will not take you to the vet, clean the wound with peroxide in the meantime. I don't think zinc oxide will do anything, since that is for skin rashes (eczema, diaper rash).
Reply:If that hole is deep and pus is present, she has an infection. These abscesses will reappear if not treated. If he will not take the cat in you can try this. Clean the wound. Put Peroxide on the would and then Neosporin. Neither of these will hurt the cat if applied correctly. Keep the wound clean and reapply the ointment. The chipped tooth might cause sensitivity and pain. You may want to remind your father that being a responsible pet owner includes vet visits. Good luck.
Reply:Although the tooth is a minor issue, the hole would be something to worry about. If theres dischrage coming out is it a watery bloody discharge? or straight up puss? if its watery bloody it should be ok for now, but if its straight up puss then it needs to be seen that means infection and you dont want that... please seek vet help. if your dad doesnt have the heart then maybe you can talk to you mother?... if you go the peroxide route dont use alot... its not good for the animal.
myspace images
Is there a Dentist in the house?
Help plz? I broke my upper left canine tooth vertically in half right down to the gingiva (gum line). It hurts %26amp; I can't get my reg. Dentist to see me as an emergency! Is there something I can do till my reg Dentist will see me?
Is there a Dentist in the house?
Honestly it sounds like your best bet is calling around to other dentists. Someone should be able to see you asap with a broken tooth like that. Sometimes if it's too close to the gingiva you could have even fractured your root. You definately need to call around to other dentists and get seen asap. Maybe even call your office and ask them if they recommend anyone local... that might make them magically find a spot for you. Then you can get out of pain and find a more caring office. :)
Reply:IF your Dentist can't get you in for an emergency exam I would seriously think about changing dentist becasue they should have open spots everyday for er exams..Good Luck
Reply:Maybe try to find an emergency dental centre, maybe at the hospital....there is always some kind of emergency place open.
ps. did this tooth have a previous filling or was it badly decayed? Canine teeth becauseof their structure and shape are the strongest of the teeth.
girls myspace
Is there a Dentist in the house?
Honestly it sounds like your best bet is calling around to other dentists. Someone should be able to see you asap with a broken tooth like that. Sometimes if it's too close to the gingiva you could have even fractured your root. You definately need to call around to other dentists and get seen asap. Maybe even call your office and ask them if they recommend anyone local... that might make them magically find a spot for you. Then you can get out of pain and find a more caring office. :)
Reply:IF your Dentist can't get you in for an emergency exam I would seriously think about changing dentist becasue they should have open spots everyday for er exams..Good Luck
Reply:Maybe try to find an emergency dental centre, maybe at the hospital....there is always some kind of emergency place open.
ps. did this tooth have a previous filling or was it badly decayed? Canine teeth becauseof their structure and shape are the strongest of the teeth.
girls myspace
I often dream of losing teeth, or rather they become loose and I pull them out with my fingers?
I don't put a lot of store by either Freud or Oneiramancy, but this one was weird enough to warrant asking. In the dream, I pulled out a loose canine which turned into a black umbrella with a curved bone handle. I didn't open it, but was sure in the dream that it had magical properties. This dream followed a fairly routine erotic dream.
Is there more going on here than having a burrito before my afternoon nap?
I often dream of losing teeth, or rather they become loose and I pull them out with my fingers?
Teeth are part of the throat chakra, which is for communication. When we have specific issues regarding our teeth, it represents the inability to make decisions. Try to remember if it was on the right or left side of your mouth. Left represents yin, feminine relationships; right yang, masculine relationships. I would tend to say left side, because the umbrella was black, which is yin. Perhaps you are having a difficult time deciding how to proceed in a relationship (if you should or not at all)?
That is how I would look at it. Inability to make a decision.
(((Madpol))) -- Cool question.
Reply:You need to get to the dentist and Dr. It means you could have an illness or medical problem your unaware of. Get a check-up for your teeth and body!!!
Reply:I've heard that losing your teeth in the manner which you refer is symbolic of losing control over something in your life, or not having control. Hey, Freud might not have theories that are testable and falsifiable (thus "scientific") but he provided us with valuable insight in the human psyche nonetheless!
Reply:When you dream of losing teeth it has the meaning of aging. Since the tooth turned into a umbrella I would think that as you get older you will feel some sheltering force from someone or something. It might have something to do with whomever was in the erotic part of your dream.
Reply:"Teeth {Most req. word}
Teeth was the most requested dream word of all so here goes... If you dream of having false teeth this indicates that you will have unexpected help on a problem. To dream of rotten teeth shows that you have been telling someone a lie or using your smooth words for getting your own way no matter what. If your teeth are rotten, crooked, and/or falling out this means that your lies are hurting someone very badly and that you will soon be found out. If you dream you have swallowed a tooth you will soon have too 'eat your words'. It becomes much easier to interpret this kind of dream if you think of teeth as representing words. When the dreamer is not the one with the bad teeth you will naturally have to watch out for someone lying to you. "
dreams are crazy things some times. the best way to actually intreprite then is to beaware of what is around you... listen to your instincts... as weird as a dream may seem following what your heart is telling you will give you an answer way quicker than a deffinition in a book :-)
Reply:well usually dreams of loose teeth, rotting teeth, or losing teeth have something to do with stress. Its your subconcious' way of telling yourself that you are afraid you are losing control of a situation or that you are afraid that people are thinking less of you.
Sometimes an umbrella can mean something protecting you. And just because all these things happened together in the dream doesn't mean they are all related to the same thing, dreams are weird that way.
So maybe you are afraid that you are losing control of a situation but you also have a way to prevent that loss.
Reply:I looked this up online and heres what i found
Dreams about losing our teeth symbolize the loss of childhood innocence. These dreams often occur at times of transition from one life stage to the next and can be a message that an important milestone is occurring and urging you to face the inevitable. Your dream may be a message that an important milestone is occurring and urging you to face the inevitable.
We need our teeth to feed our bodies. Eating is necessary to maintain the body's growth, energy and health. In this context, losing teeth may be associated with insecurity about your livelihood. Perhaps you are stuck in a "dead-end" job and fear for your future. Perhaps you are growing older and are becoming anxious about how much time you have left to work and make an income. You may be getting "long in the tooth" and fear losing your sexual attractiveness. Dreaming of false teeth symbolizes concern about your self-image. We all must deal with the process of growing older. Find fun ways to re-invent yourself incorporating all the wisdom and experience that you have gained.
Since many of the dreams that are associated with your teeth falling out can be unpleasant, anxiety can hit you when you are trying to sleep. The result can be a restless night of a lot of tossing and turning, or in more serous cases, insomnia. Dream RX is a sleep aid that can leave you assured of a good nights rest.
Reply:I dream that I'm eating the world's largest Marshmallow and when I do I wake up and my pillow is always missing. Wonder if that has any significance.
Raji the Green Witch
Reply:dreaming of teeth / is a symbol of insecurity and are afraid of getting older
Reply:I dream of pulling the wings off my plane while doing an outside Lomcevok.
I suggest you see your dentist.
edit: Possibly I need to talk with Shirley McClain, but I'm not worried about it. I believe in learning from the past, not obsessing about it. The future is so much more interesting. So many brand new and intriguing mistakes to be made...
Reply:I dreamed that one day, and woke up sad, until I realized it was just a nightmare!
I was so glad it was just a dream that I used it as a Bible illustration in teaching Sunday School. We wake up in the after-life with a "glorified" body in perfect condition.
It has seemed sad that "You can't take it with you", especially for rich men...but isn't it exciting that you can't take amputations with you either!
My brother lost a kidney and his right leg below the knee, before dying of cancer in June.
Reply:According to Dreamcrowd:
To see bites in your dream, forewarns of danger from someone who has wished you harm, either physical or monetary. Be careful of people who surround you. To dream that you are being bitten, represents your vulnerability regarding your unresolved issues emotions. You may be pestered by a problem or obstacle. To dream that you are being bitten by a vampire, signifies your need to shut out a person in your life who has been using you. It is time to open your eyes and stand up for your self. Do not let yourself be manipulated and played for a fool. To dream of biting someone in your dream, signifies the pressure you are putting on some people causing them great distress. You may have unexpressed, perhaps even childish, feelings of anger or resentment that need to be recognized. This dream is a message for you to lighten up and alleviate the stress that you are putting on others.
Try posting your dream on dream crowd for a free dream interpretation
Reply:I have also had that dream before. I read somewhere that teeth are a symbol of self esteem or confidence. But then the part of them turning into a black umbrella.. no clue. Very interesting anyway. I can seldom remember my dreams.

acne scar
Is there more going on here than having a burrito before my afternoon nap?
I often dream of losing teeth, or rather they become loose and I pull them out with my fingers?
Teeth are part of the throat chakra, which is for communication. When we have specific issues regarding our teeth, it represents the inability to make decisions. Try to remember if it was on the right or left side of your mouth. Left represents yin, feminine relationships; right yang, masculine relationships. I would tend to say left side, because the umbrella was black, which is yin. Perhaps you are having a difficult time deciding how to proceed in a relationship (if you should or not at all)?
That is how I would look at it. Inability to make a decision.
(((Madpol))) -- Cool question.
Reply:You need to get to the dentist and Dr. It means you could have an illness or medical problem your unaware of. Get a check-up for your teeth and body!!!
Reply:I've heard that losing your teeth in the manner which you refer is symbolic of losing control over something in your life, or not having control. Hey, Freud might not have theories that are testable and falsifiable (thus "scientific") but he provided us with valuable insight in the human psyche nonetheless!
Reply:When you dream of losing teeth it has the meaning of aging. Since the tooth turned into a umbrella I would think that as you get older you will feel some sheltering force from someone or something. It might have something to do with whomever was in the erotic part of your dream.
Reply:"Teeth {Most req. word}
Teeth was the most requested dream word of all so here goes... If you dream of having false teeth this indicates that you will have unexpected help on a problem. To dream of rotten teeth shows that you have been telling someone a lie or using your smooth words for getting your own way no matter what. If your teeth are rotten, crooked, and/or falling out this means that your lies are hurting someone very badly and that you will soon be found out. If you dream you have swallowed a tooth you will soon have too 'eat your words'. It becomes much easier to interpret this kind of dream if you think of teeth as representing words. When the dreamer is not the one with the bad teeth you will naturally have to watch out for someone lying to you. "
dreams are crazy things some times. the best way to actually intreprite then is to beaware of what is around you... listen to your instincts... as weird as a dream may seem following what your heart is telling you will give you an answer way quicker than a deffinition in a book :-)
Reply:well usually dreams of loose teeth, rotting teeth, or losing teeth have something to do with stress. Its your subconcious' way of telling yourself that you are afraid you are losing control of a situation or that you are afraid that people are thinking less of you.
Sometimes an umbrella can mean something protecting you. And just because all these things happened together in the dream doesn't mean they are all related to the same thing, dreams are weird that way.
So maybe you are afraid that you are losing control of a situation but you also have a way to prevent that loss.
Reply:I looked this up online and heres what i found
Dreams about losing our teeth symbolize the loss of childhood innocence. These dreams often occur at times of transition from one life stage to the next and can be a message that an important milestone is occurring and urging you to face the inevitable. Your dream may be a message that an important milestone is occurring and urging you to face the inevitable.
We need our teeth to feed our bodies. Eating is necessary to maintain the body's growth, energy and health. In this context, losing teeth may be associated with insecurity about your livelihood. Perhaps you are stuck in a "dead-end" job and fear for your future. Perhaps you are growing older and are becoming anxious about how much time you have left to work and make an income. You may be getting "long in the tooth" and fear losing your sexual attractiveness. Dreaming of false teeth symbolizes concern about your self-image. We all must deal with the process of growing older. Find fun ways to re-invent yourself incorporating all the wisdom and experience that you have gained.
Since many of the dreams that are associated with your teeth falling out can be unpleasant, anxiety can hit you when you are trying to sleep. The result can be a restless night of a lot of tossing and turning, or in more serous cases, insomnia. Dream RX is a sleep aid that can leave you assured of a good nights rest.
Reply:I dream that I'm eating the world's largest Marshmallow and when I do I wake up and my pillow is always missing. Wonder if that has any significance.
Raji the Green Witch
Reply:dreaming of teeth / is a symbol of insecurity and are afraid of getting older
Reply:I dream of pulling the wings off my plane while doing an outside Lomcevok.
I suggest you see your dentist.
edit: Possibly I need to talk with Shirley McClain, but I'm not worried about it. I believe in learning from the past, not obsessing about it. The future is so much more interesting. So many brand new and intriguing mistakes to be made...
Reply:I dreamed that one day, and woke up sad, until I realized it was just a nightmare!
I was so glad it was just a dream that I used it as a Bible illustration in teaching Sunday School. We wake up in the after-life with a "glorified" body in perfect condition.
It has seemed sad that "You can't take it with you", especially for rich men...but isn't it exciting that you can't take amputations with you either!
My brother lost a kidney and his right leg below the knee, before dying of cancer in June.
Reply:According to Dreamcrowd:
To see bites in your dream, forewarns of danger from someone who has wished you harm, either physical or monetary. Be careful of people who surround you. To dream that you are being bitten, represents your vulnerability regarding your unresolved issues emotions. You may be pestered by a problem or obstacle. To dream that you are being bitten by a vampire, signifies your need to shut out a person in your life who has been using you. It is time to open your eyes and stand up for your self. Do not let yourself be manipulated and played for a fool. To dream of biting someone in your dream, signifies the pressure you are putting on some people causing them great distress. You may have unexpressed, perhaps even childish, feelings of anger or resentment that need to be recognized. This dream is a message for you to lighten up and alleviate the stress that you are putting on others.
Try posting your dream on dream crowd for a free dream interpretation
Reply:I have also had that dream before. I read somewhere that teeth are a symbol of self esteem or confidence. But then the part of them turning into a black umbrella.. no clue. Very interesting anyway. I can seldom remember my dreams.

acne scar
It looks like i'm gonna get braces. what kind should i get?
I am an aspiring actress/model. i'm 13y.o. i'm always on auditions and stuff, so i need braces that are less noticeable. invisalign won't work for my case because i have to move my canine tooth form the top of my gum to the correct spot. please help. thank you.
It looks like i'm gonna get braces. what kind should i get?
I had silver brackets, but i wish i would have had clear...if you keep them clean, they'll be hardly noticable.
Reply:even though you hate the thought of metal braces, they may be the best for you, or maybe clear ones will be better. the best thing for you is to let your orthadontist decide what is right for you, not what will make you better looking in pics. i had them 3 years ago and i hated them, but i'm glad i got the metal ones cause it took less time (although more pain) and it fit my budget.
Reply:The metal ones are fine. Throwing some fun colors on the brackets are interesting too! Dont worry about it. I had braces and some of the guys think its cute! Your look will grow into them. They sometimes hurt but not that bad. Just get it resolved now so your not 17 with braces. Haha. good luck
Reply:get ceramic braces
Reply:Nickel is added to the metal in braces (and crowns) so they don't rust. It is a known cancer causing agent, added to our government's list a few years ago. They are still able to put it in people's mouths though, along with many other toxic things. I suggest you get invisalign. Nothing is toxic-free, but it is better than nickel.
Irritating Dental Work: Another Leading Cause of Oral Cancer
David L. Lewis, Ph.D.
March 10, 1999
Recently, a national dental journal ran an excellent feature article on oral cancer and urged dentists to be more pro active in educating patients on the dangers of smokeless tobacco. What struck me most about the article, though, was what it didn’t say. It didn’t tell dentists that the second leading cause of this disease, according to medical literature, is ill-fitting dental devices.
Several years ago, I was asked to assist in a case in New England involving oral cancer. A young college student had been balancing her time between beauty pageants and academic studies until she underwent radical neck surgery to remove most of her tongue and much of her face and neck in an attempt to stop a rapidly advancing cancer. For months, she had complained to her orthodontist of pain and soreness where the retainer he placed in her mouth was irritating her gums. He dismissed her persistent complaints, however, as did the dentist at her college infirmary.
Her father, a physician, didn’t learn about his daughter’s problem until he noticed a slight slur in her voice over the telephone. Alarmed at what she told him, he advised her to see an oncologist as soon as possible. Unfortunately, it was too late.
The father contacted me, puzzled that cancer researchers at a nearby medical school found unbelievably high levels of nickel - many times higher than concentrations known to cause cancer - dissolving out of the retainer into her saliva. I explained that many bacteria, such as those that colonize irritated areas of the mouth, cause nickel to corrode and form compounds that are highly carcinogenic. Intimate, prolonged contact between carcinogenic chemicals and irritated tissue is a deadly combination - the same reason snuff causes oral cancer.
These observations gave me pause to think more seriously about something that had been in the back of my mind for a long time. Irritation had developed in the gums around one of my teeth when it was fitted with a crown fifteen years earlier. The problem never went away. I had asked several dentists over the years what they thought but they dismissed my suspicion that the crown was the source of the irritation.
Finally, a microbiologist from Utah and I were lecturing in Europe on the need for dentists to sterilize handpieces (dental drills). When I asked her what she thought about the problem with my crown, she exclaimed: "My husband (a renowned dentist) lectures on that all the time. You should see the pictures he’s taken of reactions to nickel in crowns and bridges."
The good news, she said, is that the condition heals dramatically within days after replacing the devices with nickel-free alloys. Needless to say, my dentist was the first person I visited upon returning home. He was impressed at how soon the chronic irritation disappeared after replacing the porcelain crown with a gold one.
My relief over getting rid of the crown, however, was tempered. I had noticed that a lymph node in my neck directly beneath the crowned tooth had been growing larger for well over a decade. I had asked several physicians to check it during regular physical examinations. They didn’t think it warranted a biopsy.
After having the porcelain crown removed, however, I talked with a local surgeon and insisted that he x-ray the area. I was concerned that nickel may have reached and irritated a lymph node in the proximity of the crown. The node that was troubling me turned out to be far larger than any of my physicians had thought. Immediate surgery was recommended. The good news was that it wasn’t malignant.
Out of curiosity, I dropped by a local dental laboratory one day with my old crown in hand. The technician took one look and said "Sure, the band around the base of that crown is full of nickel. Crowns made of base metals in the mid 1980's are especially high in nickel because the price of precious metals went out of sight."
I took this seriously when it came time for my children to have braces. I was particularly concerned that, like me, they develop skin rashes when they wear rings or bracelets made with nickel alloys. This means any contact with nickel in their mouths will also be a source of constant irritation. I was relieved to find a local orthodontist willing to order nickel-free alloys at no extra cost for making their braces.
My story ends on a flight back to Atlanta last year, when a young surgical nurse seated next to me struck up a conversation. Pointing to my scar, I mentioned that the only thing I’ve ever had removed was a lymph node. As she touched the corresponding place on her own neck, she said: "You know, I’ve had that exact same problem for the past ten years."
"Have you had any dental work in that area?," I asked. "Now that you mention it," she said, "I had a tooth crowned there ten years ago right when the problem started. Why do you ask?" Just a coincidence? Probably. Nevertheless, dentists should take a closer look inside their own shop when it comes to oral cancer. They need to educate themselves and their patients on its second leading cause – irritation associated with dental work.
Nickel Compounds and Metallic Nickel
Nickel compounds and metallic nickel have many industrial and commercial applications including use in stainless steels and other nickel alloys, catalysts, batteries, pigments, and ceramics. Nickel and “certain nickel compounds” were first listed in the First Annual Report on Carcinogens (1980) as reasonably anticipated to be human carcinogens. Nickel compounds as a class were first listed as known to be human carcinogens in the Tenth Report on Carcinogens (2002); this listing supersedes the listing of certain nickel compounds and applies to all members of the class. Metallic Nickel was reevaluated in 2000 and remains listed as reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen. Nickel alloys were reviewed in 2000 but were not recommended for listing in the Report on Carcinogens (see Appendix C).
The profile for nickel compounds and metallic nickel follow this introduction. The evidence for the carcinogenicity of nickel compounds and metallic nickel is discussed separately. However, most of the information on additional information relevant to carcinogenicity, properties, use, production, exposure and regulations is
Nickel Compounds*
Known to be human carcinogens First listed in the Tenth Report on Carcinogens (2002)
Nickel compounds are known to be human carcinogens based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity from studies in humans, including epidemiological and mechanistic information, which indicates a causal relationship between exposure to nickel compounds and human cancer. The findings of increased risk of cancer in exposed workers are supported by evidence from experimental animals that shows that exposure to an assortment of nickel compounds by multiple routes causes malignant tumors to form at various sites in multiple species of experimental animals. The combined results of epidemiological studies, mechanistic studies, and carcinogenesis studies in rodents support the concept that nickel compounds generate nickel ions in target cells at sites critical for carcinogenesis, thus allowing consideration and evaluation of these compounds as a single group. The IARC (1990) evaluation of nickel and nickel compounds concluded that nickel compounds are carcinogenic to humans based on sufficient evidence for the carcinogenicity of nickel compounds in the nickel refining industry and very strong evidence of carcinogenicity of a variety of nickel compounds in experimental studies in rodents.
Several cohort studies of workers exposed to various nickel compounds showed an elevated risk of death from lung cancer and nasal cancer (IARC 1990). Although the precise nickel compound responsible for the carcinogenic effects in humans is not always clear, studies indicate that nickel sulfate and the combinations of nickel sulfides and oxides encountered in the nickel refining industries cause cancer in humans. IARC (1990) made the overall evaluation of nickel compounds as a group based on indications from mechanistic and animal studies that the event responsible for inducing cancer is generation of ionic nickel at the target site. Anderson et al. (1996) reported that nickel refinery workers exposed primarily to soluble nickel compounds had a significant excess risk for lung cancer and that smoking and nickel exposure have a multiplicative effect. An excess risk of nasal cancer was also observed in workers exposed to nickel compounds.
In rats and in some studies with mice, inhalation or intratracheal instillation of nickel subsulfide or nickel oxide led to dose-related induction of benign and malignant lung tumors, including carcinoma (IARC 1990, NTP 1996a,b). Inhalation of nickel compounds also causes tumors to form in organs other than the lung, in particular, malignant and benign pheochromocytoma in rats (NTP 1996a, 1996b). Injection of various nickel compounds has repeatedly been shown to produce dosedependent increases in tumors at a variety of sites in several species of experimental animals. Subcutaneous, intramuscular, intraperitoneal, subperiosteal, intrafemoral, intrapleural, intracerebral, intrarenal, intratesticular, and intraocular injections of nickel compounds all have caused malignant tumors to form at the site of injection. These tumors are usually sarcomas, but other types also develop. Injection of nickel produces distant tumors of the liver in some strains of mice (IARC 1990). Soluble nickel acetate is an effective, complete transplacental carcinogen in rats, and brief intraperitoneal exposure during pregnancy to this soluble nickel salt induces malignant pituitary tumors in the offspring. Additionally, exposure to nickel acetate through the placenta followed by exposure of the offspring to barbital (a known tumor promoter) produces tumors of the kidney (renal cortical and pelvic tumors) (Diwan et al. 1992). In adult rats, injection of soluble nickel salts followed by barbital exposure caused kidney cancer (renal cortical adenocarcinomas) that frequently metastasized to the lung, liver, and spleen (Kasprzak et al. 1990). No adequate data were available to evaluate the carcinogenicity of nickel compounds in animals by the oral or dermal routes of exposure.
Metallic Nickel
CAS No. 7440-02-0 Reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen First Listed in the First Annual Report on Carcinogens (1980)
Metallic nickel is reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity from studies in experimental animals, which indicates there is an increased incidence of malignant and/or a combination of malignant and benign tumors at multiple tissue sites in multiple species of experimental animals. A variety of carcinogenicity studies in rodents indicate that metallic nickel powder can produce tumors when given by intratracheal instillation or subcutaneous, intramuscular, or intraperitoneal injection. Intratracheal instillation of metallic nickel powder induces primarily adenocarcinoma, whereas injection most frequently induces sarcoma, demonstrating that metallic nickel can induce both epithelial and connective-tissue tumors. Tumors have been produced by metallic nickel exposure in both rats and hamsters (IARC 1990).
The available data from human studies of metallic nickel exposures are less informative. The available epidemiological studies of workers are limited by inadequate exposure information, low exposures, short follow-up periods, and small numbers of cases.
Nickel Compounds and Metallic Nickel
Additional Information Relevant to Carcinogenicity
Many studies in cultured rodent and human cells have shown that a variety of nickel compounds, including both soluble and insoluble forms of nickel, damage genetic material. DNA strand breaks, mutations, chromosomal damage, cell transformation, and disrupted DNA repair have been observed in cell-culture studies. Nickel can bind ionically to cellular components, including DNA. The reduction–oxidation activity of the nickel ion may produce reactive oxygen species that attack DNA, and 8-hydroxy-2´-deoxyguanosine can be produced in vitro and in vivo in target tissues for cancers caused by nickel (IARC 1990, Kasprzak et al.
1990). Nickel can induce chromosomal aberrations in exposed humans.
The carcinogenic potency of various nickel compounds varies widely, based on solubility properties and speciation. Studies indicate that soluble nickel salts can be complete carcinogens (Diwan et al. 1992) and/or initiators of carcinogenesis (Kasprzak et al. 1990) at sites distant from the application site, which confirms that ionic nickel is the carcinogenic species. Differences in potency of nickel compounds may relate to the specific properties of the compounds that affect the availability of ionic nickel at target sites. The listing is based on a large body of scientific evidence supporting the concept that the nickel ion is carcinogenic. The hazard associated with a particular nickel compound largely relates to the propensity for the compound to release ionic nickel in the body. The evidence suggests that the relatively insoluble metallic nickel is less likely to present a carcinogenic hazard than are the nickel compounds that tend to release proportionately more nickel ion. This view agrees with that expressed by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) (IARC 1990), which based its overall evaluation of the carcinogenicity of nickel compounds as a group on the combined results of human epidemiological studies, carcinogenicity studies in experimental animals, and other data supporting the “underlying concept that nickel compounds can generate nickel ions at critical sites in their target cells.” The IARC review group correctly pointed out that the carcinogenicity of nickel compounds depends not solely on their capacity to release ionic nickel, but also on factors that promote localization of high concentrations of nickel ions at critical tissue sites. This conclusion is consistent with evidence from experimental animals indicating that nickel compounds of moderate solubility can, under certain exposure conditions, be more carcinogenic than compounds that are more soluble. Thus, it is difficult to predict with any certainty the relative carcinogenic hazard posed by a particular nickel compound without a full understanding of its ability to release ionic nickel under specific exposure conditions.
The available evidence suggests that metallic nickel has carcinogenic properties because it can slowly dissolve in the body and release ionic nickel, an active genotoxic and carcinogenic form of nickel. No available data suggest that mechanisms by which nickel induces cancer in experimental animals would not also operate in humans.
Dr Hal Huggins, D.D.S.
in a lecture to the
Cancer Control Society 1993
More than 75% of the crowns placed today are nickel, and that is present in braces. Here we call it stainless steel. It is like silver fillings, it doesn’t have much silver in it, and you would pay for silver and gold what you wouldn’t pay for mercury. So it kind of boils down to a matter of salesmanship, and stainless steel sound pretty prestigious, so they put that in children, and what happens? You see teenage behaviour that may not have been there a few days before the braces were put on.
At the University of Colorado when I was nearly 50 years old I went back to take a degree in immunology because I could see I was affecting the immune system. The first case we studied, we took a woman and put braces on her, and I am kind of sensitive to immunology, I studied it for 4 years, and about 2 weeks after that I only knew about 2% of what was going on in immunology, it is a field that is expanding very rapidly, but a term I hear many people saying is—you know this product it boosts your immune system. How does it do that? What does it do to the T4’s and the T 8’s?….when you can study the cells of the immune system with the sophisticated equipment we have, and we can find that in this case I put the braces in. We did all the sophisticated testing, we put the braces in, and then the patients ends up with big bruises on her thigh. How did they get there? Well, a little sloppy dentistry, but these are huge bruises, no trauma involved there. Emotional things, a lot of change. Sleeping patterns, the first thing to change in an immunological challenge? Yes, big changes there. Things begin to look a little uncomfortable by day 3 so we took the conventional blood test, and what did I find? Nothing I could identify at that time, but this was 10 years ago. Today I could identify it, then I couldn’t, but things were still getting worse, and that afternoon we did the T subsets over again and what did we find? Immune system shutdown. I mean the T4’s were zero, the T8’s were zero, T11’s were zero. All of these things may not have a lot of meaning, but I can tell you zero is not where they should be. Within a few hours of death. We decided maybe we better take the braces off. The patients was for it, the faculty was for it, I was for it, I mean this was my wife we are talking about so it is not a real scientific case. So we took the braces off and the immune system came back…in 3 moths we were almost half way back where we were 3 days before. It does not recover overnight.
And I have other records on my desk where they did not take the braces off on the fourth day, and the reports show the same changes in the white blood cells, the same changes in the red blood cells, the same changes in the body temperature, everything is identical except when we get to day 4 and the braces were not removed, that was the last date that was entered on the autopsy reports, because these kids died, as they can with what is called the chrome crowns. That is a cutesy little term, chrome crowns, but these kids, I see them in the airport all the time … and I see little kids with tri-focals on, glasses about that thick. When did you have your chrome crown placed? I see people pushing along in a wheelchair. I wonder when did you have your root canal done? Because root canals so far have turned out to be one of the most vile things that I have ever run into, and my life for the last 20 years has been with a lot of vile essense
In California we found a woman who had some nickel crowns placed, she ended up with a specific type of breast tumour and she went through the lumpectomy, she went to the support group afterwards, and she said to me you know my husband was talking to this guy out in Colorado about nickel being carcinogenic.
What does that mean?
That means it produces cancer.
Do you suppose there is any relationship between my crowns and my breast tumour?
Another woman in the group said - well I went to Dr So and So dentist down the street here.
He put nickel crowns in my mouth and a couple of years later I came down with this same tumour you have got.
She said - that is the same dentist I went to.
And then we found a third woman who had the same crown, the same tumour, the same dentist. Same day we found a fourth woman with the same crown, the same tumour, the same dentist.
Then we found a fifth, then a sixth.
Is this suggestive of the need for further investigation? Or should we cover it up?
Are there really 100,000 women in the state of California growing breast tumours as a result of their nickel crowns right now as we are sitting here today? Is that a possibility? And you know what? They paid for that. They paid to have that done
Now, is there anything in the scientific literature on this?
Dr Moss was mentioning someone talking about 1000's of articles.
Yes, there are 1000's of articles on nickel being a carcinogen.
There are not thousands, but maybe hundreds of articles showing that nickel does something else. After nickel gets the cancer going how do you keep it under control?
You keep it under control with one of the white blood cells called a natural killer cell, the NK cell. What does it do?
It goes out and it kills off the cancer cells. Now all the rest of the immune system has to ask somebody. The B's have to ask the T lymphocytes, and so on, everything is a committee in the immune system, except the NK cells.
There is cancer---bang. They don't ask anybody. These are nice guys to have around. What does nickel do? It suppresses your NK cells. So nickel starts the tumour, then takes away your defences system. Is that nice? No, that is not nice. That is not nice to put on children aged two with their chrome crowns. That is not nice to put in our teenagers, or adults, with braces. It is not nice to use as crowns and bridges just because you save ten bucks. Is it worth ten bucks to go through breast surgery? If you feel that way have it but be informed ---if you want mercury in your mouth, if you want nickel, OK, but how many people in this room have nickel crowns in their mouth?
How many people have nickel crowns put in their mouth when they paid for gold crowns?
It is estimated that 50% of the dentists put in nickel crowns and charge the insurance companies, or charge you for gold. Nickel does not cost the same as gold. Nickel is not as safe as gold.
"Nickel is rapidly gaining a reputation for its toxicity, too. Most partial dentures are made of nickel. Approximately 80% of crowns use nickel, even "porcelain" crowns. Braces usually are nickel. Stainless steel is usually nickel alloy. Nickel compounds have been unequivocally implicated as human respiratory carcinogens in epidemiological studies of nickel refinery workers, and there appears a relationship between nickel crowns and breast cancer in women."---Thomas Levy, M.D.
"Nickel is used routinely by national cancer centers to induce cancer in laboratory animals to study can-cer. The nickel alloys they are using are very similar to those we are using in patients' mouths. Dentists are causing a major health problem."--- Dr. David Eggleston
Nickel and beryllium are 2 other metals commonly used in dentistry that are very carcinogenic, toxic, and cause DNA malformations. Nickel ceramic crowns and root canals have also been found to be a factor in some breast cancer and some have recovered after TDR, which includes amalgam replacement, replacement of metal crowns over amalgam, nickel crowns, extraction of root canaled teeth, and treatment of cavitations where necessary. Similarly nickel crowns and gold crowns over amalgam have been found to be a factor in lupus and Belle's Palsy from which some have recovered after TDR and Felderkrais exercises.
Electro galvanism
When two dissimilar metals are present in the mouth with saliva, an electric current will flow. Saliva acts as an electrolyte when it mixes with amalgam fillings, to create a measurable electric current of 900 millivolts. This current overpowers the body's normal 450 millivolts, interferes with energy flow to the brain and is suspected as a catalyst in many illnesses.
Other alloys, such as nickel in the metal base of bridges and under porcelain crowns, have been documented to lower the T-4 and T-8 lymphocyte levels (David Eggleston, DDS. "Effect of Dental Amalgam and Nickel Alloys on T-Lymphocytes: Preliminary Report", J. Prosthetic Dent, 1984, 51(5);617-623.) In predisposed patients, exposure to nickel can be a contributory factor in the development of cancer of the lungs, nasal passages and larynx.
Any metal materials in the mouth such as gold crowns, chrome cobalt partial dentures, mercury fillings, titanium implants, etc. will set the stage for galvanic currents. In 1985, a research team (A. Knappworst, E. Gura, D. Fuhrmann and A. Enginalev) revealed that when mercury fillings were in close proximity to gold crowns, the mercury release was ten times greater when compared to mercury fillings alone (p132. Mercury Poisoning from Dental Amalgam- a Hazard to Human Brain by Patrick Stortebecker, MD, Ph.D. published in USA by Bio Probe, Orlando, FL). Electro galvanism frequently is the cause for the following symptoms:
Lack of concentration and memory
Psychological problems
Hearing loss
Eye problems
Mouth pain
skin care products
It looks like i'm gonna get braces. what kind should i get?
I had silver brackets, but i wish i would have had clear...if you keep them clean, they'll be hardly noticable.
Reply:even though you hate the thought of metal braces, they may be the best for you, or maybe clear ones will be better. the best thing for you is to let your orthadontist decide what is right for you, not what will make you better looking in pics. i had them 3 years ago and i hated them, but i'm glad i got the metal ones cause it took less time (although more pain) and it fit my budget.
Reply:The metal ones are fine. Throwing some fun colors on the brackets are interesting too! Dont worry about it. I had braces and some of the guys think its cute! Your look will grow into them. They sometimes hurt but not that bad. Just get it resolved now so your not 17 with braces. Haha. good luck
Reply:get ceramic braces
Reply:Nickel is added to the metal in braces (and crowns) so they don't rust. It is a known cancer causing agent, added to our government's list a few years ago. They are still able to put it in people's mouths though, along with many other toxic things. I suggest you get invisalign. Nothing is toxic-free, but it is better than nickel.
Irritating Dental Work: Another Leading Cause of Oral Cancer
David L. Lewis, Ph.D.
March 10, 1999
Recently, a national dental journal ran an excellent feature article on oral cancer and urged dentists to be more pro active in educating patients on the dangers of smokeless tobacco. What struck me most about the article, though, was what it didn’t say. It didn’t tell dentists that the second leading cause of this disease, according to medical literature, is ill-fitting dental devices.
Several years ago, I was asked to assist in a case in New England involving oral cancer. A young college student had been balancing her time between beauty pageants and academic studies until she underwent radical neck surgery to remove most of her tongue and much of her face and neck in an attempt to stop a rapidly advancing cancer. For months, she had complained to her orthodontist of pain and soreness where the retainer he placed in her mouth was irritating her gums. He dismissed her persistent complaints, however, as did the dentist at her college infirmary.
Her father, a physician, didn’t learn about his daughter’s problem until he noticed a slight slur in her voice over the telephone. Alarmed at what she told him, he advised her to see an oncologist as soon as possible. Unfortunately, it was too late.
The father contacted me, puzzled that cancer researchers at a nearby medical school found unbelievably high levels of nickel - many times higher than concentrations known to cause cancer - dissolving out of the retainer into her saliva. I explained that many bacteria, such as those that colonize irritated areas of the mouth, cause nickel to corrode and form compounds that are highly carcinogenic. Intimate, prolonged contact between carcinogenic chemicals and irritated tissue is a deadly combination - the same reason snuff causes oral cancer.
These observations gave me pause to think more seriously about something that had been in the back of my mind for a long time. Irritation had developed in the gums around one of my teeth when it was fitted with a crown fifteen years earlier. The problem never went away. I had asked several dentists over the years what they thought but they dismissed my suspicion that the crown was the source of the irritation.
Finally, a microbiologist from Utah and I were lecturing in Europe on the need for dentists to sterilize handpieces (dental drills). When I asked her what she thought about the problem with my crown, she exclaimed: "My husband (a renowned dentist) lectures on that all the time. You should see the pictures he’s taken of reactions to nickel in crowns and bridges."
The good news, she said, is that the condition heals dramatically within days after replacing the devices with nickel-free alloys. Needless to say, my dentist was the first person I visited upon returning home. He was impressed at how soon the chronic irritation disappeared after replacing the porcelain crown with a gold one.
My relief over getting rid of the crown, however, was tempered. I had noticed that a lymph node in my neck directly beneath the crowned tooth had been growing larger for well over a decade. I had asked several physicians to check it during regular physical examinations. They didn’t think it warranted a biopsy.
After having the porcelain crown removed, however, I talked with a local surgeon and insisted that he x-ray the area. I was concerned that nickel may have reached and irritated a lymph node in the proximity of the crown. The node that was troubling me turned out to be far larger than any of my physicians had thought. Immediate surgery was recommended. The good news was that it wasn’t malignant.
Out of curiosity, I dropped by a local dental laboratory one day with my old crown in hand. The technician took one look and said "Sure, the band around the base of that crown is full of nickel. Crowns made of base metals in the mid 1980's are especially high in nickel because the price of precious metals went out of sight."
I took this seriously when it came time for my children to have braces. I was particularly concerned that, like me, they develop skin rashes when they wear rings or bracelets made with nickel alloys. This means any contact with nickel in their mouths will also be a source of constant irritation. I was relieved to find a local orthodontist willing to order nickel-free alloys at no extra cost for making their braces.
My story ends on a flight back to Atlanta last year, when a young surgical nurse seated next to me struck up a conversation. Pointing to my scar, I mentioned that the only thing I’ve ever had removed was a lymph node. As she touched the corresponding place on her own neck, she said: "You know, I’ve had that exact same problem for the past ten years."
"Have you had any dental work in that area?," I asked. "Now that you mention it," she said, "I had a tooth crowned there ten years ago right when the problem started. Why do you ask?" Just a coincidence? Probably. Nevertheless, dentists should take a closer look inside their own shop when it comes to oral cancer. They need to educate themselves and their patients on its second leading cause – irritation associated with dental work.
Nickel Compounds and Metallic Nickel
Nickel compounds and metallic nickel have many industrial and commercial applications including use in stainless steels and other nickel alloys, catalysts, batteries, pigments, and ceramics. Nickel and “certain nickel compounds” were first listed in the First Annual Report on Carcinogens (1980) as reasonably anticipated to be human carcinogens. Nickel compounds as a class were first listed as known to be human carcinogens in the Tenth Report on Carcinogens (2002); this listing supersedes the listing of certain nickel compounds and applies to all members of the class. Metallic Nickel was reevaluated in 2000 and remains listed as reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen. Nickel alloys were reviewed in 2000 but were not recommended for listing in the Report on Carcinogens (see Appendix C).
The profile for nickel compounds and metallic nickel follow this introduction. The evidence for the carcinogenicity of nickel compounds and metallic nickel is discussed separately. However, most of the information on additional information relevant to carcinogenicity, properties, use, production, exposure and regulations is
Nickel Compounds*
Known to be human carcinogens First listed in the Tenth Report on Carcinogens (2002)
Nickel compounds are known to be human carcinogens based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity from studies in humans, including epidemiological and mechanistic information, which indicates a causal relationship between exposure to nickel compounds and human cancer. The findings of increased risk of cancer in exposed workers are supported by evidence from experimental animals that shows that exposure to an assortment of nickel compounds by multiple routes causes malignant tumors to form at various sites in multiple species of experimental animals. The combined results of epidemiological studies, mechanistic studies, and carcinogenesis studies in rodents support the concept that nickel compounds generate nickel ions in target cells at sites critical for carcinogenesis, thus allowing consideration and evaluation of these compounds as a single group. The IARC (1990) evaluation of nickel and nickel compounds concluded that nickel compounds are carcinogenic to humans based on sufficient evidence for the carcinogenicity of nickel compounds in the nickel refining industry and very strong evidence of carcinogenicity of a variety of nickel compounds in experimental studies in rodents.
Several cohort studies of workers exposed to various nickel compounds showed an elevated risk of death from lung cancer and nasal cancer (IARC 1990). Although the precise nickel compound responsible for the carcinogenic effects in humans is not always clear, studies indicate that nickel sulfate and the combinations of nickel sulfides and oxides encountered in the nickel refining industries cause cancer in humans. IARC (1990) made the overall evaluation of nickel compounds as a group based on indications from mechanistic and animal studies that the event responsible for inducing cancer is generation of ionic nickel at the target site. Anderson et al. (1996) reported that nickel refinery workers exposed primarily to soluble nickel compounds had a significant excess risk for lung cancer and that smoking and nickel exposure have a multiplicative effect. An excess risk of nasal cancer was also observed in workers exposed to nickel compounds.
In rats and in some studies with mice, inhalation or intratracheal instillation of nickel subsulfide or nickel oxide led to dose-related induction of benign and malignant lung tumors, including carcinoma (IARC 1990, NTP 1996a,b). Inhalation of nickel compounds also causes tumors to form in organs other than the lung, in particular, malignant and benign pheochromocytoma in rats (NTP 1996a, 1996b). Injection of various nickel compounds has repeatedly been shown to produce dosedependent increases in tumors at a variety of sites in several species of experimental animals. Subcutaneous, intramuscular, intraperitoneal, subperiosteal, intrafemoral, intrapleural, intracerebral, intrarenal, intratesticular, and intraocular injections of nickel compounds all have caused malignant tumors to form at the site of injection. These tumors are usually sarcomas, but other types also develop. Injection of nickel produces distant tumors of the liver in some strains of mice (IARC 1990). Soluble nickel acetate is an effective, complete transplacental carcinogen in rats, and brief intraperitoneal exposure during pregnancy to this soluble nickel salt induces malignant pituitary tumors in the offspring. Additionally, exposure to nickel acetate through the placenta followed by exposure of the offspring to barbital (a known tumor promoter) produces tumors of the kidney (renal cortical and pelvic tumors) (Diwan et al. 1992). In adult rats, injection of soluble nickel salts followed by barbital exposure caused kidney cancer (renal cortical adenocarcinomas) that frequently metastasized to the lung, liver, and spleen (Kasprzak et al. 1990). No adequate data were available to evaluate the carcinogenicity of nickel compounds in animals by the oral or dermal routes of exposure.
Metallic Nickel
CAS No. 7440-02-0 Reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen First Listed in the First Annual Report on Carcinogens (1980)
Metallic nickel is reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity from studies in experimental animals, which indicates there is an increased incidence of malignant and/or a combination of malignant and benign tumors at multiple tissue sites in multiple species of experimental animals. A variety of carcinogenicity studies in rodents indicate that metallic nickel powder can produce tumors when given by intratracheal instillation or subcutaneous, intramuscular, or intraperitoneal injection. Intratracheal instillation of metallic nickel powder induces primarily adenocarcinoma, whereas injection most frequently induces sarcoma, demonstrating that metallic nickel can induce both epithelial and connective-tissue tumors. Tumors have been produced by metallic nickel exposure in both rats and hamsters (IARC 1990).
The available data from human studies of metallic nickel exposures are less informative. The available epidemiological studies of workers are limited by inadequate exposure information, low exposures, short follow-up periods, and small numbers of cases.
Nickel Compounds and Metallic Nickel
Additional Information Relevant to Carcinogenicity
Many studies in cultured rodent and human cells have shown that a variety of nickel compounds, including both soluble and insoluble forms of nickel, damage genetic material. DNA strand breaks, mutations, chromosomal damage, cell transformation, and disrupted DNA repair have been observed in cell-culture studies. Nickel can bind ionically to cellular components, including DNA. The reduction–oxidation activity of the nickel ion may produce reactive oxygen species that attack DNA, and 8-hydroxy-2´-deoxyguanosine can be produced in vitro and in vivo in target tissues for cancers caused by nickel (IARC 1990, Kasprzak et al.
1990). Nickel can induce chromosomal aberrations in exposed humans.
The carcinogenic potency of various nickel compounds varies widely, based on solubility properties and speciation. Studies indicate that soluble nickel salts can be complete carcinogens (Diwan et al. 1992) and/or initiators of carcinogenesis (Kasprzak et al. 1990) at sites distant from the application site, which confirms that ionic nickel is the carcinogenic species. Differences in potency of nickel compounds may relate to the specific properties of the compounds that affect the availability of ionic nickel at target sites. The listing is based on a large body of scientific evidence supporting the concept that the nickel ion is carcinogenic. The hazard associated with a particular nickel compound largely relates to the propensity for the compound to release ionic nickel in the body. The evidence suggests that the relatively insoluble metallic nickel is less likely to present a carcinogenic hazard than are the nickel compounds that tend to release proportionately more nickel ion. This view agrees with that expressed by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) (IARC 1990), which based its overall evaluation of the carcinogenicity of nickel compounds as a group on the combined results of human epidemiological studies, carcinogenicity studies in experimental animals, and other data supporting the “underlying concept that nickel compounds can generate nickel ions at critical sites in their target cells.” The IARC review group correctly pointed out that the carcinogenicity of nickel compounds depends not solely on their capacity to release ionic nickel, but also on factors that promote localization of high concentrations of nickel ions at critical tissue sites. This conclusion is consistent with evidence from experimental animals indicating that nickel compounds of moderate solubility can, under certain exposure conditions, be more carcinogenic than compounds that are more soluble. Thus, it is difficult to predict with any certainty the relative carcinogenic hazard posed by a particular nickel compound without a full understanding of its ability to release ionic nickel under specific exposure conditions.
The available evidence suggests that metallic nickel has carcinogenic properties because it can slowly dissolve in the body and release ionic nickel, an active genotoxic and carcinogenic form of nickel. No available data suggest that mechanisms by which nickel induces cancer in experimental animals would not also operate in humans.
Dr Hal Huggins, D.D.S.
in a lecture to the
Cancer Control Society 1993
More than 75% of the crowns placed today are nickel, and that is present in braces. Here we call it stainless steel. It is like silver fillings, it doesn’t have much silver in it, and you would pay for silver and gold what you wouldn’t pay for mercury. So it kind of boils down to a matter of salesmanship, and stainless steel sound pretty prestigious, so they put that in children, and what happens? You see teenage behaviour that may not have been there a few days before the braces were put on.
At the University of Colorado when I was nearly 50 years old I went back to take a degree in immunology because I could see I was affecting the immune system. The first case we studied, we took a woman and put braces on her, and I am kind of sensitive to immunology, I studied it for 4 years, and about 2 weeks after that I only knew about 2% of what was going on in immunology, it is a field that is expanding very rapidly, but a term I hear many people saying is—you know this product it boosts your immune system. How does it do that? What does it do to the T4’s and the T 8’s?….when you can study the cells of the immune system with the sophisticated equipment we have, and we can find that in this case I put the braces in. We did all the sophisticated testing, we put the braces in, and then the patients ends up with big bruises on her thigh. How did they get there? Well, a little sloppy dentistry, but these are huge bruises, no trauma involved there. Emotional things, a lot of change. Sleeping patterns, the first thing to change in an immunological challenge? Yes, big changes there. Things begin to look a little uncomfortable by day 3 so we took the conventional blood test, and what did I find? Nothing I could identify at that time, but this was 10 years ago. Today I could identify it, then I couldn’t, but things were still getting worse, and that afternoon we did the T subsets over again and what did we find? Immune system shutdown. I mean the T4’s were zero, the T8’s were zero, T11’s were zero. All of these things may not have a lot of meaning, but I can tell you zero is not where they should be. Within a few hours of death. We decided maybe we better take the braces off. The patients was for it, the faculty was for it, I was for it, I mean this was my wife we are talking about so it is not a real scientific case. So we took the braces off and the immune system came back…in 3 moths we were almost half way back where we were 3 days before. It does not recover overnight.
And I have other records on my desk where they did not take the braces off on the fourth day, and the reports show the same changes in the white blood cells, the same changes in the red blood cells, the same changes in the body temperature, everything is identical except when we get to day 4 and the braces were not removed, that was the last date that was entered on the autopsy reports, because these kids died, as they can with what is called the chrome crowns. That is a cutesy little term, chrome crowns, but these kids, I see them in the airport all the time … and I see little kids with tri-focals on, glasses about that thick. When did you have your chrome crown placed? I see people pushing along in a wheelchair. I wonder when did you have your root canal done? Because root canals so far have turned out to be one of the most vile things that I have ever run into, and my life for the last 20 years has been with a lot of vile essense
In California we found a woman who had some nickel crowns placed, she ended up with a specific type of breast tumour and she went through the lumpectomy, she went to the support group afterwards, and she said to me you know my husband was talking to this guy out in Colorado about nickel being carcinogenic.
What does that mean?
That means it produces cancer.
Do you suppose there is any relationship between my crowns and my breast tumour?
Another woman in the group said - well I went to Dr So and So dentist down the street here.
He put nickel crowns in my mouth and a couple of years later I came down with this same tumour you have got.
She said - that is the same dentist I went to.
And then we found a third woman who had the same crown, the same tumour, the same dentist. Same day we found a fourth woman with the same crown, the same tumour, the same dentist.
Then we found a fifth, then a sixth.
Is this suggestive of the need for further investigation? Or should we cover it up?
Are there really 100,000 women in the state of California growing breast tumours as a result of their nickel crowns right now as we are sitting here today? Is that a possibility? And you know what? They paid for that. They paid to have that done
Now, is there anything in the scientific literature on this?
Dr Moss was mentioning someone talking about 1000's of articles.
Yes, there are 1000's of articles on nickel being a carcinogen.
There are not thousands, but maybe hundreds of articles showing that nickel does something else. After nickel gets the cancer going how do you keep it under control?
You keep it under control with one of the white blood cells called a natural killer cell, the NK cell. What does it do?
It goes out and it kills off the cancer cells. Now all the rest of the immune system has to ask somebody. The B's have to ask the T lymphocytes, and so on, everything is a committee in the immune system, except the NK cells.
There is cancer---bang. They don't ask anybody. These are nice guys to have around. What does nickel do? It suppresses your NK cells. So nickel starts the tumour, then takes away your defences system. Is that nice? No, that is not nice. That is not nice to put on children aged two with their chrome crowns. That is not nice to put in our teenagers, or adults, with braces. It is not nice to use as crowns and bridges just because you save ten bucks. Is it worth ten bucks to go through breast surgery? If you feel that way have it but be informed ---if you want mercury in your mouth, if you want nickel, OK, but how many people in this room have nickel crowns in their mouth?
How many people have nickel crowns put in their mouth when they paid for gold crowns?
It is estimated that 50% of the dentists put in nickel crowns and charge the insurance companies, or charge you for gold. Nickel does not cost the same as gold. Nickel is not as safe as gold.
"Nickel is rapidly gaining a reputation for its toxicity, too. Most partial dentures are made of nickel. Approximately 80% of crowns use nickel, even "porcelain" crowns. Braces usually are nickel. Stainless steel is usually nickel alloy. Nickel compounds have been unequivocally implicated as human respiratory carcinogens in epidemiological studies of nickel refinery workers, and there appears a relationship between nickel crowns and breast cancer in women."---Thomas Levy, M.D.
"Nickel is used routinely by national cancer centers to induce cancer in laboratory animals to study can-cer. The nickel alloys they are using are very similar to those we are using in patients' mouths. Dentists are causing a major health problem."--- Dr. David Eggleston
Nickel and beryllium are 2 other metals commonly used in dentistry that are very carcinogenic, toxic, and cause DNA malformations. Nickel ceramic crowns and root canals have also been found to be a factor in some breast cancer and some have recovered after TDR, which includes amalgam replacement, replacement of metal crowns over amalgam, nickel crowns, extraction of root canaled teeth, and treatment of cavitations where necessary. Similarly nickel crowns and gold crowns over amalgam have been found to be a factor in lupus and Belle's Palsy from which some have recovered after TDR and Felderkrais exercises.
Electro galvanism
When two dissimilar metals are present in the mouth with saliva, an electric current will flow. Saliva acts as an electrolyte when it mixes with amalgam fillings, to create a measurable electric current of 900 millivolts. This current overpowers the body's normal 450 millivolts, interferes with energy flow to the brain and is suspected as a catalyst in many illnesses.
Other alloys, such as nickel in the metal base of bridges and under porcelain crowns, have been documented to lower the T-4 and T-8 lymphocyte levels (David Eggleston, DDS. "Effect of Dental Amalgam and Nickel Alloys on T-Lymphocytes: Preliminary Report", J. Prosthetic Dent, 1984, 51(5);617-623.) In predisposed patients, exposure to nickel can be a contributory factor in the development of cancer of the lungs, nasal passages and larynx.
Any metal materials in the mouth such as gold crowns, chrome cobalt partial dentures, mercury fillings, titanium implants, etc. will set the stage for galvanic currents. In 1985, a research team (A. Knappworst, E. Gura, D. Fuhrmann and A. Enginalev) revealed that when mercury fillings were in close proximity to gold crowns, the mercury release was ten times greater when compared to mercury fillings alone (p132. Mercury Poisoning from Dental Amalgam- a Hazard to Human Brain by Patrick Stortebecker, MD, Ph.D. published in USA by Bio Probe, Orlando, FL). Electro galvanism frequently is the cause for the following symptoms:
Lack of concentration and memory
Psychological problems
Hearing loss
Eye problems
Mouth pain
skin care products
Sore Gums?
Well, right in front of the bottom right canine tooth, the gums are just a little bit swollen. If I go without moving my mouth for a while, then I go to eat, it stings. Does anyone know what happened? It just started today.
P.S. I'm 13.
Sore Gums?
maybe its infected , did you scratch , or brush it too hard? I think you should take a mirror and stick it under your mouth , open your mouth and cheack it out , if its red or bleeding , maybe you should go to the dentist. think of anything ou could have done in the past week to cause this . Maybe find out what happened.
Reply:Your tooth is abscessing. You need to see a Dentist ASAP.
Reply:You most likely injured or burned it (with heat or spice food) Try gently cleaning around it with half hydrogen peroxide half water in a little cup floss it too. Then see how it feels in a couple days\You should opt to go to your dentist if it becomes a blister or gets any worse.
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P.S. I'm 13.
Sore Gums?
maybe its infected , did you scratch , or brush it too hard? I think you should take a mirror and stick it under your mouth , open your mouth and cheack it out , if its red or bleeding , maybe you should go to the dentist. think of anything ou could have done in the past week to cause this . Maybe find out what happened.
Reply:Your tooth is abscessing. You need to see a Dentist ASAP.
Reply:You most likely injured or burned it (with heat or spice food) Try gently cleaning around it with half hydrogen peroxide half water in a little cup floss it too. Then see how it feels in a couple days\You should opt to go to your dentist if it becomes a blister or gets any worse.
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i have an impacted canine tooth and i think it has a cavity how is the dentist supposed to fill it if it hasnt erupted yet?
How is there a cavity on it if it has not erupted yet?
Reply:reckon he will kill you first, then extract the tooth, do his little dental voodoo, kill a chicken, replace the tooth, revive you as a zombie, the he will have dinner. This is the truth.
Reply:Clearly, as you've said, the tooth cannot be filled in its curent state. If you do have a cavity, I would imagine your dentist (or an oral surgeon) would have to make an incision in the gum in order to gain access to the decay, fill it, and then close the incision. There would really be no other option other than to extract it and it's highly unlikely any dental professional would suggest that route before exhausting all other avenues.
Reply:Rather than "think" it has a cavity, why not go to your dentist and find out for sure. If you are going to have this tooth brought into alignment with the rest of your teeth, don't worry. We have our ways to fix all sorts of things.....
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How is there a cavity on it if it has not erupted yet?
Reply:reckon he will kill you first, then extract the tooth, do his little dental voodoo, kill a chicken, replace the tooth, revive you as a zombie, the he will have dinner. This is the truth.
Reply:Clearly, as you've said, the tooth cannot be filled in its curent state. If you do have a cavity, I would imagine your dentist (or an oral surgeon) would have to make an incision in the gum in order to gain access to the decay, fill it, and then close the incision. There would really be no other option other than to extract it and it's highly unlikely any dental professional would suggest that route before exhausting all other avenues.
Reply:Rather than "think" it has a cavity, why not go to your dentist and find out for sure. If you are going to have this tooth brought into alignment with the rest of your teeth, don't worry. We have our ways to fix all sorts of things.....
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Monthly mouth ulcer?
One week before my period, I get a mouth ulcer, usually on the lower inside of my lip, across from one of my canines (teeth). I am STD free, I recently was check. I think it has something to do with stress. Any ideas?
Monthly mouth ulcer?
It's most likely a canker sore. They're thought to be viral but are most likely noncontagious. They are not an STD and almost everyone gets them from time to time. If they are on the outside of your mouth, that is a different story. The most common flare up comes from stress
Reply:how recently were you checked? get checked again, or what i would do would be get to a doctor when it is happening, and get it tested.
Reply:Gargle with salt water. You should find that it works a treat. Salt is cheap and easy to get hold of and we all have it at home, so no need to splash out and spend lots of money on expensive mouth ulcer creams...There's a great Chinese herbal formula, a powder that you spray on, that cures mouth cuts and sores very quickly. It's called Watermelon Frost. If you can find it (try Chinatown if you're near one), use it 2-3 times a day. You'll be very happy.
mens health
Monthly mouth ulcer?
It's most likely a canker sore. They're thought to be viral but are most likely noncontagious. They are not an STD and almost everyone gets them from time to time. If they are on the outside of your mouth, that is a different story. The most common flare up comes from stress
Reply:how recently were you checked? get checked again, or what i would do would be get to a doctor when it is happening, and get it tested.
Reply:Gargle with salt water. You should find that it works a treat. Salt is cheap and easy to get hold of and we all have it at home, so no need to splash out and spend lots of money on expensive mouth ulcer creams...There's a great Chinese herbal formula, a powder that you spray on, that cures mouth cuts and sores very quickly. It's called Watermelon Frost. If you can find it (try Chinatown if you're near one), use it 2-3 times a day. You'll be very happy.
mens health