my cat is an outside cat but sometimes comes in. there is one other neighborhood cats. today when I came home from a sleepover i notice she had a hole in her neck that was about the size of a pea, it was pretty deep too. it was leaking thick pus. i asked my dad to take her to the vet but he said no and told me to put zinc oxide on it ( so i did), what else should i do? how can i get my dad to take her to the vet? she also has a chipped canine tooth. im worried about her please help me
My cat got into a fight please help?
your cat needs to go to the vet because that could probably get infected. and dont let it go outside anymore.
Reply:What a lovely father you have. As the adult in the family he HAS to care for this animal when it's sick or injured. But then again, if he's irresponsible enough to let a cat roam around outdoors I guess this reaction is expected.
This cat NEEDS to see a vet. So if your father won't take him then you should call your local animal control to come get this cat. Your family has no business owning a pet if you're not going to provide it the care it needs. Very sad.
Reply:I agree with the poster above me. She needs to go to the vet, puncture wounds can be very hard to treat and if there's puss she may need oral antibiotics as well as topical. If you're dad is unwilling to take her to the vet then find a no kill rescue that can take her, or depending on your age take her to the vet yourself and tell them what's going on, sometimes vet's can be sympathetic. They may also let you release her into their care so they can fix her and find her a home that can afford to care for her. I'm sorry you're having to go through this since you want to take her to the vet and your dad won't, but if he won't budge on it then out of love for your cat relinquish her to someone who can care for her. Good luck.
Reply:cut the hair around it put some neosporen on it and then put some strong band-aids on and tell your dad to take it to the vet if it becomes infected it may get soo bad it could kill your me it happened to my cat willow because my parents last year told me we couldn't go to the vet and being the stupid 12 year old i did nothing until she got so sick and we had to put her down.
Reply:i reckon u should tell ur dad to p iss off and take it NOW if my cat died from this i would honestly disone him
Reply:You DO need to take it to the vet. My cat got bit and had an absess (infection in the hole) and my vet had to take out the rotting flesh, fill the hole with an antibiotic goo and he needed to be on antibiotics for a day. If you don't do this, the infection could spread through his body and blood and could get really sick and maybe die. Her immune system could fight the infection itself, but it would be a really good idea to have this looked at.
I wouldn't worry about the tooth.
If he will not take you to the vet, clean the wound with peroxide in the meantime. I don't think zinc oxide will do anything, since that is for skin rashes (eczema, diaper rash).
Reply:If that hole is deep and pus is present, she has an infection. These abscesses will reappear if not treated. If he will not take the cat in you can try this. Clean the wound. Put Peroxide on the would and then Neosporin. Neither of these will hurt the cat if applied correctly. Keep the wound clean and reapply the ointment. The chipped tooth might cause sensitivity and pain. You may want to remind your father that being a responsible pet owner includes vet visits. Good luck.
Reply:Although the tooth is a minor issue, the hole would be something to worry about. If theres dischrage coming out is it a watery bloody discharge? or straight up puss? if its watery bloody it should be ok for now, but if its straight up puss then it needs to be seen that means infection and you dont want that... please seek vet help. if your dad doesnt have the heart then maybe you can talk to you mother?... if you go the peroxide route dont use alot... its not good for the animal.
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