When is the last time....?

...you bit your tongue?

I did today...I put a piece of bubble gum in my mouth and bit down...my canine tooth almost went clear through the tip of my tongue! Ouch!

When is the last time....?
OUCH !! Playing some football with friends, went down on the ground face first. Hurt like you know what, and bled like a stuck pig. Hurt for days. Now I understand why they use mouthpieces ~~Peace
Reply:yeah HURTS
Reply:yesterday or the day before yesterday. I forget.
Reply:last week when I ate ice cream
Reply:Have done this not too long ago and boy its pain and its nothing you can do till it heels.
Reply:I bit my lip today, but it's been awhile since I bit my tongue.
Reply:I can't remember, but I hate that, then it hurts for a few days and it's annoying.
Reply:I can't remember the last time I bit my tongue. My husband accidentally bites the inside of his jaw all the time, especially if he's eating meat. He says it's way more painful than biting your tongue.
Reply:A couple days ago. I was going to set someone straight with facts but realized they wouldn't believe me any way.
Reply:TODAY!! After lunch...and I drew blood!! owwww!

Wow, sorry about your tongue, sounds painful!
Reply:Ow sorry :( i think 2 days ago i was being rough with my gum haha :D
Reply:I hate that! Do you get canger sores? they hurt like a *****
Reply:l never did
Reply:i think it was a week ago
Reply:a long time ago... (like a month)

ooh i hope i didnt jinx myself!
Reply:Instead of Heart of Glass,consider being called "Cotton mouth".
Reply:Actually, it was only about 3 days ago. I chomped it pretty good on my wisdom teeth. Yeah, it hurt!



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