Swollen gums?

i have a feeling like there is sommething swollen running up the side of face towards my eye.its like there is something stuck there which is causing pressure .........i had root treatment and the dentist took the tooth out because he said it had not worked,but it did not get rid of the pressure and swelling i could feel in my face.......he also took an x ray but he said there was no sign of infection....i have had my sinuses checked but they were ok....the tooth in question is the canine tooth onn the right.....i also have a tenderness at the site of the tooth on the gum...can anyone whith some dental knowledge think what it might be?

Swollen gums?
It could be an infection, you might want to try a round of antibiotics just to see if you have any results. I would suggest you see an ENT next; it's possible that this extraction could have perforated the sinus cavity. I would try the antibiotics first then if that fails, see an ENT. Hard to believe a canine was extracted due to a failed root canal. I would have tried desperately hard to hold on to that one even with an apico and re-treat. I know I don't know all the history on this tooth, but that would have been my treatment plan.
Reply:I had my mouth swell up on one side of my face but it was a infection...Maybe a pus pocket? I dk but take some penilsun

my cat

Have you heard about this talented canine?

Apparently when a stranger comes to the door he jumps up to the piano and plays symphonies with his clumsy paws, then nips at the guest with his sharp little teeth. However, his Bach is worse than his bite.

Have you heard about this talented canine?
You've brained my damage...x
Reply:.......oh dear :(

family nanny

I need an orthodontist/dentist opinion!!!?

im 17 years old and my upper left canine tooth has been coming in for like 4-5yrs about a week ago i lost my non permanent canine tooth its only over my incisor like a 4-7 millimeters

and i wont be able to go to the orthodontist/dentist until my 18 birthday in 2 months when i get my inheritance money because i dont have money or insurance is that bad or what should i do

I need an orthodontist/dentist opinion!!!?
2 month's time isn't alot. but do plan on seeing a dentist.. if you have one talk to them about this?

if don't then find one and talk to them about this. also maintaining regular checkups and cleanings wouldn't hurt either.

no insurance? well there's no copayment you'll have to pay out of pocket. alot do. don't worry about it. unless there's a problem were it would involved an oral surgeon or an orthadontist.

you can talk with your detist next visit.

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Why is my mandibular right canine grinded down?

i have braces..

will this affect my teeth image in the future?

i noticed this a month ago.

how did this happen?

Why is my mandibular right canine grinded down?
No this shouldn't affect your teeth. It could be the way you either chew or grind your teeth while you sleep.
Reply:Over use.
Reply:you may be bruxing {grinding your teeth} when you sleep . I believe you should consult your dentist sometimes they will equilibrate other teeth to adjust your bite correctly and possibly suggest a bite splint to prevent further damage.

Anyway any change that is enough that you noticed it should be checked out by your dentist.

windows installer

Question about dental work.?

I got a partial and it looks terrible. I ended up breaking a tooth off and was sent to another dental office to get it fixed. The people at this office also told me it looks terrible and it would look much better if I got my canine tooth pulled even though most dentist dont like to pull this particular tooth. I told my dentist this is what I want after all whats another tooth since i already have the partial. he refuses to pull the tooth but assures me he will do the work until im happy with it even if i end up needing a completely new partial. my question is will i be charged again for another partial even though i expreseed my dislike. is he just trying to get more money out of me? any ideas on what i should do? I signed a contract with him so they wont let me switched dentist even though its the same practice plus ive used up all of my insurance with this. thanks for any input.

Question about dental work.?
It sounds like the Dentist wants to help you until you are satisfied. If the first Partial dosent fit right they will do what they can till it does. If not they should give you a new partial at no charge. One other thing was this an immediate partial or the permanant one. If it was the immediate they took a guess at how it would fit until the permanant one is made.
Reply:He should do it at no charge since it was just done. There is usually a reason they don't take out the canine. The partial can hook on to the canine a lot better with more support than the lateral. It might be too much for the lateral and eventually you might have to get it taken out. There is no harm in seeing what it looks like redone with pulling that other tooth. He probably sends them out to a lab and the lab did not do a good job. Talk to him and make sure it is at no fee. Then, it you still don't like it, get another opinion from a dental office. (that you haven't been to)
Reply:Get a new partial! Do I don't know how many teeth are on the partial, but, the canine is most likely the main tooth that the partial is hooked to aka. this is an important tooth for the partial. I don't think that you should have to pay for new anything! If you are not satisfied with the dentists' work, tell him or her how you feel about the work that was done. Good luck !

scooter parts

How can you tell if the tooth you lost was permanent?

(Sorry about my spelling D= )

I was curious, how can you tell that tooth you lost was permanent? %26amp; is 13 too old to be still loosing baby teeth(canine)?

How can you tell if the tooth you lost was permanent?
You can still loose baby teeth as a teenager, and unless you had some kind of an accident that knocked an adult tooth out, it would be really unusual for you to loose it. Adult teeth would also have roots.
Reply:No,you're not too old to be losing baby teeth. I'm not sure, but usually the permanent teeth looks a good size bigger than your baby ones.
Reply:Please take a look at this chart as a guideline


As a dental hygienist I know that sometimes people get teeth early and other times they are slow to erupt. A baby tooth will be smaller and probably lack roots as they resorb when the adult tooth pushes on them to erupt. Hope that helps!

JAMRDH - a dental hygienist
Reply:Yes it is you need to go see a dentist


Impacted canine. how much does it costs?

There has been a gap in my teeth for four years with out being fixed. Yes, that is very sad. Why it took some time well the story is long but I was deployed for millitary purposes twice in the last three years. while I was oversees, they did not have the right dental equipment to fix me up and also if it doesn't hurt or dosn't impact missions the army doesn't care. Imagine going through three years with a big gap in your mouth. Well the army was playing with me all those years and still now I am trying to get them fix me but they keep refering me to a specialist after a specialist and orthodontis after orthodontist. and months in between for apointment. I finaly got tired and promised myself, it doesn't matter the cost I am going to a civian dentist to get it fixed. Ok my question is does anyone know a gum sergeon in mayland who can do the job? please let me know and also the estimated cost. thank you for your cooperation. God bless!

Impacted canine. how much does it costs?
Well you seem to be doing pretty well considering

your circumstances! Being in the military I suppose you

don't have spare money to throw around. I suggest looking

into orthodontists on the orthodontist4less network. Find

a specialist on the plan that you like and trust.
Reply:How is your canine impacted and how does that cause the gap? The only thing I can get from your question is that the tooth need to be pulled down with orthodonticts. If the tooth needs to be extracted and replaced you can either do a implant or a bridge. Implant is better but more expensive.

For the name of a surgeon or someone contact the board of that type. American Academy of Oral Surgeons or something like that. Most established, progressive , quality dentists will participate in those organizations.


CANINE GUM ULCERS - Treatment and Prevention?

My dog Judy (she's 6 years old) has been experiencing in the past months ulcers in her gums... Last summer she had her teeth cleaned, and her gums were OK, but in the fall she developed 3 painful ulcers in the gums. She was treated with antobiotics, but a month later the problem re-ocurred. She was given antibiotics again, but once more, a month later, she's having trouble with her gums.

I'm still waiting to hear from the vet again. Could someone let me know how can I prevent this from happening, if this is a chronic conditions we're going to have to deal with, if there are natural means to treat/prevent the ulcers?


CANINE GUM ULCERS - Treatment and Prevention?
Gum ulcers in humans (canker sores), seem to respond well to B vitamins. You may also try to use hard dog food to feep the mouth clean.

If you have used even one round of antibiotics, consider giving your dog Acidophilus in its food for a month. This will help the good bactreria in your dogs gut to return to normal levels, after being wiped out by the antibiotics.

An excellent supplement to try for vitamins, minerals, healthy oils ect. to support normal healing and immune function is k9rx. They sell their dog supplement via internet, and the powder u mix with water and put in the dogs food. The web site has many testimonials too.

My dogs love it.
Reply:give her some antibotics in her food for about two months. you can get penacillon from the pet shop
Reply:Phone:(541) 899-2080 or Marina@naturalrearing.com .website >http://www.naturalrearing.com/ She is a wonderful animal holistic practitioner.... I have relied on Marina for years, and she has saved my pets many a time. I asked her last week if she minded me giving her contact info to yahoo askers, and she said it was fine. If her dad answers he is a retired vet, and very helpful and kind. If anyone would know of home or natural remedies, marina would. Hope this helps
Reply:spray a little diluted hydrogen peroxide on it occasionally...peroxide's always been good for ulcers


Removal of Cannine (eye tooth or pulled down)?


I am 26 years old and am in the process of getting invisalign. My biggest issue is that I have an eye tooth/ canine that has not came out, on the x ray shows that it is coming it at an angle...My orthodontist is good and went over my options. Since I am a business professional I need something that will not look too obvious... my first option was to attach a bracket and pull it down but this can take a very long time and even that may not guarantee that it will come in straight which will force me to get metal braces which i DO NOT want to get. my other option was to have it removed and put an implant in place. to prepare my surrounding teeth he was going to put ceramic braces on for about 3-6 month to prepare the surrounding teeth and in place put a fake tooth until the implant procedure is complete, then put me back on invisalign.. I know this will be a little more expensive but it seems as if it wont take so long and will be less noticeable.. What is your advise? please help

Removal of Cannine (eye tooth or pulled down)?
Nothing is as good as a real tooth!

I had the same thing happen to me, when I was 16. I had metal braces, and the orthodontist extracted my primary canine and attached a bracket to the permanent canine. I had my braces on for 2 1/2 years. I would recommened not having your permanent canine replaced with an implant! Like I said above, nothing is as good as the real thing!
Reply:those exactly are your options. if you were 16, i would recommend the first option. it is worth a try to save your permanent tooth because (although there are no guarantees, even with an implant), it would be nice to have a natural tooth as your canine.you can function without a canine but a canine is important in excursive movements since is helps relieve the load from the other teeth. a implant canine can do the same but it's just not as strong as a natural canine.

but since you are 26, the second option would be fine. it will be successful if done properly and if everything heals well. yes, it wont take as long and will cost more since there are more procedures to do. hopefully, the fake tooth doesnt fall out when you have it placed for 3-6months. - it might be an inconvenience. good luck

dr. charles
Reply:Invisilign can fix crooked/severly crooked teeth. Just look at the website.
Reply:I would not have a healthy tooth removed just because I was afraid of my appearance for a few months. Your natural teeth are so important and it's sad to hear that people would just rather have them taken out rather than try to keep their own. I think you should have the wire attached and let the tooth be pulled down into its place. Even if your canine teeth come in crooked, you shouldn't have to have a full set of braces...I'd get a second opinion if that's what your orthodontist told you. It should be a goal to keep all of your own teeth.


I sometimes get compulsive about feeling the sharpness of my teeth with my tongue. Ever hear of this?

It happens maybe every other month or so and seems to be accompanied by a tightness in the jaw muscles. But the fascination with the sharpness of the canines is real... I've even found myself checking them in the visor mirror. Today, I took some cold medicine and noticed the weird tooth business was pretty intense. I'm otherwise free of compulsive behaviors, but this gives me insight into how maddening they must be!

I sometimes get compulsive about feeling the sharpness of my teeth with my tongue. Ever hear of this?
I tend to do this quite often as well. I just never thought it was a problem.
Reply:Yeah, I like to inspect the sharpness of my canines, but I'm obsessive compulsive.

I have a problem where I like to grit my teeth as hard as I can, I'm really not sure why. The only thing I can do to relieve it is eat something like licorice or beef jerky...is that what you mean by the tightness in the jaw muscles?

family nanny

What is the best way to diagnose positively a crack in the root of the tooth?

It's the canine tooth that just has only the root with a post core inside.

What is the best way to diagnose positively a crack in the root of the tooth?
the radiographic history should be helpfull. Compare all available and review the clients chart for work done on the tooth. see if the crown is coming off repeatedly. also look for any radiolucencies surrounding the tooth. test for mobility, pain on percussion and occlusion changes. there must be some sign or symptom if a crack is suspected. Especially important is the periodontal status. Evaluate bone levels, Periodontal ligament attachment, probing depths. Gingival health can also give clues. Examine the soft tissue for the presence of a fistula or exudate from the sulcus. If necessary refer to endodontist for further radiographic evaluations and possible removal of post to visualize the canal.
Reply:go to the dentist. its the only way to be positive
Reply:uuuu mmmmmm see a dentist?
Reply:Dental x-ray or perhaps dental dye. Other indications are pain and swelling or perhaps infection at the site. That really sucks because toothpain hurts bad. I really feel for you.
Reply:when you go to the dentist they will take x-rays hun!!!
Reply:bite a pencil on your suspected broken tooth, if there is a sudden pain it is cracked, also a radiograph of your tooth makes it clear,good luck

office supply

What would you have to do if your puppy has a loose tooth?

I have a 5 month old chihuahua with a loose canine tooth, am I supposed to do anything! Im really stressing and getting very scared about it! CAN SOMEBODY PLEASE TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!!

What would you have to do if your puppy has a loose tooth?
No, leave it alone.
Reply:Nothing. Puppies lose their teeth just like children do.
Reply:when they lose their baby teeth, you will be finding them everywhere, especially in their food bowl. You don't have to do anything. Your dog is teething. They have been doing this for hundreds of thousands of years, your pup isn't worried, you don't need to worry. Just provide lots of chew toys, and puppy teething toys.
Reply:it will come out when the dog is playing or somethin...just leave it alone...thats why dogs teethe...its just like a baby
Reply:Dont do anything. It will fall out all by it self. If it is hanging on by a mear thread then pull it out. I have had to pull some of my pups teeth out when he had them just dangling there. Other wise it will fall out on its own. Stop stressing ok.
Reply:Just watch it that is does not break off it will fall out when it is ready if it is keeping it from eating good you could take it to a vet and let them go a head and get it out
Reply:First of all calm down this is normal!! Just like little kids they will loose there baby teeth and grow adult teeth, You should get your puppy something to chew on and maybe start gving him softer food, or just put water on the dry food . Your puppy will need somthing to chew on after the teeth come out and the new ones come in so make sure you give something to her/him so that your puppy doesnt chew up somthing like your shoes! Good Luck with your little one
Reply:Your puppy is getting ready to lose its baby tooth, just leave it alone, it will fall out on its own..
Reply:You don't have to do anything. Puppies lose their first teeth and permanent teeth grow in their place. This happens at about five months old so your dog is right on schedule. Remember when you were about six years old and lost your first tooth. This is the canine version of the same thing.
Reply:Since I grew up with a mom that never let a wiggling tooth alone, I guess I came by my habit naturally....if they're really loose, then they come out. I just pull them. Now, if the dog is totally opposed to such an idea, then I'll let them alone, they'll come out on their own in their own good time.
Reply:Check the gum if it looks really sore then consult your vet, if not the tooth will fall out when its ready, that is if its the first tooth, if its the adult tooth definately consult your vet.
Reply:my 5 month jack/pug JUST spit out a molar like 10 mins ago

and before that i just noticed blood on a few of his toys...he was panting and i saw he was missing his bottom fang, so im gonna guess he swallowed that one. so you could prolly leave it unless its dangling there=p

office stationery

How long does Maryland bridge talkes to complete for a single tooth missing.?

The reason I am asking is, I have a missing canine tooth and I am considering different procedures. Implant is out of the question it takes a long time. I am flying to the US for this and I am only going to be in the US for two weeks. I am looking at The Maryland bridge. does anyone know any place that facbricates the components and does the bridge in less that 10 days. I appericiate your help.

How long does Maryland bridge talkes to complete for a single tooth missing.?
Most cases at most labs take 2 weeks to fabricate a bridge. However, special circumstances happen, and it is possible to rush the case through faster. When the doctor requests a rush on the case, it does usually entail a rush fee. Usually from 20 to 80 extra dollars per tooth that's being restored. (so in your case, 60-180 dollars.)

Any doctor can prep and prescribe a Maryland bridge, but some choose not to. This is only because, some Maryland bridges have a tendancy to fail after a few years. It is more common than not. Because of this, I will personally strongly advise you reconsider your position on the implant. Implants are the BEST way to go, and are always worth the extra time. However, I understand if you just can't afford that kind of time, so in that case, I would reccomend a three unit bridge. These bridges can be made from a number of materials, from the standard Porcelain fused to metal, to zirconia. Since it is the Canine that you're missing, and that is by far one of the most important teeth in your mouth, (the corner stone if you will) your dentist might recommend the standard restoration for you.

Good luck, and I hope this helped.

Reply:Craig is correct. Any bridge can be done within a 2 week timeframe...especially just three units - that should be no problem. There are better options than a Maryland Bridge.

prada handbags

What is this red, hard bubble on my gum after my tooth extraction?

I had my upper canine tooth extracted 5 days ago, and a red hard bubble has formed on the gum above of the extraction site and it hurts like heck!!

What is this red, hard bubble on my gum after my tooth extraction?
Could be an abcess. Call your dentist pronto!
Reply:You should go see your doctor. It could be a serious infection. A poisonous puss pocket.
Reply:i agree w/ the other two answers!!! you should go to the dentist asap!
Reply:The first two answers could be right or it could also be a blood clot. Whatever you do, don't try and pop it or remove it. Like they said, call your Dentist ASAP.
Reply:maybe the pressure from the extraction and the tools the dentist used cause some irratation to the gum area.
Reply:Depending on the seriousness, size and coloration of the bubble, it could just be a inflamation reaction to the hole in your gums. This could be natural or abnormal, so contact your dentist to let him know. Dont start freaking out yet!
Reply:See your dentist yesterday!

Visual Arts

What should i do if my dog broke her tooth?

she is only 3 months old and broke one of her canine tooth what should i do?

What should i do if my dog broke her tooth?
well if its sharp and chipped you wont want her to cut her tongue on it. but if thats not a problem don't worry, it should grow back, and if it doesn't she'll just have 1 ****** up tooth. take her to the vet if it gets infected or it irritates her tongue.
Reply:Put her down. Sorry, couldnt resist. Well seriously, simple; take her to the vet? a similiar situation happend with my dog.
Reply:new ones will grow in if she's just a puppy, so dont worry
Reply:Did the break expose the nerve? If not then it is more cosmetic than anything. if the nerve is exposed then you'll have to pull it.

try brushing the teeth and see the reaction.
Reply:It's a baby tooth anyhow. She will start teething in a few weeks and lose it. If it doesn't come out with the rest of the teeth take her to the vet. You have to go again for another vaccination, show it to the vet then.


What kind of braces?

I need braces, but I want to be an actress so should I consider invisible braces? Please give me info on them. Also I have vampire canine teeth if you know what I mean. Can I get them fixed without braces?

What kind of braces?
Well, if your teeth are "that bad" then you might have to get the brackets on. But only for a while. After that, you orthodontist would probably let you use the invisible ones as retainers. Hope this helps!
Reply:Invisible Braces, I can hardly notice my friend has them!
Reply:i think you should get crazy colors to make you stand out.

they wont be on forever, you know:)

x 9346043056/

I get mine off in 9 days :D
Reply:lots of $ for invisible braces just a heads up
Reply:invisible, nobody notices them. i'm in the drama club.
Reply:pink and neon green look the best i know i have them!
Reply:I think they look strange, i know the girl in a disney show Even Steven wore them and it just looked odd..there is nothing wrong with braces...if you want invasilign...thats different, its a retainer that straightens them slowler but you can't tell its in ever good luck!
Reply:haha my bf has those vampire teeth, i like them :) You may be able to fix them with a retainer, but dentists love to put u in braces!! :) I had braces when i was younger and was fine with it because everyone had them. now im 20 and would die if i had to get them again so i refuse!!! invisaline is exbensive !!
Reply:invisible braces look like gunk on your teeth

get invisiline.. my mom almost did and its so cool! and it actually works cause my friend had it
Reply:i have them and when i were clear rubber bands you barrley see them
Reply:invisaline might be a little more expensive than regular braces, but it's worth it. as for ur canines, ur dentist can tell u whats the best way to fix them, but braces won't help, they only align ur teeth not make them shorter
Reply:I had invisiline, and i liked it! you can also use it for a bleach tray when you whiten your teeth :)
Reply:there's invisaline(sp?) and lumineers...pick your choice, something other than braces.
Reply:ask your denist which one wouls suite you best for your career
Reply:if you want to act and get the best result i wouldn't use invisiline, it takes long and doesn't always fix the problems even if the dentist say it will, if i was you i would get the kind that go behind your teeth even if they seem like they would scratch up your tongue, its the same as normal ones, miley cyrus has them and no one notices ; ] i hope i helped i had the same problem!! (i want to be a singer : ] )

P.S. you can get vampire teeth filed down!!!

They are these things called "invisalign" and they are braces that you cant see!!! but they are SOOO expensive!!! (so i've heard).and sorry but i dont think you can get them fixed without braces... sorry!!! talk to your orthodontist, they'll know best!
Reply:when r u planning on being an actress??!!! ur braces will be off soon enough! haha...i dont like clear, they look kind of gross...they look yellowish! i like the regualr

exchange rate

Vampire Fang Implants! wow??

I want to get caps or implants on my canine teeth. Funny thing is I am in college for dentistry.

*Say you went to a dentist and she had fang caps in her mouth, would you consider changing your dentist? Why or why not?

*If you saw an attractive (and very intelligent)girl and liked her, would her having fangs change your opinion?

Vampire Fang Implants! wow??
i think it would be sooooo cool to have vampire fangs!!
Reply:Well, they might.



I am 19 year old boy,my height is 6ft 2 inches, i want to join frankfinn air hostess academy, i met them?

they r ready to take me in their institute with placement gurantee, i think they r telling lie, how can i b selected as flight steward becoz i have got some pimples spots on my face and my canine teeth are little pointed but i have got very good personality with good talking skills can i become flight steward or frankfinn is just trying to fool me???plz help me

I am 19 year old boy,my height is 6ft 2 inches, i want to join frankfinn air hostess academy, i met them?
I really don't think they would lie to you.

credit cards

I want gold or diamond studded fangs...individual caps for just the fangs like a grill?

I want some gold and diamond studded grill for my fangs or canine teeth. I want to get them online also i want them to be fake or like platinum individual caps. i just want top 2 or just bottom 2..

like juicy j the rapper....he had some.

so any help would be great.

I want gold or diamond studded fangs...individual caps for just the fangs like a grill?

myspace images

If God........?

meant for me to be a vegetarian, why do I have canine teeth?

If God........?
For really hard veggies or to screw with our mortal minds?....wow I just realized how stupid I sounded....either way I'll give you a star :)
Reply:exactly. thank you
Reply:only he can answer that one.Sorry dude.
Reply:God made animals for a reason
Reply:Because God didn't want you to be vegetarian. Why do you think animals taste so good?
Reply:god never said anything about being a vegetarian or not. Its YOUR choice
Reply:good point
Reply:idk ask him.
Reply:if we have 'canine teeth', why do people on a proper vegetarian diet live longer, free of heart or other diseases.
Reply:to chew your veggies. lol
Reply:you wernt meant to be a veg, it was your choice.
Reply:being a vegan is a personal choice. he gives you canine teeth if you dont want to be a vegan.
Reply:Which god? Ra? Zeus? The Flying Spaghetti Monster? Allah?

Because none of them exist. Well, except the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Reply:humans are omnivores..not herbivores

btw...god doesnt exist
Reply:I agree with you...totally!!!!! Have a star, let's go to McDonalds and get a big ol' hamburger, my treat...lol.
Reply:good question.
Reply:So you could defend yourself against whoever Helga Bones is...

(my theory is she's a teenager's idea of a prank...because there's no way she could be real...I just wish they had come up with a funner and funnier idea for a prank...she's starting to become a nuisance...the least they could do would be to make her more humorous...)
Reply:Only God knows why...

girls myspace

My dog is........?

my dog is acting funny, when i go outside in the morning, he has blood all ova his face and a full belly. he looks different too. at night, his canine teeth will grow larger, and his claws get sharper, especially when there is a full moon, he seems to howl alot.........

any ideas?

My dog is........?
sounds like you gotta werewolf on your hands! lol
Reply:idea: you are insane...

or a troll...

or both.

or the answer you WERE looking for:

Mabe hes a werewolf *rolls eyes*
Reply:Please don't drive a stake in his heart, until you are sure,of what is going on.
Reply:.....he ate a bird in the morning and theres some1 stalking your house so he snarls

acne scar

My toddler has gone off all her favorite foods this past week, could it be teething?

She is getting her Canine teeth.

My toddler has gone off all her favorite foods this past week, could it be teething?
It is possible or maybe she wants to try different foods. My son will like something for awhile and then decide he wants something new. We found out my 20 month old likes spicy seasonings on his food.
Reply:I guess it could be her teeth, but it could also be that maybe she is getting a cold or flu. My children seem to go through phases where they really like some food, then they turn their nose up at it, who knows?

skin care products

Does PETA go too far?

After reading PETA's list of guidelines, and what they think is appropriate when it comes to reinforcing animal rights, I found myself agreeing to the majority - such as being against animal abuse, testing or poaching.

But as I scrolled down their list of 'ethics', I saw that they are also against us eating other animals.

Sorry - but I really had to laugh about that one! Honestly - humans arent supposed to eat soley vegtables and fruits! If we were, we wouldnt have our canine teeth. Besides that, we belong to the primate family, who also eat a variety of birds and small rodents. It is a scientifically proven fact that if a human were to eat soley flora, they would lack several vitamins and be seriously unhealthy.

I can understand if a vegitarian chooses not to eat meat out of their own preference, but to impose this on others?

Do you think PETA is going just a little too far with this 'Animals arent there to be eaten' statement?

Id like to get your opinions on that...

Does PETA go too far?
yes, those idiots want to change our menus.

if ethics does not work, they will say it is healthier.

while red meat with too much saturated fats and cholesterol is unhealthy, meat can be healthy like skinless,grilled chicken, salmon.

also, there is a myth u can get all proteins from soy,legumes and grains.

there are different amino acids and not all of em are available in veg. products.

we have people killing each other, stealing, dying of hunger and all these ppl care about are animals?

i mean, i would like to see animals treated humanely but PETA are ridiculous.

i hurts when i see an animal tortured or in pain.

@x, u buffoon, u call urselfcivilised? ppl are starving in africa and u load up ur SUV and buy so much food for ur dog or cat, u idiot.
Reply:welcom to earth. its crazy here.

life is odd

america is plastic.

want proof?

turn on the news or MTV

im a 17 year old guy still living in mommys basement saying this

people are going to cry no matter what.

whatever people can do for attention they will dive at.

my opinion on the situation, we eat meat. end of story, if i get into religion, people will cry, if i get into evolution, people will cry.

i think you understand where i am going with this issue.

this is my "Amish friendly" as you say, answer


haha watch out, if peta sees this they will drop a brick
Reply:i dont believe they "go too far"

but theyre against companies that are known to torture animals..

such as kfc or mcdonalds.

research on how they kill these poor creatures, watch videos of how they skin cows alive...

then you'll understand what theyre against

you've made a good point, though

Reply:peta sucks. if you're a stickler for the rules then don't join peta. they all about being vegans and stuff. i love animals and everything, but I eat meat. i can't live without my meat. sorry peta ppl. i remember when they wrote a letter to a town near i live that they HAD to change the name of the town. The town is Hamburg. they are crazy sometimes.
Reply:Yes they go too far. They bomb companies that do things they believe are cruel. It is OK for them to kill people to show that we are cruel to animals. Also they are quick to point out when they think a company is cruel, but they do not give kudos when the same company changes policy.
Reply:Last time I wrote my version of what PETA means, was awarded the best answer, by the questioner. The question was deleted and I got a violation.
Reply:Yes. We need meat to be healthy.
Reply:They're a bunch of wackos %26amp; if ya throw religion into the pot %26amp; stir it up, ya get one big mess.
Reply:The truth is in perception, You perceive it your way so that is your truth. I perceive it that PETA is OK so that is my truth.
Reply:I had a beautiful boyfriend once. He was one of god's most physically attractive creatures. After we broke up, he became a vegan. I ran into him again after he had been a vegan for a while. He was ugly. I mean his hair was dry as straw, his skin looked sallow and unhealthy. He looked so awful, he reminded me of one of those crack addicts. (Before anyone says "maybe he WAS a crack addict"..let me assure you he was not). You are right, if we were meant to be vegans, the vegan diet would make us look and feel much healthier, not, as it does, closer to the grave. Humans are meant to be omnivorous. I don't need a study to show me that. Common sense will tell you that. When you eat something unhealthy, or when you lack something in your diet, your body shows it. OUR body's need meat. Thank you. Sorry for the long answer. The end. :)
Reply:Yes they go too far...but you are trying to debate idiots with logic.

One example is the graphic (bloody) comic books they tried to hand out to grade schoolers to show animals being slaughtered to provide meat. They were trying to encourage them to refuse to eat meat when they came home... Their headquarters should have been tried on terrorism charges for that.

I have one point to dispute...a well-rounded vegetarian diet can contain all vitamins except B12. B12 can be added to yeast (which they sprinkle on foods) but do you know where that B12 is derived from?

From meat.
Reply:i believe it is everyones choice to eat meat or not, but you can live without meat, im a vegaterian and i do it because of the cows contribution to climate change and the animals that are slaughtered for food are usually treated so inhumanley before they die and are pumped full of hormones and i just love animals i cant stand eating meat. it was once a living breathing thinking creature.

but i dont believe PETA has the right to impose this on others, but it can be seen as a form of animal cruelty, the meat just didnt appear on your plate you have to think about where it came from.

sorry for the rant =)

and i DO think peta does go too far sometimes and a are a little crazy. i would never join
Reply:you make a choice... either to live by your primal animal instincts... or to be civilised.

it doesnt suprise me that people like you have no respect for other lives... you are just plain primitive and has no respect for those who are more civilised. that's something i dont think you will ever understand...

we are intelligent... we have a responsibility... but sadly we use our intelligence to defend our actions.

sometimes i think animals are better than humans... if you ever had a pet perhaps you would have had a different opinion of PETA... whatever
Reply:they should stop animals to eat animals too. have you seen a hungry lion? :)))

and yes, sometimes i would kick a dog. :)))
Reply:PETA is an internationally recognized terrorist organization that on occasion *encourages* some of it's members to *eliminate* threats to nature "by any means possible". Members have assassinated, arsoned, and performed other acts in the name of Mother Nature. The group publicly condemns such actions, and sponsors them through clandestine means.
Reply:sorry. too long question. can't answer

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Why are the people on are you smarter than a 5th grader so dumb?

I'm sorry - I really am...

I'm not saying that you have to memorize the capital of Hungary or anything, but I just watched a snip-it of this show and these people are really really dumb! Does this show actually get good ratings? I feel dumber just watching. And I know it's definitely not an act, because no one would subject themselves to looking that dumb for a little extra money. Or would they?

There was a question - how many canine teeth are in an adult human mouth? I mean come on, you live with your mouth for like 30 years and you don't know ?

sigh... sorry to rant people, but I cannot imagine why anyone would want to watch this show.

Why are the people on are you smarter than a 5th grader so dumb?
I agree, I hate this show. They pick the dumbest people, I think, to make it "funny..." It is an annoying waste of time. Its a shame that Jeff Foxworthy, who I usually like, has been reduced to hosting this worthless program.
Reply:yea i know there was one question that was like what country has a larger border against america mexico or canada and the lady said mexico because she HERES about it on the news more LOL if u live in america you should no the answer
Reply:I only watched it to see Kellie Pickler. Funny thing is she was a heck of alot smarter than that idiot on after her. I think he used all 3 of his cheats on the 1st 3 questions and then missed the 4th and got kicked out with zero $. And he said he had 2 daughters in college. Bet they were proud. Imagine the crap they had to put up from their friends. haha
Reply:it to ceep the show going...........(I don't watch it I make fun of it!!)
Reply:I agree. that show is really dumb. one guy was asked "how many "e"s are in "mathematics"? he took 5 min maybe? and guess what? he said two! agh. people these days. and the 5th graders aren't normal fifth graders. they are definitely smarter than average fifth graders.
Reply:I totally agree! I could never understand why this show is so popular! If I was a fifth-grader, I would be offended by this show! This show gives elementary kids a bad name!!
Reply:It keeps the ratings up!

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If modern apes and modern humans share a common anchient ancestor what would you expect to find...?

in hominid ancestors of modern humans regarding:

1) brow ridges

2) shape of face

3) size of canine teeth

4) chin

5) position of skull attachement

If modern apes and modern humans share a common anchient ancestor what would you expect to find...?
everything from 1 to 5 would be more-gorilla like. even the canines, because our ancestors were meat-eaters or omnivores.
Reply:Jeez, did you even read my answer? Like in the last sentence where I - correctly - write that gorillas are vegitarians? I might add that gorillas are not our closest cousins. You chose a _bad_ answer as best. After you get a 0 on the homework, go ahead show the teacher my correct answer. Report It

Reply:The "common ancestor " didnt necessarily look like an ape maybe it looked like us. We dont know. We have not found bones but they may have used cremation for thier burials. My personal belief is that we simply have not found the real thing yet and that eventually we will find one. The skeleton of a common ancestor may show many things we didnt think of. I guess I dont see why Christians dont beleive in evolution since if their God made everything then he made evolution work too. We know it exists we see it in our lives in the longer life spans, generally better health, taller children, teeth lasting lifetimes and thats not even talking about evolution with regards to animals.

We need to remember that the majority of humans are omnivores also.
Reply:I find your question odd: without prior knowledge, science does not have expectations. The point of science is that it describes what is observed, and then - after observing! - attempts to explain the observations.

Thus, without knowing about the lifestyle of the common ancestor of the great apes - i.e. Did it live in a forest or on the plains? Omnivore or vegitarian? Bipedal or not? - and without knowledge about how the other great apes' skulls are different from Homo sapiens' and whether those differences arose in the our lineage or the other great ape lineages, I don't see how one could predict what that common ancestor might have looked like.

I think the only scientific answer you could give to the question as it is posed is that the 'hominid ancestors of modern humans' would have looked similar to their own ancestors.

I suppose the question is actually from your teacher and that they are asking whether you paid attention in class when the common ancestor was described. And I can't really help with you with that.

And to JetAlone, gorillas are vegitarians, so guessing that our common ancestor was a carnivore that looked like a gorilla doesn't seem to work.

mens health

Any dog dental health experts?

My 8 month old pom has eight canine teeth! His baby ones don't seem to want to fall out. The top sets have moved so that the baby ones are behind the adult ones and the bottom sets are side by side (with the baby ones seemingly being pushed out towards his cheeks) My vet says I should have them extracted because they will interfere with his bite but due to the cost of this procedure (And being a first time pet owner) I'm wondering if it's completly necessary. Any suggestions?

Any dog dental health experts?
you should get them extracted or his other teeth will be crocked... probably a result of poor breeding (especially if you got him from a pet store)

this is very common in some breeds such as Chinese Crested, but also in other small breeds - call the breeder and let her know - if it is a good breeder and other pups have had the same problems she will not breed that mom dog again
Reply:Just a side note - some breeders will also reimburse your for the cost,or at least part of the cost, of any veterinary work that is a result of genetic faults/poor breeding. Report It

Reply:This dog needs those baby teeth pulled now!
Reply:This is 100% neccesary. Your vet is absolutely correct. These teeth should've been removed when he was aroung 4 months old. Get it done immediatly.
Reply:Another vote for pull them. In the long run you won't be sorry.
Reply:you need to have them pulled out as they will interfer with the dogs normal bitting and eatting pattern and can damage the good teeth or break them off and then you'll have alot more problems. many vets will finance it, if you can't afford it all at once.
Reply:Have them extracted when you bring him in for his neutering (like two months ago!).


Are human beings originally carni- or herbi- vores? Which?

Well basically, I've been vegetarian for three years now, but am not strict and told myself that I can always start eating meat if I find enough arguments for it. But for now I mailny find arguments against eating meat. Somewhere I read that at the beggining people were herbivores and it was only that they started eating animals when the conditions changed. Some people argue that the canine teeth we have are not of a carnivore, and that's why we should be vegetarian (don't have to, but could)...

Now, I know, you will say that we're omnivores, but if a person can survive and be very healthy only eating plants, but would die on an animal food diet, doesn't that mean anything?

I'd like some opinions on this, please...?

Are human beings originally carni- or herbi- vores? Which?
Human ancestors developed as omnivores, because they were scavengers, eating what we could. You can see this in our dentition, a mix of grinding molars and ripping canine teeth. True herbivores (think of a cow) have very thick molars designed for chewing plant material like grasses. If we were to try this (eat just grass), it would wear down our teeth. A true carnivore 's teeth (think of a tiger) were designed to hold and rip, with large musculature attached to the jaw.

The phrase "hunting and gathering" describes a later stage in the development of humans and their food choices. This included hunting for animals as well as gathering plant material. Modern times (post-industrial) allow for people to choose what they eat, but human ancestors did not have the luxury of veggie options, to be cheeky, there were no mock-mammoth burgers.

Yes, you can most definitely survive, and thrive, on an all plant diet, with smart choices and supplements.
Reply:Humans have always been omnivores. Your hypothetical would suggest that if a person eats meat and dies that he is a herbivore. It would only suggest that this particular person cannot digest meat, there is something wrong with that person's digestive system. That doesn't make the entire human race herbivore. I don't think in the beginning people were herbivores. Cave paintings of hunting wooly mammoths would speak to the contrary.

Sure, THESE days we can get protein from beans

and other cultivated crops. Back then- no substitute

for meat, and when your day to day survival depends

on what you can find or kill........

Humans ate what they could get their hands on.

Meat was a luxury, but certainly eaten when possible.

Most of the time it was roots, nuts, berries, fruit, etc.
Reply:Well if you think about it we really need both,cause if you just eat veggies you have to take supplements for the vitamins you lose by not eating meat. Then if you where to eat nothing but meat you would have to take supplements for the vitamins that you loose by not eating veggies. Although now in our future meats and veggies have all sorts of chemicals thrown into the mix, It's kinda hard to choose what is actually the best rout to take.
Reply:Humans are naturally omnivores, Nature designed us to hunt eat meat, Our appendix was an organ that would help us digest raw meat and as time went on and humans learned to cook over generations that organ went dormant, I had to laugh somebody asked a question in the vegetarian section what do vegetarians feed their dogs and cats and they said meat and that nature designed them to be meat eaters like it or not so were we. I don't hunt or but er animals I can't do that but I look at the finished product as food Nothing more nothing less, I'm sure that I'll get a lot of thumbs thumbs down for my answer, But I don't preach to people what to eat and what not to eat. Just like gay's that walk around with signs I don't walk around with a sign saying I'm straight, Why do people feel that they have something to prove do what you want just don't lecture me on your beliefs when they know their wrong and I don't care I'm doing what I want .Live your own life.
Reply:Humans were carnivores from the start. How do you think we have survived for all these years. Man relied on meat because it had the necessary fats and proteins that build muscle and keep energy. You have to realize that humans back then did not have butter or any other energy source to go with a totally vegan diet, to keep them alive. it's just natural instinct that we, also animals, go for meat in harsh conditions like they went through. vegetarian diets did not occur in humans until people became aware of health problems such as obesity and start caring obsessively about the sake of animals.
Reply:Most your replies are laughable so far and the 'beginning' stretches way back before we were hunting. I'm currently on lunch break - I will edit this with my reply in a few hours when I'm home again =)
Reply:Originally herbivores because bringing an animal down was grueling, why do it? Teeth of an herbivore too.
Reply:Depends what you mean by beginning. There is no doubt that our early ancestors were herbivorous, but there is considerable evidence that we ate meat before we even came down from the trees, like chimps. We have eaten meat for many millions of years, and for as long as we have been 'human' so I'd say we're originally omnivores, but it depends how far back you want to go.

Also, you're wrong to suggest a human would die on an animal food only diet. The Eskimos in the Arctic and Masai in Africa eat only animal products, and they're perfectly healthy, especially the Masai, who show lower rates of most diseases than their neighbouring, plant eating tribes.

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Does anyone want to be my friend?

My name is Kayla and i am having a hard time getting friends. I am 14 years old and almost pure German. I have 2 friends right now. The reason i don't have a lot of friends is because i have abnormally long canine teeth and that makes me look like a vampire, and no one likes that. In my heart i am a fun loving girl who just wants friend. So will you be mine??

Does anyone want to be my friend?
I think its wrong to dislike people just because their physical appearance don't measure up to their so-called "beauty/aesthetic standards".

Nobody's perfect, so nobody should be doing any judging either.

Hang in there, Kayla, I'm sure there are still wonderful people out there who would want to be your friend. :)

I won't say I'd be the best friend you could possibly ever have, but sure, I'd like to be your friend! ;-)
Reply:Sur I would e-mail me Cupcake_escape@yahoo.com My name is Alexis. I am 12 years old. I'm Mexican American My favorite color is purple. Report It

Reply:Sure! I will be your friend! hehe i have long vampire looking teeth too. But i have more then 2 friends. You can always ask your parents if you can get them sanded down.
Reply:SURE!email me @ dr.pepper47@yahoo.com
Reply:I think that anyone who wouldn't want to be friends just because of teeth are not sincere anyway. You aren't friends with teeth, you are friends with the person. Those people aren't worth you're time anyway. I will be you're friend.
Reply:i think vampires are hot, the only problem is that i couldnt live with myself if befriend you. im 22, and way too old to even chat with you, im sorry. by the way you have a beautiful name, good luck finding what you want.
Reply:i dunno i guess ill be ur friend, but just cuz u have big teeth is no reason to not like u i think all the ppl that dont want to be ur friends are stupid and dont deserve to be with a great person like u say u r
Reply:sure ill be your friend . my name is ashlyn and I'm 14 also. i have physical difficulties also I'm pigeon toed (where my feet point in when i walk) email me at icanskate411@yahoo.com hope to here from you soon ttyl
Reply:No. I don't make friends over the internet. And I am two years older than you.
Reply:My ex wife had it too and she was very cute! I guess you're trying

to use it.........OK, but I can only give you any pieces of advice, regarding any problem...! FREUDEN!



If homo sapiens have not evolved, why do they have cuspids?

Cuspids=canine teeth

If homo sapiens have not evolved, why do they have cuspids?
genetics babe
Reply:Because they're necessary. The front teeth are the biters-they take the first whack at a piece of food, but it is the canines that rip the food apart, if necessary.


Reply:for chewin' stuff... duh...
Reply:And if dogs are evolving then why cant they find jobs?
Reply:why ask such a stupid question. Clearly humans have evolved and there isnt another explination. Humans eat meat. Perhaps if humans stopped eating meat they would further evolve.

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Anyone else creeped out by Zombie Steve Irwin on his daughter's show?

Had to stay home and watch the son while the wife was ill and came across the show "Bind the Jungle Girl". Nothing really to notice in it until I actually saw an obviously bluescreened Steve Irwin! Bindi was visibly and extremely awkward as she tried to "interact" with this Technozombie version of her departed dad. Then there was this dance number (WTF?) that just dropped in a clip of Steve Irwin with a tambourine.

I realize that he probably had pre-taped some segments for planned use in the show, but it strikes me at beyond creepy that his wife actually went ahead with using them, especially the scenes that required Bindi to pretend to interact with her now-dead father. Has anyone checked the length of Terry Irwin's canine teeth or noticed if she has an aversion to garlic?

Anyone else creeped out by Zombie Steve Irwin on his daughter's show?
I've seen clips of the show before and I thought it was weird then, but that is just sad and scary! I'm not sure that Bindi wants to be doing all of this touring and stuff she does. She never really looks happy. Oh well, I'm sure it will be on The Soup on E! this week. I'll get to watch it then.
Reply:sorry never saw it. sad loss of steve irwin tho
Reply:I have not seen that show but from what you describe that does seem very creepy. I'm really not sure how healthy emotionally that is for Bindi either.
Reply:Oh, that's just really, REALLY creepy!! I cannot believe that they're doing that. Obviously they're not too worried about the effects this is going to have on that little girl. You can't expect a little one to go through the grieving process successfully if she's "interacting" with the image of her father. Frankly, I find that appalling and I wouldn't worry so much about Terry's teeth as I would her mental health!!
Reply:yep you wait, we will see bindi right off her face on something in the next few years!
Reply:No doubt, glad to find out it's not just me. That strikes me as being frikkin super creepy. And all for the Almighty Dollar. That's sure to screw that little girl up later on in life. You can bet that if Steve Irwin had any say in it, it would not be happening.

And about Terry's canine teeth, she did come from the Pacific Northwest, plenty of lycanthropic lore in that part of the US, and she did marry that crazy, albeit amazing Croc Hunter.
Reply:Bindi is a money making machine.

she has her own clothing line, and, she even has her face on party plates, and etc!

she is very hyper, I think.

She is on every talk show!

Stop the madness. :-O

And, no one says anything about her baby brother, "Bob!"

"They" did the same thing to Orville Reddenbacker!

He has been died for a VERY LONG TIME.


Eww, gross! I see dead people!!

Reply:lol you have to keep the money flowing even if your dead, Bind with her K9s is going to be interesting to watch grow up
Reply:Okay,that is creepy. No child should have there dead father on tv.i swear because the dad die that mom took over bindis life.bindi might even be the next friggin' brittney spears!
Reply:haven't watched the show but that sounds really creepy and scary. I don't think that is emotionally good for her to be on her tv show and try to "interact" with her dead father. I see therapy in her future.


Were humans designed to eat meat? why or why not?

I have heard that our intestines are so long that meats actually start to putrify before we can pass them through. but if our intestines weren't designed to eat meat then why do we have canine teeth??

Were humans designed to eat meat? why or why not?
Your "canines" look nothing like a carnivore's. You can't run fast enough to catch your food. You don't have the nails or teeth to kill it and tear it apart. You can't eat it raw or you get sick. Your jaw does not only move vertically like a carnivore's....
Reply:Absolutely no. We are not design to eat meat. Do monkey eat meat? No, they eat fruits. I think most humans are omnivores is because maybe during the ice ages all their crops were damaged and didn't have anything to eat and they started eating meat because they wanted to survive. But during that process they noticed that meat was tasty and they liked it a lot and that's why we eat meat nowadays. It is just my theory. But take a look at this video and then tell me what you think:

Reply:I'm vegetarian, but it's a fact that chimpanzees sometimes eat meat.

I think our prehistoric ancestors probably ate mostly plants with occasional meat. Since chimpanzees are supposedly our nearest "evolutionary cousins" it seems logical that they would have had a similar diet.

But, human beings are unique because they are not bound by instinct and they have the capacity to change their own environment and living conditions. I prefer not to live in a tree and eat termites.
Reply:Humans were not designed to eat meat, but we can after some unnatural processing. Vegetarian/Vegan diets are healthier because of our body design in relation to food. Like you mentioned, human intestines, like herbivore intestines, are longer to digest plants. Carnivores have shorter intestines so that the meat does not stay in the body too long and start to poison it as it rots. The canine teeth in humans are very misleading. Look at a gorilla. They have very large canines despite being vegetarian animals. These teeth are better suited to bite into fruits and plants than animals. In fact, carnivores have claws that they use to hunt which are vital in catching prey. In addition, carnivores have very few molar teeth if any. Animals like horses and humans, have many flat teeth intended for grinding plants. Carnivores swallow more than chew meat. They need the canine teeth to tear meat, not chew it.

Humans don't tear meat. They first cook it (no other animals does this to food, therefore unnatural) then they cut it with an tool like a knife (there goes your whole canine theory) then they chew the meat, not swallow it whole. Then the meat stays in the intestines too long for it to be healthy. That why vegetarian people have a significantly reduced risk of cancers related to the colon.

There is nothing really natural about eating meat. Yes, we can, but our bodies are probably not intended to do so. If you add all the evolutionary evidence and science around the issue, you will start to see that humans are not intended to eat meat like we do. Vegetarianism is healthier and makes more sense regarding our body design.
Reply:though an argument can be made either way, i would be inclined to say that we are not. there are several reasons this can be seen.

humans intestines (as you mentioned) are much longer than those of carnivores. a carnivore has a relatively short tract to digest the meat before it starts to decompose.

now if you look at your nails, what do they look like? are they thick and pointed to tear flesh? nope; they are flat and relatively flexible, good for digging, not killing food.

now look at your teeth. your canines are not nearly as long or sharp as that of a carnivore. do you think you could easily tear into a cow with those teeth? unlikely; however, they are ideal for biting into fruit and vegetables and our flat molars work wonders for chewing that vegetation.
Reply:a little of both, but i would love to see you chase down a deer and kill it with those vicious teeth of yours, what you heard about the intestines is correct, vegetarians have 40% less chance of cancer, and 50% less chance of heart disease than the typical meat eater, and the list would go on for hours if i told you all i knew about veg*nism... evolution gave us thumbs so we could hunt and gather, but i also recieved a conscience which makes me a vegetarian... do what is right for you... i would encourage veg*nism though...
Reply:We don't have canine teeth. True defined canine teeth are long and pointed and meant for rendering prey helpless. Ours are shorter, more cone shaped, blunt, and meant for tearing through tough surfaces of vegetables and through foliage. Yes, it is true about the length of the human digestive system. The chemical linning of the digestive tract is also not properly designed to digest meat. Flesh also creates a barrier which prevents the digestive linning from gaining nutrients from your food. The bacterial build-up caused by the long term meat digestion also weakens the immune system by making it work overtime.
Reply:vegetables are hard. apples, cucumbers.. nuts are hard.. peanuts pecans.. Humans aren't designed to eat meat b/c we are the only ones that have to cook it in order to eat it without getting sick.

When you see roadkill do you think? Yum I want some? like the vultures do? Not exactly right..well there you go.


Why do people say we are 'designed' to eat meat?

Funny thing is, it's the self-proclaimed 'scientists' who say this. Any scientist worth his or her salt knows that nothing natural was 'designed'. Living beings evolved from accidental mutations and natural selection. The human body adapted to digest meat more efficiently than a cow or ape. Unless the human body loses its capacity to digest vegetable matter, there is no biological reason to eat meat. The same thing goes for our canine teeth. They evolved as a response to increased meat eating and are not a reason to eat meat. Cause and effect should not be mixed up.

Why do people say we are 'designed' to eat meat?
I never understood why vegans/vegetarians refuse to consume meat. That was until my college professor explained how an artery clogs, which leads to a heart attack. Meat-eaters who say we are designed to eat meat probably do not understand the health benefits of such a diet. Vegans/vegetarians are much better off not eating meat because they aren't the ones having heart attacks.
Reply:We are not "designed" at all. We're omnivores and that's probably why they say that. Meat is part of an omnivores diet.

I believe in evolution as well and was wondering if you have a link to verify your claim:

"They evolved as a response to increased meat eating and are not a reason to eat meat. Cause and effect should not be mixed up."
Reply:Because they have never looked into the health benefits of being veg*n. Someone actually said to me the other day- Why are animals made out of meat if you aren't supposed to eat them? I completely agree with your statements.
Reply:I think you have, sort of, answered your own question. Oh, and I assume you don't like to be criticized for your preferences, so maybe you shouldn't push them on other people.
Reply:Has nothing to do with design, but, everything to do with taste buds. Some people like meat and some people do not. Just a matter of taste and choice, nothing more. I wish everyone would stop eating meat, then Bacon and Rib-eye steaks be cheaper for me. :-p

I do want to add this, many talk about their health and that a choice we all make too. My Grandmother ate Bacon, Chicken, Pork etc., and she did die ............. at 103.
Reply:I know its not a valid argument over whether to eat or not to eat tasty meat, but it is more valid than denying science and saying humans are not adapted to eat meat, like what PETA does.
Reply:LOL.. There are theories on everything under the sun %26amp; just as many views.

I agree with your statements!

I do not beleive we have evolved/adapted to eat flesh or we would be healtier on that diet.

Humans can survive eating animal flesh but they THRIVE of eating a Plant based diet.

There is a huge difference between the 2.

I after much study am a firm believer the human body was made to consume a planted based diet. Healthy studies though out the world show the benefits. We have the physiology, teeth, stomach acid etc for a plant based diet. Most ill health is caused by too much of what we get on a flesh based diet, cancers, heart problems, immune diseases. All that over %26amp; over have been stopped %26amp; sometimes totally reversed on a plant based diet. Dr. John McDougall %26amp; Dr. Dean Ornish are just 2 that have shown wonders in healing those %26amp; many other health issues by changing their patients to that way of eating.

Slainté(to your health)
Reply:People ca eat lots of diffrent kinds of food. Why should we limit ourselves? Are you a "biologist"?
Reply:I believe that we were made to be vegetarians originally therefore we will not be missing anything by not eating meat. I'm a creationist but you don't have to be one to agree with me. Meat takes a long time compared to other foods to digest.... I do not think that we digest it pretty efficiently.

That's just a bad argument ! If people want to criticize vegetarianism they need some new arguments!
Reply:So what you're really asking is why do people believe God made us? Because that's not what's at the top of the page, see? That's a different question altogether.

Now to answer your original question (you know, the one at the top). Most creatures are omnivores. Not all of them, but an awful lot. We can eat meat, we eat it just fine. We benefit from it, too, with protein, iron, and other goodies like that being in there. I know we can get the same benefits from vegetables and grains and legumes as well (and without all the cholesterol), but meat is there for eating, too. Animals eating animals is normal, why not humans eating animals? I think we probably are most efficient on a plant-based diet as well, but supplemented with meat. It just isn't unnatural for us to eat flesh.

As an aside (totally arguing for you here), have you noticed that animals all pretty much know what to eat when they're born? I know their parents sometimes show them what to stay away from and stuff, but they pretty much know... and we don't. I tried to eat gravel as a child! We don't know which plants are safe, we think broccoli is poisonous because it's icky, but meat, now that's something we "know" we're supposed to eat. Yeah, since when have we been able to trust that instinct?
Reply:because saying it's "design" removes the responsibility of individuals to think critically about something.
Reply:They will twist science into whatever suits their selfish motives.
Reply:It's a matter of opinion. Some of the folks who say "designed" are creationists and don't believe in science anyway.

I think is a pointless argument. Were people "designed" to wear clothes, drive cars, work in offices, shave, wear makeup, deodorant, take baths, etc? Does anyone not wear glasses or hearing aids even though they need them because we weren't "designed" that way? Maybe some people do that, but it's likely they live in a third world country, are incredibly poor, or have unusual beliefs.
Reply:I'm sure they are using that term loosely. Humans can digest meat, but I don't know that we are designed to do so. Goats can digest tin cans but they aren't necessarily designed to.

Edit: I meant that most humans are able to digest meat.

Edit: OK wrong about the tin cans. My point was that sometimes animals and people eat things that are not a part of their ordinary diet but that doesn't mean they were necessarily designed to eat it.
Reply:that's because they're designed to be stupid.

i haven't digested meat in ages.... i'm very healthy and actually i'm healthiest person i know so far.

everyone else... well let's just say they keep telling me to do as i really want and live a happy (but sometimes short) life.. by people who "do as they want" but they're not very happy.... they complain they're tired and have to go see the doc and the hot weather bothers them and they wish they had more energy... blah blah.. headaches... but they preach to me that i should live and love and... eat my meat and all that...

but seems i'm the only one who doesn't complain... i am happy, i live and love...

i don't miss meat... food is not something i live to do.. it's something i do to live.

Reply:I was also "designed" to father a child at age 11. Doesn't mean its right, does it ?

Maybe we did evolve to have an omnivore diet. I could understand this argument if the rest of the process was "natural". There is nothing natural about the meat industry so its a bit selective to use the "its natural" reason to eat meat.

Whiel we have the comemrcial meat industry, the "its natural" arguement is irrelavent.
Reply:Bored are we?

Seems your only in this category to start trouble.

What a wonderful life you must lead. (:


Odd attractions.?

Often, what determines my immediate physical attraction to someone is the size and sharpness of their canine teeth. The larger and sharper they are, the more intently I seem to want to know them. Does anyone else have this weird sort of fixation? I can remember being this way also as a teenager, but to a lesser degree.

Odd attractions.?
I have it, lol. It's not weird, I don't think... a couple of other people I know are like this too.

But, I know someone who won't date anyone who's ever had cavities for fear that she might "catch" them. o_0 So wanting to know someone because they have sharp canines isn't bad at all!
Reply:You like vampires. Ahhhh it's nice. Bite my neck please!

city opera

My dog's breath/mouth smells like rotten fish. is it because of teething? what can i do about it? please help.

my dog is a 5months and 14days, bichon, he is nuetered. and he just got two of his front canine teeth, but recently his breath/mouth started smelling like rotten fish. is it because of the teething? if so, what can i do? please help.

My dog's breath/mouth smells like rotten fish. is it because of teething? what can i do about it? please help.
Look in his mouth and make sure there isn't any food stuck in between the teeth and make sure the teeth look white and the gums look pink and healthy.

If those look okay, it could be something he ate.

You can try brushing his teeth with a dog toothbrush and paste that you can get at the pet store.

If you are concerned about it, see a vet.
Reply:Have you been to the vet? Sounds like his diet may not be the best. Your not feeding him Salmon, so change his food. Get Royal Canin it's formulated by breed and weight,age.

Smells wonderful the moment you open the bag.

Does he get suppliments that could cause that smell.

Petco or any good pet store sells it.
Reply:i would have his kidney functions tested.
Reply:My puppy had the same problem... Ask your vet for a liquid medication called Clinsol liquid. My vet perscribed it, instructed me in how much to give her (since she's so small), and told me to go a week on the medication. I gave her the liquid twice a day, and by the third or fourth day, I noticed that her breath wasn't smelling at all.

nanny agency

Question about the dry dog food?

most dry dog food are little pallet size bits. i observe how my dog eat his food, he almost inhale the food and make the choking noise from time to time cause the little pallet caught in his throat.

i am wondering why the pet food company make such a tiny, hard bits for dogs? i dont think canine teeth are made for grinding

Question about the dry dog food?
its easier for the dog to digest

canine teeth are not made for grinding...they are there to pull meat from bone, but the teeth located behind them are there for grinding. That is why for many years dogs and their cousins have been able to eat dead animals
Reply:Its kibble. Most kibbles arent designed with the best interest of your dog in mind. That is why so many use poor ingredients and make them bad sizes and shapes.

Its not that they want to hurt your dog. They just genuinely dont care once they realize they can make more money doing it the bad way.
Reply:Well, if you want to believe the so-called "experts", no commercial dog food is good. I dont know what to believe to tell you the truth.


Good luck.
Reply:1. What kind of dog do you have?

Sounds like your dog is an inhaler of food which is not good it means it is also taking in extra air to the stomach which is also not good. Pellet size won't matter it is the style in which your dog is eating that is to be concerned about. Try feeding it little meals at a time instead at one sitting.

opera sheet music

Do you think these is true Men with bulldog-like faces are more attractive then others?

A recent study of the skulls of human ancestors and modern humans finds that women, and thereby, evolution, selected for males with relatively short upper faces. The region between the brow and the upper-lip is scrunched proportionately to the overall size of their heads.

Among the men who fit the bill: Will Smith and Brad Pitt.

In a past study, researchers found a similar facial pattern in chimpanzees, with males having relatively shorter and broader faces compared with females, controlling for body size.

Men with "mini mugs" might have been most attractive to the opposite sex and thus most likely to attract mates for reproduction, passing along the striking features to the next generation and so forth, said lead study author Eleanor Weston, a paleontologist at the Natural History Museum in London.

"The evolution of facial appearance is central to understanding what makes men and women attractive to each other," Weston said. "We have found the distance between the lip and brow was probably immensely important to what made us attractive in the past, as it does now."

Whereas past studies have suggested facial symmetry and facial masculinity play roles in this game of desire, none have provided evidence of an evolutionary shaping of male and female faces.

"I think it's a very nice approach," said Randy Thornhill, an evolutionary psychologist at the University of New Mexico, referring to the study. Though not involved in it, Thornhill agrees with the finding that certain facial features evolved due to sexual selection.

Facial coordinates

The researchers calculated certain facial coordinates on 68 males and 53 female skulls from a contemporary native southern Africa population ranging in age from infant to 30 years old. Measurements included distances between the point between the eye brows and upper lip and from cheekbone to cheekbone.

Weston and her colleagues also examined facial data from fossil hominin skulls dating back to 2.6 million years ago, unearthed in Kenyan deposits as part of the Koobi Fora Research Project IV. These skulls represented five species: Homo erectus, Homo ergaster, Paranthropus boisei, Australopithecus africanus and Paranthropus robustus. These facial coordinates were then compared with the contemporary coordinates.

In spite of their bulkier bodies (about 15 percent more massive than women's bodies), and similarly broader faces, men have upper faces similar in height to women's faces, the scientists found. But compared with the rest of the head, a guy's mid-face is compressed. The differences held throughout human history.

A simple ratio of upper face length to broadness could serve as a proxy for facial attractiveness, the scientists say in a report on their research published in the online journal PLoS ONE.

Masculine appeal

The scientists are not certain why today's distinctive male face and its proportions evolved.

"A shorter upper face does serve to exaggerate the size of other face features such as the flare of the cheeks and the size of the jaw, but this might not be why it developed," Weston told LiveScience. "Rather the shorter [and] broader the male face the more ‘masculine’ and the less ‘feminine'—based on biological face changes that take place during growth and development—the individual becomes," she said.

Also, this facial development was accompanied by a shrinking of guys' canine teeth, so men appeared less threatening to competitors, yet attractive to mates.

While the scientists who authored the current study examined skulls and did not specifically study how modern faces fit the findings, the Natural History Museum press officers applied Weston's findings to a "quick and dirty" survey of photos of celebrities.

They came up with a list of stars with masculine faces, listing them from most to least masculine according to facial dimensions: Will Smith, Peter Andre, Justin Timberlake, Thierry Henry, Brad Pitt, David Beckham, Johnny Depp and Kanye West.

Do you think these is true Men with bulldog-like faces are more attractive then others?
It all depends on what he looks like(not all guys can pull of the bulldog face), how he carries himself etc
Reply:100% bullcrap
Reply:I think it all depends on the guy. Their eyes, faces structure, lips, all of that. It also depends on the girl. Does she like a clean face or not. This world is so diverse there is no one rule.
Reply:Charles Darwin is the father of evolution, correct? Did you know that he said before he died, that there is no way evolution is right? He said that God created us, and that is the only way.


My seventeen month old has started pinching and scratching people's faces?

She mainly does it with my husband and me and close relatives. I'm running out of ideas. Usually I tell her no and put her down and walk away. Sometimes she puts her head down after she is reprimanded, but usually she laughs. I know she is still quite young, but I want to nip this in the bud before it gets worse. Fortunately at this moment she does not pinch or scratch children, only adults.

Some things that I know are going on at this moment: teething four eye(canine) teeth, Christmas just ended, my husband was home for almost 1 and half weeks and has since returned back to work. Do you think it's a phase? Any suggestions on what I should do?

My seventeen month old has started pinching and scratching people's faces?
Keep reprimanding her...consistency is the key. Tell her to "do nice". Also tell her "oww". She will realize that's what is said when you get hurt. Sometimes kids do that out of excitement. She will stop.

opera mobile

Vegans ! Are you Making a difference?

I try to keep to a minimum the amount of animal protein I consume but I must say I think your stance is too extreme.

I eat free range eggs so that the chickens who lay them are not among the millions who suffer the barbarity of life on a conveyor belt and I have forgotten the taste of red meat.

I have modified my diet in many more ways too, however your extreme diets seem to me to go too far as they put your personal health at risk through lack of some essential elements.

Man %26amp; his ancestors were designed to eat meat ( Canine teeth etc ) now there are 6 billion of us, the meat industry is an awful testiment to our voracious apitite for it. however 6 billion vegans would be unsustainable. any comments !

Vegans ! Are you Making a difference?
It seems like every time man tries to change something he screws it up. If a cow isn't milked it's udders can get infected %26amp; kill her. One of the early U.S.'s problems in the 1700s was pigs running around everywhere, rooting through garbage, defacating in the street. There are several animals in the 70s that once it was outlawed to harm them they bred so fast many were starving to death because of the food scarcity or attacking other animals not in their diet.

Your's sounds like a more sensible approach. As fast as chickens lay eggs %26amp; others born can you imagine how many billions would fill the earth in no time %26amp; all the food they'd consume. I don't think an animal should be mistreated like some are %26amp; I also keep meat to a minimum %26amp; make an effort in that respect.

But being a vegan doesn't affect your health adversely if you take vitamins to replenish what you need. A friend of mine was a strict vegan for over 50 yrs. when I met her but she took care of herself. She didn't live any longer than the average (77) but when she did die she wasn't sickly or in pain. She just went to sleep one night and didn't wake up. I can't remember what the drs. called it but basically it came down to it was just her time to go.

I might also mention she became a vegan for the same reasons most do (love of animals). Later it was more just because that was her lifestyle. She never was militant about it.
Reply:I think being Vegan is a little extreme. I mean I understand why you wouldn't eat meat, but Vegans not eating anything that comes from animals is a bit odd. Of course all those vegetarians and vegans probably do help save some animals, but overall I don't think it does much. I know you probably just don't want to partake in the harming of animals. I really don't think what you guys do makes much of an impact, go ahead and give me a thumbs down, I'm just giving my opinion.
Reply:Yea VEgans are to extreme. Cows prolly enjoy giving Milk. And we have chicken, they lay eggs anyway and they dont breed them everytime... so why not eat them... !? I have problems eating meat sometimes. But I wouldnt stopp eating cheese and drinking milk!
Reply:So you have cut down on the animal protein, that's nice. As long as you like what you eat, eat it and leave the vegans alone. Let them eat what they like. Your canine teeth are not necessarily indicative of the human need to eat meat. You have more molars for grinding than teeth for tearing. All animals, even those designed to be vegetarian have cutting teeth in front to nip things off. All our teeth suggest is that we are ominivores, but the number of grinding teeth suggests we should be eating more vegetation than meat. However, it doesn't mean we have to if we don't want to. Vegans can meet all their nutritional needs in other ways that don't require animal products. It would also be quite easy to support a completely vegan human race. The land currently used to raise and feed animals will grow far more vegetation than it does animal life. It takes several acres of grass to raise a steer to slaughter age. The steer will not feed nearly as many people as the grain he ate would. So it's fair to say our planet could support vegans and vegetarians quite easily. In fact, a large portion of the worlds population are primarily vegetarian and they do quite well. Grant you, if we all went vegan, there would not be nearly so many pigs, chickens, sheep or cattle as there currently are, but I don't think they'd go endangered. But we don't need a major lifestyle contest here at Answers, so please leave the vegans alone. If you like chicken, eat it. Nobody said you had to go vegan.
Reply:I am not a vegan. However, if vegans do some research, there are plenty of other sources of protein. Most people in general do not have a healthy diet so I see no harm in the vegan diet. Are they making a difference, I don't know but a bucket of water is filled one drop at a time.
Reply:I think being a Vegan is a person's choice to boycott animal cruelty (pigs, cows, chickens, fish etc.) but man must be free to choose between being a Vegan or an Omnivore, I have a friend who grew up not knowing the taste of red meat (or even white) and animal by-products, although we are educated that man essentially needs the nutrients given by meat, he says he chooses not to eat meat because his parents told him not to (that it's evil to eat meat).

My point is this, there are plenty of things man can do to boycott animal cruelty without compromising your health or someone else's for that matter
Reply:Joseph Smith disagrees with you. At age 2 he read about dinosaurs and the teeth of meat eaters and decided humans should eat vegetarian. At that age he convinced his whole family to change.

At age 7 he went from 2nd grade to 7th grade. At age 10 he graduated high school and the story goes on with him lecturing before the U.N. whilel still not an adult yet.

YOU ARE BEHIND THE TIMES. What is growing quickly now is much more extreme. It is the raw vegan diet eating nothing cooked.
Reply:It hardly matters if u make a difference but vegans will definitely be enjoying better health.

Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.

Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.

U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
Reply:To quote a previously said analogy, "one drop at a time". If I thought I was putting my health, especially that of my baby's (with whom I am seven and a half months pregnant) at risk, I would not be living this way. I don't buy (literally and figuratively) the "free range" blurb on eggs. Just because the chickens have access to the outdoors, doesn't mean they are happily, freely frolicking in a large field. Also, I am a human adult, not a baby cow, therefore, I do not need milk. I think it's interesting that Americans consume mass quantities of milk, yet have high rates of osteoporosis. Yet, countries that have low rates of animal milk consumption have low rates of osteoporosis. Conventional diary cows are pumped with hormones and constantly bread so they continuously pump milk. With both chickens and cows, the males are killed as they serve no purpose. (Male calves are used for veal.)

I became a vegetarian, eventually vegan because I discovered factory farming and it's poor effects to the environment. I realized that I could not live a Christian life and support this.

As for purchasing products made from animals, I do not. Yes, I have some leather loafers, a leather jacket and a purse purchased way before I changed my lifestyle. I also have a leather wallet and and a leather Bible that I got after I became vegan, but I rescued them both from a trash pile and a Dumpster. Not only did I rescue two new or almost new items from an eternity in a landfill, but I have use for both. I wasn't sure of the reliability or accuracy of the Bible translation, so I decided to keep it instead of giving it as a gift (it was still in the gift box). Also, it is a good pocket size with a sturdy cover, which I had been wanting. From opinions of my husband and some friends (all of whom are seminary students), I decided to keep the Bible.

As I said, my health is good. While I've gotten very lazy with exercising, I've only gained about 20 pounds with my pregnancy. My cholesterol is low. I'm not concerned with my calcium levels, iron, protein, etc. Earlier this summer, my husband and I got some basic health tests done. My numbers, even with being about four or five months pregnant, were lower than his. (If my husbnad had expressed reservations about my eating habits and the health of our baby, I would have implemented some eggs and dairy back into my diet, but would have been very anal about from where it came.) I make sure I get what I need and then some, for the health of my child. While my husband still eats meat and overly processed food, he is taking baby steps-- Organic ketchup, whole wheat bread without corn syrup and/or high fructose corn syrup, Smart Balance spread.... My parents-in-law have had health problems (diabetes, heart, cancer, cholestoral....) Yet, they still eat meat and highly processed food. (I am accusmtomed to taking food with me when I visit, but I was pleasantly surprised with some of the offerings when I visited last week. I suppose it helps that my younger sister-in-law recently went vetegarian, but even she still eats things I don't consider healthy. I think she has more of a belly than what I do. Although, at seven and a half months, I'm hardly showing and I'm tall and I was thin to begin with. I have some friends who were also tall and thin with their first pregnancies [now they're tall] and said that they hardly showed with their first one. I digress.)

Anyway, this is me, what I do and why.
Reply:I keep watching the editorial page. The cows and chickens haven't written in, so I have to assume they're OK with things.

Haven't heard about any more lost tablets, so I'm going with the original Ten. They don't mention meat one way or the other.

Its fine by me if you decide not to eat meat for reasons of taste, but don't make a religion out of it. I don't eat all that much of it myself, but I don't make any efforts to avoid it.

Ten thousand years from now, noone will know the difference. Or care.


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