serious answers please, im not judging just curious.
1. We are natural predators, we have eyes in the front of our head and canine teeth.
2. Do you think animals are wrong for killing and eating each other, we are just highly evolved mammals after all.
3. Many tribes and small villages in the second and third world could not survive without eating meat and depend on killing animals for survival, do you think they are wrong? is vegetarianism just a luxury of the rich?
Why do vegies not eat meat?
1 - Partially correct, we have some very small pointy teeth that are very diferent to carnivore teeth. If we were predators we would likely have sharp nails or claws. We are nearer to foragers. YOU, in the 21st century are not a "natural predator". When did you last sneak into a forest and hunt down your prey, eating it raw ?
2 - No, thats nature and they do not have the capacity to improve thier world. As you say, we are highly evolved why not improve things and make the world better by not having commercially bred animals when we don't need to ?
3 - No, if anyone else chooses to eat meat, its up to them. Their world is entirely different to the western world though. Vegetarianism is not a luxury of the rich, the cheapest way to eat is to avoid meat and buy raw vegetables and cook them from scratch. Fake meats etc are expensive, but by no-means essential to a veggie diet, in fact, many veggies avoid them.
None of the points you make justify supporting the meat industry and its current levels of abuse and abhorent animal husbandry.
The current situation is entirely down to the end consumer ( meat-eaters ) driving down prices to the extent where there is no choice other than to keep anmals in appauling conditions -there is no margin for treating them well.
As soon as meat-eaters understand this, and take responsibility by paying a decent price for thier meat, things can improve.
Reply:ppl r veggie/vegan for
animal ethical reaosns
love of animals
family reesons
health reesons(veggies live longer)
dislike of taste of meat
religious reesons
enviromental benefits
n many more
i dont drink milk cos it cums oot of cows, tytes
u will be suprised at the conditions in which animal n kept n how they r treated. humans can be perefectly helathy on vegan diet
Reply:because they are vegetairian........duh
Reply:1. Natural predators? Canine teeth? My teeth do not look like my cats teeth and I cannot outrun prey or tear flesh from it with my delicate little fingers or flat teeth.
2. Wild animals NEED meat to survive. We don't.
3. Tribes in 3rd world countries eat meat to survive. They don't have a super walmart near by nor do they have the variety of vegetables food stuff to grow and eat.
Your theory is flawed and not well thought out.
Reply:Since your question appears to be mostly genuine, I will respond in kind.
1. There is much debate about whether we are natural predators. Some will point to "canine" teeth and front-pointed eyes, but the fact is, we lack any of the attributes that allow predators to succeed. We do not have exceptional speed, large claws or teeth, or the ability to consume and digest raw meat on a large scale. Humans, without the use of tools or technology, cannot bring down game as we could if we were natural predators.
2. Of course animals are not wrong for eating each other, and no vegetarian has ever said otherwise. That is the natural state of things. Humans eating meat, especially with the way the meat/dairy industries operate, is not natural. You're right, we are highly evolved. Highly enough to be able to live without the torture and slaughter of other creatures.
3. It is true that there are places around the world that are dependent on meat. I do not find it objectionable for starving people to eat local meat. However, the fact remains that raising animals for meat uses far more food than it produces. If more people in "rich" nations became vegetarian, there would be more food for everyone, including those in the third world.
Reply:I have been a vegetarian off and on for most of my life. I am 49 years old. I have NEVER suggested that others do as I have done, or that what I do is in some way better than what others do. For me, when I have not eaten meat, the reason was simple. I was at a point in my life, on many occasions where I felt I needed to do the least violence possible, that included, of course, not participating, directly or indirectly in any kind of killing. Thus vegetarianism. May sound weird, but it was very helpful to my well being. Please let me know if my answer made any sense to you. Thanks.
Reply:Even as a confirmed Carnivore, I understand the reasons some people become vegitarians.
1.) We are evolved Omnivores, not carnivores. Our teeth are all made for different purposes. Also, our teeth do not have the staying power of true herbivores.
2.) No, I don't. actually, that's why I wonder abotu the vegetarians who claim it is morally wrong to eat meat (Not religiously motivated ones, but personally motivated ones). Why is is ok for the big fish to eat the little fish, but not for me to eat the bigger fish? some moral arguments would be nice, instead of emotional ones.
3.) Vegetarianism IS a luxury of the rich. have you seen the prices for vegan and organic foods?
One last item, certain religions prohibit the killing of animals, or the eating of certain ones. as an Aethist, I do not understand, but I support their ability to follow their religion that devotedly.
Reply:Most veggie men do eat the meat (or at least lick it alot).
Reply:This is how I feel personally. Actually, I feel that being vegan is a very personal decision. The reason I do not eat meat is because of the way animals are treated in factory farming facilities. I read the Bible and believe what it says. God gave Noah and his family, after the flood, permission to eat meat.
There was a need for it then and some places there is a need for it now. But I know for a certain that God does not approve of the horrible way that these factories "raise" animals just to eat them. The industry is just out to make money, they don't care about the life's of all the animals they kill. Not just kill either. The animals are not even allowed to see daylight or move around. If you would like to see the horror for yourself, go to and watch the video "meet your meet".
Reply:We live in a world where personal choice is available for most of us therefore it's a personal choice.
1, we have the ability to change our environment to suit and yes we do have the tools to eat meat.
2 No it's the natural cycle of life
3, same as number 2 I agree those that can choose have a luxury over those that can not.
Reply:1) We are not natural predators. Humans do not have any attributes that would make them a predator. Animals that are predators(lions, tigers, etc) are strong, quick, have claws and actual canine teeth. We do not have teeth like predators, they are similar to herbivorous.
Placement of the eyes does not always tell if the animal is a predator. Snakes have eyes on the side and they are carnivorous. Monkeys(from which we are evolved) have eyes facing front, yet they are vegetarians(besides eating insects). We evolved from monkeys, therefor our eyes face front. Monkeys do not have eyes facing front because they are great predators, but because they need the depth perception to climb and jump from tree to tree. Our eyes in front have nothing to do with being a predator, it has to do with what we have evolved from.
2) Animals need meat to survive. They cannot live on the nutrients that plants give. Animals do what they need to do to survive, it is how they evolved. Humans were never meant to eat meat like a carnivor, we evolved to take in small amounts of meat in times of famine, etc. In this day and age there is no reason to eat meat, and in the quantities people eat it in, it is unhealthy.
3) Many tribes in third world countries do not have the luxury of eating meat. Many tribes eat meat only in celebration or certain occasions since it is scarce. Meat also spoils quickly, therefor it would not be as practical for tribes to eat a lot of meat when grains, etc remain fresh and and will feed people for days. They cannot just go to the grocery store and pick up and package of chicken breasts. Many tribes have a great respect for their food(something many people lack now adays), they see the connection between themselves and nature. Wasting meat(by having it spoil) would be something that many tribes would not do.
To be honest eating meat is the luxury of the rich. People in third world countries have to raise their own animals(which they sell for money) by eating the cattle they raised it would result in them not being able to sell the animal. Many third world tribes do not eat meat that often, they often trade the cattle they have raised for grains, legumes, etc.
Reply:Could you latch onto a deer's throat with your teeth until it passes out?
Would you eat it raw without any seasonings?
There is nothing natural about the way that we raise animals for food or even the way that hunters kill them in the wild.
People do not need meat. Only people that were raised by their parents to believe that it is necessary, have a taste or desire for meat.
It is true that many cultures have no choice but to eat meat if they want to survive, but is is also true that eating animals that are bred and raised in captivity is much too expensive in many parts of the world. It is in fact eating meat that is a luxury in the developed world, a wasteful and cruel luxury that requires grains and legumes to be wasted on animals when it could be used to feed people directly.
Reply:Some people are vegies for religious reasons; I won't go on about religion, there is just too much turmoil in that. Others may not have access to meat that was treated humanely in life. A few may just want to hop on the bandwagon, while others may be allergic or hate the taste of animal products. As to the people before us who ate meat, that was a matter of survival. In the country I live in, we are extremely wealthy, and can afford time to plan out veg diets. I do not think (3) is wrong. They depended on that to survive. What I do not approve of is millitant, preachy, troll vegies, or millitant, snobbish troll omnis. I am a vegan, and this is just like when Christians killed a bunch of Jews on the counts of witchcraft; Jews just lived a more sanitary lifestyle. I am also a Christian, and am not proud of some before me, just as I am not proud of certain vegies. Please do not generalize.
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