How can you tell if the tooth you lost was permanent?

(Sorry about my spelling D= )

I was curious, how can you tell that tooth you lost was permanent? %26amp; is 13 too old to be still loosing baby teeth(canine)?

How can you tell if the tooth you lost was permanent?
You can still loose baby teeth as a teenager, and unless you had some kind of an accident that knocked an adult tooth out, it would be really unusual for you to loose it. Adult teeth would also have roots.
Reply:No,you're not too old to be losing baby teeth. I'm not sure, but usually the permanent teeth looks a good size bigger than your baby ones.
Reply:Please take a look at this chart as a guideline

As a dental hygienist I know that sometimes people get teeth early and other times they are slow to erupt. A baby tooth will be smaller and probably lack roots as they resorb when the adult tooth pushes on them to erupt. Hope that helps!

JAMRDH - a dental hygienist
Reply:Yes it is you need to go see a dentist



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