Why is it that Vegans & Vegetarians think that there choice to not eat meat makes them better than others?

Let me start by saying that "what you put in you mouth is your choice %26amp; no one elses", however I've heard so many fairy tales, lies %26amp; straight up STUPIDITY used to explain, your supremacy that I half expect yall to yell out "Heil Hitler".

Science has shown we need protien, among other things, for our bodies to function properly. Now I know you can get protein out of non-meat foodstuffs but its also been shown that the closer the protein match the less work needed to change it(ie nuts require far more work than a steak to get any use out of %26amp; human flesh even easier).

Traditional Chineese Medicine says we should look at or biology %26amp; see that since we do have 4 canine teeth we should be eating a little meat ...or would you kill all carnivorous animals so they would not eat meat?

Now if you do not want to take life, making your choice a ethical decesion, let me ask you who are you to decide to eat the LIVING plants is better???

Why is it that Vegans %26amp; Vegetarians think that there choice to not eat meat makes them better than others?
You are generalizing. I am sure that some vegans and vegetarians think that way. I am equally sure that most do not. In the immortal words of Yukon Cornelius, "You eat what you like, and I'll eat what I like." Stop trying to stir up trouble.
Reply:Animals are sentient,plnats are not.Plants can't feel pain because they don't have a brain or central nervous sytem.You kill less plants by eating them directly,by cycling food through livestock you lose 96% percent of the calories that you put into it.Animals raised for foods in the U.S. use of half of all the water used in the U.S. You can feed 100 kids rice,or only four of them meat.The least efficient plant food is tens times efficient as the most efficient animal food.The rate of repetitive stress injury for slaughterhouse employees is 35 times higher than it is for those with other manufacturing jobs,Human Rights Watch says "Meatpacking is the most dangerous job in America".For every acre of land plowed down for urban development,seven acres are cut down to grow food for animals or for grazing land for animals.If everyone in the U.S. reduced their meat consumption by 10%,it would free up enough land to grow food for 100 million people(there are about 20 million starving).Livestock in the US produce 20 times the excrement of the entire US population.If everyone in the U.S. went vegan,we could cut our imports on oil by 60%.Methane is one of the four greenhouse gasses that contributes to the environmental trend known as global warming. The 1.3 billion cattle in the world produce one fifth of all the methane emitted into the atmosphere.The direct and hidden costs of soil erosion and runoff in the US, mostly attributable to cattle and feed crop production, is estimated at $44 billion a year.Feeding the average meat-eating American requires 3-1/4 acres of land per year. Feeding a person who eats no food derived from animals requires only 1/6 acre per year. A scientist, reporting in the industry publication Confinement, calculated in 1976 that the planet's entire petroleum reserves would be exhausted in 13 years if the whole world were to take on the diet and technological methods of farming used in the U.S. So not only are killing more plants than I am,you are also using up tons of water,you are contributing to the killing of animals(26 billion,just in the US),you are contributing to deforestation,you are contributing to world hunger,you are contributing to soil erosion,you are contributing to global warming,you are contributing to exploitation of workers,you are contributing to enviromental pollution,and you are contributing to the war for oil.All of that for what,your own tasebuds?

Look at a dogs canine teeth and then look at yours,which set of teeth looks like it is for ripping flesh?why would we kill lions?They have to eat meat to survive,humans don't.Just because you can eat meat doesn't mean you have to.here in th euS getting protein isn't a problem,the problem is that most people eat too much protein.Guys who ate soy put on just as much muscle as those who ate beef in a study.Protein isn't hard to get.Have you ever heard of someone with a protein deficiency?
Reply:I never said my veganism makes me better than anyone else. As a vegan, I believe in nonviolence in what I eat, wear, and buy.

Protein can be found in plant foods that is why Giraffes, elephants, and rhinos are so big and strong. We have only begun to devulge into meat eating as our society has become wealthier, which is causing other regions of the world to experience famine and drought.

Actually science says that our bowels are not made to digest meat. That is why we get sick from meat eating and experience blockages and diverticulitis. Our bowels are shaped for herbivore consumption.

Plus, in Genesis 1:29, God tells us all to become vegans when he directs Adam and Eve on how they should eat.
Reply:What makes them think they're better than others? The same tendency that makes nonsmokers, nondrinkers, and thin people smug and judgemental toward (respectively) smokers, drinkers, and overweight people.
Reply:for all your evidence that eating meat is good, there is so much more for why eating meat is bad.

tell me why is our intestinal tract so much longer than other carnivores?

and how come we can't skin an animal with our hands?

i don't think im better than anyone else because im a vegetarian... to be perfectly honest, i didn't even do it for the animal rights, i did it for world hunger.

most Americans get way too much protein, and that causes osteoporosis because too much protein depletes your calcium levels.

Also, just healthwise, i am feeling so much better now that i am a vegetarian. I'm an athlete, and my performance has greatly benefited from this.

Just don't try to fight it because you're not going to convince anyone
Reply:Hey, come on, now. You lookin' to rumble, or somethin'?

I am a "semi-vegetarian," I guess. I don't eat red meat, but I do eat a little chicken and fish. I much prefer vegetables to meats, and I love beans, which are an excellent source of protein. Cheap, too.

To me it's a matter of personal choice and taste. I don't feel that I'm better than anyone else because of my likes and dislikes and food choices. I respect other people's choices, just as I expect them to do with mine.

And by the way - to address your last question: Plants grow back; animals don't.
Reply:Everyone defends their personal life choices. When you choose to behave in a way other people either don't agree with or don't understand you are often put in a position that makes you feel defensive. Add to that the fact that people hang around wtih people like themselves and get support for protecting their behavioral practices, and you've got someone is vocal about what they do.

We behave the way our communities support us in behaving... but we may have a community-within-a-community. Most people have trouble being vegan or vegetarian when they don't have anyone else around them who eats that way, but put a few together and they have a support system which they can then have support in defending together.

As an omnivore with many vegan and vegetarian friends I find myself in the position of being the only one eating meat in some situations. I sometimes opt not to eat meat in their presence since it's just uncomfortable for them and for me. Other times I just order what I want to eat and don't talk about it.
Reply:oh boy, i was just sitting here thinking, gee i wish someone else would ask these questions AGAIN! At least you were nice enough to condense it all into one. Instead of just looking at one angle, look at all sides of it. Do research, discover all the bad things that come from consuming meat for your precious "neccesity" for vast amounts of protein. Look at all the other junk that goes into your body along with that protein from meat. Look at the long term effects healthwise.

Take those "canine" teeth of yours walk out to a farm, and go gnaw on a cow and see how far you get without the use of outside tools.

And as for the plants. You know this isnt even a valid argument and is only used as a defense mechanism to secure your precious ego in an attempt to stump us souless vegans and our evil carrot picking minds.
Reply:are you projecting?

why do you care what others eat,

and why do you choose to get worked up about what you eat?
Reply:I don't think it makes me better than anyone else. In reality, being vegan is just another extension of my insane picky eating. I have eaten nothing but fruity pebbles, silk, carrots and strawberries for the past four days because nothing else sounds appealing. I went through a stage that lasted several years of my childhood where I would rarely eat anything but spaghetti.

Oh yeah, Hail Hitler! Hail Satan too!
Reply:I've never, EVER understood this either........... AND I've been a vegetarian all of my life.... 43 years!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think for those "other" vegetarians, it's like ordering one of those frilly drinks at Starbucks..... it makes them feel special.


Reply:"I've heard so many fairy tales, lies %26amp; straight up STUPIDITY"

You TOO???........Ha ha, I thought it only went one way. There's so many legetimate things they could say.

I wasn't better before going veg. I just had an interest in health and came across the right information.

It's just a better choice. And the healther the better.

I think what you said about closely related proteins being better is wrong. All proteins are broken down completely into amino acids. Then built back up in many different ways for different needs - not just muscle, but ligaments, skin, nerves, blood, bone... Bones grow fine without eating bone(hardly anyone eats bone).

Another way to look at it is, beef is created from what the cow eats: grain.
Reply:If you don't like us then why are you in the VEGETARIAN %26amp; VEGAN section???

I don't push my opinions on ANYONE else... and who cares if a few vegetarians want to protest outside of KFC??... We are lectured about our diet on a daily basis by meat- eaters that have NO idea what they are talking about...

Here is a list I have been making...

Rude Meat Eater responses to Questions:

"No. You need some dead animals to balance your diet"-Amy H

"maybe it is[Is a vegan diet healthy?], but why would you stop eating meat?"-Dude...

"You are why people eat meet. Cuz if we don't we will become stupid and ask things like this. YES! Two pionts for me. Ha ha ha.


Everyone who eats meet~! "- jake_sillys

"I will gladly take my chances to have a steer knocked in the head for my bloody prime rib." -Amy H

"have a steak." - reb1den

"Good idea. Vegans are a bunch of queers anyhow."- NONAME

"mmmmm bacon."- prince fan!

"I don't eat anything that casts a shadow....I am rail thin and SOOOO hungry...."- CHUCKLEHEAD (I am assuming that he is being sarcastic)

"I'm sick of vegetarians. Get a job and a life, a**hole!"-Dallas "the panther" (I edited this one, I don't want to get reported for someone elses comment)

" idk...but vegetarions need to eat some meat some veggie people are too skinny and need some meat on them bones..guys like something to grab while *******!!!"- Beautiful disaster_21

"More meat for the rest of us."- Dragongurl

"There are none because meat is the best!"- IDK

"eat meat.... meat good... meat tasty... eat good tasty meat... " - IDK

"wah wah wah ....

cool, believe all that PETA crap - more chicken nuggets for me!" -GeorgiaGrits1

"Meat is just too good. MMMMMMMM" - Ray Finkle

"Being a vegan is a religion.

I think vegans need help!" -gulfstream_five_fifty

"Peta is for fruits and nuts that have nothing else to do but make asses of them selves" -Are we using our brains today

"Congrat's for turning into an idiot. Here is the only help you need. Go done to your local supermarket, go the the meat section and pick the nicest looking slab of steak there, take it home and season it, then grill it medium-rare with a little blood coming out onto the plate, grab a cold beer and enjoy the best type of food on the planet. And while you are enjoying that fine meal, try and kick yourself in the *** for thinking so stupid.




Animals " -Train 379



"I'm betting most. I hope most. We don't need those dirty hippies adding to the gene pool!" - Gregneck

"I think all vegans are homos, but not all homos are vegans. Does that make sense ? " -Jeff

"yea, steak, chicken, and other real foods.

dumba**." -Brad P (edited this one)

"Yeah, man. I love meat especially raw cow and weasel. mmmm...mm I just love to watch the blood flow out as you drain the animal. Yeah! " -Alex

"Eat meat thats what god put it there for. I believe in PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals)" - bigbasshb

"Stop being a vegetarian. Don't do what other people in this section tell you. EAT THE MEAT!!" - Robert M

"quitcherbitchin" -Bad butch

I don't look for these comments; I add them when I see them. These are all "answers" for questions posted in the vegetarian and vegan section... And they are not provoked comments... they were all answers posted for questions like, "I just became a vegan, how do I get protein?"... Completely innocent questions...

We deal with this kind of stuff every day in OUR own forum. So what if you met a vegetarian one time and he told you that meat is murder?... Grow up! and get over it!
Reply:Um. I don't tink I'm better than anyone else because I'm vegan. I still get teased for the way I eat...I just don't care anymore. I'd just rather not contribute to the animal abuse, thank you.

Plants can't suffer. They can grow back if you don't cut them at the root, and there actually is a diet, fruitarian, that only eats fruits because fruits fall off of the plant once they are ripe(a lot of people following this even grow their own fruits), but that's mostly for religious reasons. The plants are not tortured in any way. They are given light, water, and oxygen, and everything they need to grow healthy and strong, because otherwise they would not sell. When farmers harvest crops, they do not have to kill the plant. They pick off the part that needs to be sold, like the corn part of the corn plant. Plants have no brain. They cannot feel pain and they cannot be concious of their suffering. Torture is not possible for the plants in your refrigerator because tortured plants would be shriveled and dry and not able to sell well. Also, if we didn't eat plants we would be dead in a month. I eat organic plants because genetically modified ones are sometimes injected with animal DNA and everything else uses pesticides that could end up killing an animal like a squirrel.

Meat, on the other hand, is the remains of a dead animal for human consumption. You are eating an animal that had to be killed to end up on your plate, and even if it led a happy life not on a factory farm, it was still killed in a slaughterhouse. In slaughterhouses a lot of the painkillers and anesthesia doesn't always work so those animals are fully conscious when they are killed, therefore suffering serious pain. Animals have brains and can feel pain. They are conscious of their sufferings. I just think it's wrong to show support for that sort of abuse.

So...I guess we don't think we're better than everyone else. We just don't support animal abuse.
Reply:I'm a vegan and I don't particularly care what other people eat. My husband and kids still eat meat from time to time.

In general, I think humans constantly look for some way to be better than the guy next door. I've met many non vegs who immediately attack my choice or defend theirs before I open my mouth. So what? Their problem, not mine.

As far as the rest of the post, your ignorance is definitely showing. Proteins are not harder to come by in a veg diet or any better or worse than those in an omni diet. In fact americans seriously overload their protein anyway. The whole protein matching was dispelled years ago.

Our canine teeth are nothing compared to those of other animals. They're not designed for tearing flesh off bone which is why we need utensils to help. We need to cook our foods because our digestive tract was not made to be able to process raw meats which is why diseases like e coli and salmonella affect us far worse than other animals.

As far as not killing plants, that just sounds like some lame way to try to defend eating meat (which is unnecessary in my opinion). If you don't want other people to attack your choice, back off theirs.

Let's say you're right though, killing plants is every bit as bad as killing animals. Well firstly you have to think about what all those animals you wish to consume have eaten. One steer eats much more plants in one year than probably 10 vegans. So you're contributing to plant deaths by the thousands PLUS the animals who ate the plants PLUS whatever plants you might eat in one year. Who is honestly doing less harm?

It's kind of moot though considering plants lack a central nervous system rendering them incapable of feeling pain and lack a brain rendering them incapable of any sort of thought process. Vegetarians are generally less about not killing and more about not contributing to suffering. Plants are, by all scientific means, incapable of suffering. A cow is not.

Eat what you like but please don't just throw around blantant falsehoods.
Reply:mmm I'm about to eat some BEEF right noww

BTW plants are living things no matter what you say.

God said in the bible it's okay to eat meat(not pork) so that's what I live by. Your choice is your choice and mine is mine, you're no better and no worse, the end.

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