Feral cat with "rodent ulcer" on lip--any medication I can mix in food?

I have a call in to the vet for more info, but in the meantime, is there a vet tech out there who can recommend any kind of treatment for a feral cat with a rodent ulcer on it's lip? The lip is pulling away from both canine teeth and one side is a little bloody. The cat is drooling because the lips no longer meet. I have been trying to catch her to bring her to the vet, but she is too wild. I caught her once 4 years ago in a TNR trap when I was able to get her neutered, but once they get caught in one of those they never go back. I would like some kind of medicine I can mix in with food for this poor cat. I don't want her to suffer, but she isn't going to let me catch her to get her to the vet.

Feral cat with "rodent ulcer" on lip--any medication I can mix in food?
treating a feral cat is close to impossible, i have some experince dealing with them at a shelter, but they mostly do their own thing. the best way to med her would be in the food. try and set the have a hart trap up with a towel over the pedal, and over the trap, so it looks like a cozy place to go and eat. if you can try and get a kennal if the vet recomends some treatment so you can continue to med her till she is all better. best of luck! god love you for thinking of the ferals, not enough people do! :)

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