she is only 3 months old and broke one of her canine tooth what should i do?
What should i do if my dog broke her tooth?
well if its sharp and chipped you wont want her to cut her tongue on it. but if thats not a problem don't worry, it should grow back, and if it doesn't she'll just have 1 ****** up tooth. take her to the vet if it gets infected or it irritates her tongue.
Reply:Put her down. Sorry, couldnt resist. Well seriously, simple; take her to the vet? a similiar situation happend with my dog.
Reply:new ones will grow in if she's just a puppy, so dont worry
Reply:Did the break expose the nerve? If not then it is more cosmetic than anything. if the nerve is exposed then you'll have to pull it.
try brushing the teeth and see the reaction.
Reply:It's a baby tooth anyhow. She will start teething in a few weeks and lose it. If it doesn't come out with the rest of the teeth take her to the vet. You have to go again for another vaccination, show it to the vet then.
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