Here you go people! My whole list of what I hate that people say about vegetarians and vegans and such...(thanks Michael, for your insparation.)
1 - We have canine teeth - O really? Prove it isn't just to grind up things other than meat better? (I use my backteeth anyways...)
2 - We were meant to eat meat - And how did you come up with that theory?
3 - Where will all the cows go - In the feild? With the other animals? (there wouldn't be as many if we didn't breed them so much)
4 - Vegetarians need supplements - I don't...
5 - We need meat - Or do we just need protine?
6 - Do vegans swallow - Retards...
7 - The bible says God gave us animals to eat - SHOW ME THE PASSAGE I SWEAR!!! (I hate that one...mostly because I'm a Christian)
8 - You need meat for protein - You do?! Because all of us don't need any protine at all!
9 - animals are killed humanely - (tired of this one too) I really don't give a c**** how they are killed, i just wish they werent.
That anti-vegetarian stuff?
I think your list is going to get bigger though.
Don't forget
- All vegans/ vegetarians are hypocrites (and then an entire paragraph containing their "revelation.")
- SOME vegetarians eat dead animals.
- Plants have feelings too
- Mmmmm meeeeeeeeat.
Reply:I think vegetarianism is a choice, and people should respect that choice. I'm not sure I understand where the hostility against vegetarians comes from (perhaps a deep underlying guilt?). Rise above those nasty comments and be happy with your choice.
Reply:Did you have a question or you're just venting?
Reply:the Bible does say that instead of Jesus giving fish, he taught them how to fish...this way they would never go hungry.....
Total Vegetarians eat only plant food. They do not eat any animal foods, including fish, eggs, dairy products, and honey.
Vegans not only omit all animal products from their diets, but they also eliminate them from the rest of their life. Vegans use nothing from animals, such as leather, wool, and silk.
Lacto-Vegetarians will include dairy products into their diet of plant food.
Lacto-Ovo-Vegetarians eat both eggs and dairy products.
Pesco-Vegetarians include fish into their diets.
Pollo-Vegetarians eat poultry, such as chicken, turkey, and duck.
If you are comfortable in your skin and your lifestyle....don't worry what others believe and or as you please..
Reply:Good tactics.:D
Reply:WOOO!!!!!!! you go girl!!!!!!!!!! =D
i LOVED it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! %26lt;33
Reply:I love these!!! I'm not even christian and christians throw that one at me... about the protein one, actually, most americans get to much protein, and it makes them sick. vegetarians and vegans are verry healthy if they follow a sensible diet. alot of japanese and buddhist are vegetarians and even vegans, and live for long time, longer than most americans do. pretein is found in everything... just because it is in smaler percents, it is stilll there, and sometimes, alot can be found, just incomplete, but once your body takes in the missing parts from somthing else, there ya go! and we don't even have to eat soy (wich is another thing non-vegetarians constantly assume about us)... I never eat soy, tofu, wheat gluten, seitan, beans and peas. I'm healthy, and get enough pretein from nuts and seeds. I'm a fruitarian, and I eat basicly what a flying fox (fruit bat) eats: fruit, fruit juice, a few nuts and seeds, and sometimes leafy greens (not root veggies) and edible flowers... all raw.
Reply:Ha, I hate it when people say we need vitamin supplements too. You forgot one of the most aggravating ones though. "But meat taste good!"...They act as if nothing can taste good without a piece of dead animal in it.
Reply:you go girl! some people can get rather irritating. I wouldnt force vegetarianism on anyone but when they try to argue these point its nice to be able to say these things back to them. I think a lot of meat eaters like to believe they're right just because they want to be able to be able to be able to eat meat coz they like it. oh and we really are HERBIVORES. not saying anyone cant eat meat should they want to coz its their choice really, but theres the facts
Reply:1. Frankly, I agree the canine argument is bad, so I won't argue against it, although I can quite easily show they're used to tear meat every time I eat it.
2. We're talking evolution here now. To my mind, if we've evolved to do something, we are designed to do it and thus meant to do it by virtue of evolution.
Simple research into human biology reveals how we are meant to eat meat. For one thing, our body produces hydrochloric acid and meat splitting enzymes that herbivores don't produce and are solely used for the digestion of meat. There are adaptations to our teeth (not incisors, rather the size of the jaw), stomach and intestines which have made a human being very adept at meat digestion. There is nothing wrong with the way our body digests meat, and we are so adept at eating it no scientists are of any doubt we've evolved to eat it.
In contrast, there are many reasons we aren't naturally herbivores. We cannot naturally get all the nutrients we need without animal products naturally. Vitamin B12 cannot be got, even now, without animal products or supplements, and a lack of it can cause anaemia and impending death. 60% of vegans even now have some level of B12 deficiency, as opposed to no meat eaters, which says something about how well adapted we are to a vegan diet.
All other nutrients can be got naturally. That owes to that vegetables can now be sold all year round, even out of season, and can be flown into the country from all over the world. In bygone times people could only eat the relatively small range of plants that grew in their ecosystem, and only when they were in season. Thus many more nutrients would have been unavailable and still more unavailable for most of he year. Until very recently it would have been impossible for a vegan human to live naturally without dying very quickly.
3. True, but I always assumed vegetarianism was supposed help animals. Getting rid of them doesn't quite seem to achieve that end, promoting better welfare and treatment would.
Cows actually do quite well out of domestication. They get protection from predators, veterinary care, plentiful food, less stress than they would were they still wild, etc, and consequently they're one of the most populous animals on earth. Yea they get eaten at the end, but frankly it's usual for wild animals to die violently, often at the hands of predators, so there's no change there.
4. Maybe not, but vegans do, and if a vegetarian hasn't planed his diet particularly well (not uncommon) he would too.
5. No, we don't need meat per se, but that's not an argument. We don't need chocolate, for instance, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't eat it.
7. Acts 10:9-13
Peter went up upon the housetop to pray about the sixth hour: And he became very hungry, and would have eaten: but while they made ready, he fell into a trance, And saw heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending upon him, as it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth: Wherein were all manner of four footed beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air. And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat.
Romans 14:2
For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs.
1 Timothy 4:1-3
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils ... commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.
And Jesus ate meat too.
8. Waitaminute! You're saying most people need no protein? Sorry, but that is a ridiculous statement which deserves to be treated with the utmost scorn and contempt. Come back when you've acquired a basic knowledge of human biology.
9. So how they die is irrelevant? Well I'd see that as a pretty strong argument against vegetarianism, as all animals die, and with the exception of pets they're never peaceful deaths, usually being killed by something or other.
By your logic, because it is almost a certainty that pigeon in my garden will be killed by a cat or fox eventually, it's perfectly OK for me to go and kill it slowly and painfully now.
11. Chicken eggs are no more baby Chickens than the eggs that women get rid of in their period is a baby human.
12. No I haven't seen your tan, but as far as I know tanning and the poor complexion that comes of being ill are unrelated. Hence why black people don't go pale when they're ill.
13. Excuse me, but don't you find that point ironic considering the tone of this 'question'.
14. It was probably a joke you didn't get.
EDIT: OK, so you didn't mean we don't need protein, and I therefore apologise for the amount of contempt in my reply to that. Fair enough, we don't need protein from animals to live, but meat is still a much better source of protein than any plants. It's easier to absorb, there are more types of protein in meat than any one plant, it's got more protein than almost any other food, etc, etc. If you're a vegetarian and have eggs or dairy, there's unlikely to be a problem, but vegans do have to be careful about protein.
Reply:What I get tired of is that so many people think they are experts in nutrition, and they spout pseudo-scientific babble about why people have to eat meat. Or, sometimes they say it's in the Bible.
How come I haven't eaten meat for 23 years and I'm not dead by now?
Why are my blood lab values normal when I go to the doctor? (But my cholesterol is very low).
How come my wife who has a Master's Degree in Nutrition and is Licensed Dietitian and a vegetarian? Guess what, she gives diet counselling to people in the hospital.
If somebody is going to tell me about nutrition, he or she is going to have go get the same qualifications my wife has, or they aren't worth listening too. It's just a bunch of stuff they made up or their grandmothers told them--no scientific fact or any data to back it up.
But I really don't mind a little kidding around. I had a friend tell me what I was eating was "rabbit food." I gave it right back to her and called her lunch "dog food." That was the last time she did that.
Reply:It looks to me like you are a vegetarian more because you like to argue, feel self-righteous and make a big deal about things than for any other reason.
Reply:Actually proteins, and supplements are very impotant for vegetarians!! Especially vegans. I have gone to the hospital quite a few times for not getting all the right supplements I needed.
But I do hate all the things people say about vegetarians, or vegans. It gets old and irritating -.-
Reply:you're an idiot to think that we don't need protein.... we do Also its been shown that the estrogen contained in soy can have many EXTREMELY harmful effects to males. You cant just keep getting your protein from nuts and bread. So where can you get the protein?
Hey as a Christian, you should know that Jesus ate fish. Disciples ate meat, remember the story of the loaves of bread and fish?
And there are dozens of more reasons why you couldnt be more wrong
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