Oral surgery.?

(haha oral) well anyway i have to get my canine teeth pulled down because they are impacted in the gum. do they put you to sleep? does it hurt? well basically can you tell me what happens? thank you.

and i dont meen getting a tooth pulled out. i had that already and it was fine.

Oral surgery.?
I had this exact procedure done when I was 13. I was awake during the procedure. Bring your iPod and turn the volume up so you do not hear anything that is going on. It took about a 45 min. They will put some gooey stuff on the hole where the tooth was - it looks like silly puddy. It is bascially a band aid for your mouth. Stay away from hot foods/liquids. That can cause bleeding. Also you may get some swelling on your face. It will all subside within a week. Good luck!
Reply:If you're not sure what to expect, call up the oral surgeon's office and explain that you have some questions. Ask them anything you want to know.

my cat


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