I've been wondering lately, how do humans get protein without meat in the wild? It's known that wheats, beans, and nuts/seeds have incomplete proteins and with a combination of two of the three, we can obtain complete proteins from them.
Back when humans had no technology, it would be hard for us to kill and eat animals (except for things like bugs) if you think about it. We have only four small canine teeth and no claws. Meat was a last-resort food for humans before technology.
On the other hand, without technology, we would not be able to cook beans or make certain foods with wheat or nuts and seeds.
I know that we don't need TONS of protein to survive like some people think we do, because humans aren't meant to be as big as some people get (the average bodybuilder is too big).
So my questions are:
Are complete proteins 100% necessary to get muscle?
How would we obtain protein in the wild?
In the wild, how do humans get protein without meat?
there are 8 essential aminoacid require for human body.
all other can be derived from these aminoacid. these amino acid form all types of protein.
egg is only one that contain all these aminoacids.egg taken as reference value for protein to compare other foods for protein.
soyabean is vegetarian food for most of protein but not as good as egg.
Reply:Well it has been a long time since humans have been in the wild.
Since we have become domesticated we eat other domesticated animals like cows and pigs and such.
Reply:i think we had teeth that were different from how they are now... or maybe we just did eat bugs and stuff..
Reply:Humans ate bugs and scavenged for meat. After fire was discovered, cooked meat helped the body absorb more proteins. That in turn caused the brain to get larger.
Reply:They still had meat. They'd cook it over fire, have you never heard of this before?
Look back to the time of Cavemen with their drawings, or even Native Americans when we just arrived... They were nomadic, caught what they could (Natives usually had buffalo), and cooked it up.
Reply:Indeed you are right; we don't need much protein. When I'm out camping I try to forage food. It may seem harsh, but hunting and trapping is the right answer. Rabbit's are easy to trap, fairly easy to hunt. If it's a local option, fish can be netted fairly easily. You can also filch bird's eggs, though these are often small, it's some protein.
If you can find it, wild rice has usable protein.
In truth all food has a small amount of protein.
One of the secrets to survival in the wild is to not over exert yourself.
That's why trappers do well. It takes less energy than hunting, and generally is more successful.
Reply:Wow! great question.
Wish I had a great answer .
If you are near the water, kale and several plants are good for you roots of certain plants ,worms,grubs,snakes and grasshoppers.
I don't think it is 100% necessary to get muscle .
Reply:That's a very eloquent question The fact of the matter is that anthropologists say that hominids brains did not really start to grow until they started eating meat because the brain needs so much protein to even function much less grow.Yes complete proteins whey having the highest biological value are vital if you're involved in an intense weight training regimen.You cannot possibly repair all of the resulting micro trauma without a good protein intake.This also helps you retain a positive nitrogen balance if the protein is consumed throughout the day.That keeps you anabolic and helps to avoid catabolism.When we lived in caves we were probably strong but I doubt any of us got a date flexing on the beach.The differences are in the goals.We have been hunting animals for thousands of years.That thing about eggs up there is completely wrong.There are dozens of complete(containing all of the essentials) forms of protein.Whey,beef,pork,milk,eggs,most fish,chicken,turkey all of these are complete proteins!And the average pro bodybuilder spends about 50,000 dollars a year on drugs.That's a fact.Look it up.And there are 10 essential aminos not 8.
Reply:Absolutely!! They still could uptain meat through hunting. But maybe throught insects as well.
Reply:beans peas legumes soy
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