Helping an adult tooth come through?

I lost my baby canine tooth a couple of months ago and now the adult is starting to emerge. Does anyone know how to make it come through faster.

Helping an adult tooth come through?
Hi! I've been in dentistry for over 20 years and maybe I can help. The tooth will come it as it has the room and growth to emerge. While you can not speed up that, you can help by having good hygiene and keeping the area clean and using salt water rinses to help the gum break open and stay healthy. Some people think if you gently rub the gum on each side this stimulates the tooth. It won't hurt to do that, but wash you hands first and rinse with salt water after. Make sure to brush and I think you will see results soon. Be patient. The tooth has to drop carefully so the ligament around the tooth is formed and the nerve at the root of the tooth keeps a health blood supply to the root tip. If you have any other questions, please ask. ~M
Reply:Assuming the adult tooth has enough room to erupt, there is nothing you can do to speed up eruption, not brushing, rinsing, NOTHING, beyond having an orthodontist wire it up to physically pull it down. No self-respecting orthodontist would ever do that so don't even think about it.

If it appears that the space into which it will grow is not as wide as the tooth, or, the tooth is growing behind or in front of the adjacent teeth, see your dentist.



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