Who can disagree with the following reasons as to why we should be vegetarian?

1 Meat is not needed for human being to live and be healthy.

2 Meat is full of unwanted stuff in addition to little nutrition. The unwanted stuff is cholesterol, lethal bacteria, terror chemicals released by the animals' adrenalin gland before death, difficult to digest. list is unending.

3. Proteins, vitamins, iron, all minerals and above all fiber is available in sufficient quantities in veggie food, meat has some of these in excess and some it doesn't have at all. ex. vitamin C and fiber.

4. God asked us to have dominion over animals. Dominion doesn't mean kill and eat them.. It is to use them as we use cow for milk and bull for ploughing and horse for chariot ride.

5 It is safer to assume that "Do not kill" includes animals also.

6 The taste in meat comes only from the vegetarian ingredients added like pepper, onion, garlic and spices, salt etc.

7 Canine teeth in humans are very undeveloped. They are meant ONLY for defense and breaking nuts etc

8 Bloody meat or milk/juicy orange?

Who can disagree with the following reasons as to why we should be vegetarian?
These are all facts...the thing is that MOST people are brainwashed to think that you need meat to be healthy and that protein can only be found in meat etc. etc.

I know different because I decided to educate myself.
Reply:Are you a Seventh-Day Adventist?
Reply:1 Perhaps, but how would you make gumbo without sausage and chicken.

2 The immune system does need a little boost now and then

3. Yeah, but slicing a tofu loaf on Thanksgiving day really does nothing for me

4. Well, there goes the burnt offering stories...

5 see number 4

6 For the record, salt is a mineral; besides pepper, onions and garlic taste awful on cupcakes, which I might add are wonderful when made with eggs.

7 I don't know about that, my man gets turned on when I bite him on the neck. As for the breaking nuts things, my dentist said not to do that.

8. Actually you can make sausage out of blood and out of meat! Why deprive baby calves of their mothers milk...orange juice makes me itch.

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