Choose your favourite anti-veggie statement.
10 points to someone who makes me laugh.
Feel free to add your favourite and i will compile a more comprehensive list for future use !
1 - We have canine teeth
2 - We were meant to eat meat
3 - Where will all the cows go
4 - Vegetarians need supplements
5 - We need meat
6 - Do vegans swallow
7 - The bible says God gave us animals to eat
8 - You need meat for protein
9 - animals are killed humanely
10- Cows need to be milked otherwise they die
11- Eggs are baby chickens
12- vegetarians are sick and pale
13- Vegetarians are preachy
14- veggies have no sense of humour
15- we are hypocrites
16- we eat chicken
17- they eat fish
18- we eat non-veggie cheeses etc
19- Why do we eat mock meat
20- we crave meat........
Whats your favourite anti-vegetarian cliche?
My dad told me I would lose all of my hair.
I responded, "So, I will look like you." (I still have most of my hair, and he is still bald.)
"You need milk for strong bones," or "Drink you milk to grow big and strong." - studies show the highest rates of osteoporosis occur in the countries that drink the most milk.
Physical excercise is the answer to having strong bones.
"It's an attempt to gain attention." "It's a fad."
18 years later I am still trying to gain attention through this fad.
Reply:Thanks to all those that answered.
I too am trying to try and get over my 27 year fad. Report It
Reply:Subway, eat flesh!
That comes from a Subway sandwich shop and the actual quote is Subway, eat fresh.
Reply:#27- they all wear leather! My mom is a vegetarian and she wears leather. I've tried to explain that she's hypocritical, but she says the cows were dead any way because they'd already been killed for meat. ???
Reply:How about this one:
Vegetarian: and old Indian word, meaning 'bad hunter'
Reply:to a vegetarian: "eat this fried chicken or i'll kill another chicken"
what would they do?!
Reply:Ha "Do vegans swallow?" That has to be the best one, but surprisingly no one ever seems to ask about it. I always wondered. Maybe I'm just a vegan perve though =p
Reply:If we were meant to only eat veges we would've been born with 2 stomachs like cows.
Reply:the ocean will be over loaded with fish if everyone goes veggie,then they will have no room to move!
Reply:31. Will we go back to eating meat when we finish our diet?
Reply:P. E. T .A....Which equals= PEOPLE EATING TASTY ANIMALS.
Reply:I am in the process of switching to vegetarian.
So I hear #8 a LOT !!
...and I have heard #7 when I mention I am on a spiritual fast.
Reply:'If you ate meat, you wouldn't have that cold' WTF? You mean the cold I caught from YOU?
Reply:We never shower. That's a good one. Bathing has nothing to do with eating, so I'm not sure why it comes up, but it inevitably does.
Reply:Vegan men are gay and cannot get it up! I'd beg to differ with that assumption...
Reply:I hate how sometimes when I say I'm vegan people become all quiet with a sad/tragic demeanor..and often times say " so sorry."
...Like I just told them I am a suffering cancer patient or something. @_@?
I think im going to start going along with it..and play it off as if its horrible "ya..I can't feed on dead animals or wear them around my waist...the bastards wont even let me drink their blood!!!" and see if they express mutual emotional pain over it. lol.
Reply:LOL. You are officially granted the title of 'STUPID VEGETARIAN CLICHE KEEPER" and you are to be revered! My personal fav would have to be the "canine teeth" thing. I would love to see someone use those canines to take down a 2000 pound cow, and take a bite out of its @ss without cooking it. If we truly had canine teeth and were "meant" to eat meat, we would have the ability to hunt, catch, kill, and consume the animal without the benefit of tools or cooking. I challenge anyone to use those scary "canines" to "rip the flesh" of a steak from your grocery store without cooking it, let alone get it straight from the animal. Most people couldnt even pluck a feather from a chicken without a tool or a gross out factor-its the simple fact that its so readily available that they do so. So, those of you with those two tiny "canines", are you up for the challenge? Send me a video of yourself mowing down a raw steak or raw chicken, and then you will convince me that we are "meant" to eat dead animals. In the meantime, check the mouth of your dog or cat-THATS canine teeth-and a mouthful of them-not two scrawny, pointy lil things that do far better on soft fruits a veggies. The rest of humans teeth are clearly flat, like other vegetarian creatures. Bon appetit-, oh, and no steak sauce-raw only-as nature intended!.
Reply:This one made me laugh: " We were meant to eat animals because they have meat".
What are these people thinking? I have meat, does that mean it's OK for someone else to eat me?
Reply:*eh hem* Must get into character...
God Said we need to eat meat!!! If you don't eat MEAT you are going against God!!! What????? You think you are better than MEAT and God!!!!!!!! What about all those poor little plants you eat? What? Just 'cos you don't hear them scream? Plants bleed you know... CARROT murder!
You are a hyprocrite! God knows it! WHen U shower, you KILL microorganisms. That is why I eat MEAT.
Animals were put on this earth to be eaten? There is no possible other purpose they could serve. What? You think they want to LIVE? Runaround or be happy? Quit shoving your views down my throat, hippie!
*End Scene*
Anyway, this is really weird... I just posted a poll about this in my 360. My selection is shorter, but I tried to include the most frustrating.
Feel free to come vote.
EDIT- One you might be missing is "vegetarians" are suffering because we are denying ourselves all this "wonderful" meat.
EDIT 2- Oh yeah, and "You don't know what you're missing."
They apparently don't realize most of us used to eat meat and willingly chose to never eat it again.
EDIT 3- I think we will all need to make copies of this so we can keep it in our pockets to consult when confrontational meat eaters wiggle dead cows at us and go "mmmmmmm meeeeeeat."
... Hey, is Mmmmmmmmm meeeeeeeaaaaat on the list?
Reply:YOU GO BEEBS!!!.....:d
Reply:The fish question rankles, as does the whole stinking protein debate... but the one that pisses me off the most is the assertion that vegetarians are pale and sickly. It only takes one exception to disprove a theory, but I refuse to appear in person so these bigots can see what a healthy vegetarian looks like!
My favorite off-the-wall one happened when I was much younger and had just started dating a new guy. He was enormously concerned because when he told a coworker that I was veg, she said, "Oh no! Tell her after 3 years she'll turn green. I did and I had to go back to eating meat!" Since I was about 2 1/2 half years in, I swear he eyeballed me for evidence that I was turning green every time we had a date. Thank god "#47: Vegetarians turn green after 3 years" has never become a cliche!
Reply:I think one of the stupidest ones is: 3 - Where will all the cows go or 10- Cows need to be milked otherwise they die
OMG ppl, thats what the calfs are for! cows don't jus lactate on their own, the calfs are stolen from them and made into veal or other milk cows. same thing, if a woman gets pregnant, and her baby is stolen once it is born, the woman is still lactateing.
Reply:my brother always says "if God didn't want us to eat cows, He wouldn't have made them out of meat."
Reply:#10. Cows need to be milked or they will die.
Related to this is the idiotic statement that actually
irritates more than anything else:
COWS ENJOY BEING MILKED? As if all dairy cows
are freaks who are into involuntary molestation.
Reply:"why do you DEPRIVE yourself from meat and dairy and all that stuff?"
HAHA some people don't understand it's a CHOICE, and i don't WANT to eat that stuff, im not depriving myself of anything at allllllll :] in fact, i'm doing my body a favor.
Reply:Vegetarians go around on Yahoo answers criticizing meat eaters is my favorite. I love the way they come in here with the whole appeal to pity falacy trying to make everyone feel bad for them because vegetarians pick on them when in fact they voluntarily come into the V and V section and start provoking us. It's really sad how they have to attempt to vicitmize themselves to get attention. So mommy and daddy didn't give you enough attention growing up. Big deal get over it and do something productive for a change. What they do is like walking into a Catholic church and saying there isn't a god. It just amuses me how some people can be so pathetic.
Reply:I love when they start with the god argument.. if we aren't meant to eat meat then why did god make animals out of delicious meat. or god said that we have to eat meat.
when people find out I'm a vegan they think I only eat fruit and vegetables.. "what do you eat then? if at all." give me a break.
Reply:25 is my favorite...with 21 at a close 2nd.
Reply:"plants are alive too...", "they care more about animals than humans..."
Reply:I taste so good you'll want the recipe... and I'm so sweet, I'll give you cavities... NONE =P
Reply:ok, so i'm a vegan but the thing i can't cut out is MILK CHOCOLATE! THERE IS NO WAY to cut this one! never!
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