How can i tell if i have a lisp (w. 's' sounds?)?

i was just tape-recording myself for a project and during play-back noticed that i may have a tiny lisp? i have a feeling it's because i've made the choice of not wearing a retainer (b/c if i do it'd be for life and i could care less about having my teeth look 100% perfect)

ie. when i say an 's' word naturally, i can only feel my upper left canine bite down to touch my bottom left teeth...

ps. i don't care if i have a lisp, but i'm just curious

How can i tell if i have a lisp (w. 's' sounds?)?
A lisp is a speech impediment, historically also known as sigmatism. Stereotypically, people with a lisp are unable to pronounce sibilants (like the sound [s]), and replace them with interdentals (like the sound [θ]), though there are actually several kinds of lisp. The result is that the speech is unclear.

"Interdental" lisping is produced when the tip of the tongue protrudes between the front teeth and "dentalised" lisping is produced when the tip of the tongue just touches the front teeth.

The "lateral" lisp, where the /s/ and /z/ sounds are produced with air escaping over the sides of the tongue, is also called 'slushy ess' or a 'slushy lisp' due to the wet, spitty sound. The symbols for these lateralized sounds are in the Extended International Phonetic Alphabet for speech disorders, [ʪ] and [ʫ].

Finally, there is the "palatal lisp," where the speaker attempts to make the sounds with the tongue in contact with the palate.

Hope this helps.

Bite Plate?!?!?

im getting a bite plate in december and i was wondering.. how much does it affect your speech after youve worn it for a month? how are you supposed to eat if u cant close your mouth all the way? if u had one how long did u have it? i have to get mine because i had an impacted canine and they are working on pulling the tooth over to where it suposed to be but they cant anymore or else it would hit my bottom teeth, so they need to put the bite plate in so my teeth dont go together so they can move the tooth fully... has anyone had this before or is dealing with it right now???? plz i need answers!!! lol... and yea i know this isnt in the right category....

Bite Plate?!?!?
it effects your speech A LOT.

i've had mine for four months now and i still feel like im talking funny. i dont wear mine all the time though because of that.

i have one that i can take out when i eat or sleep.

Visual Basic

Bite plane?

im getting a bite plane next december and i was wondering.. how much does it affect your speech after youve worn it for a month? how are you supposed to eat if u cant close your mouth all the way? if u had one how long did u have it? i have to get mine because i had an impacted canine and they are working on pulling the tooth over to where it suposed to be but they cant anymore or else it would hit my bottom teeth, so they need to put the bite plane in so my teeth dont go together so they can move the tooth fully... has anyone had this before or is dealing with it right now???? plz i need answers!!! lol...

Bite plane?
It only takes a week or so to get used to it, so no worries.

Nanny Profile

Bite Plane?!?!?!?!!!?

im getting a bite plane in december and i was wondering.. how much does it affect your speech after youve worn it for a month? how are you supposed to eat if u cant close your mouth all the way? if u had one how long did u have it? i have to get mine because i had an impacted canine and they are working on pulling the tooth over to where it suposed to be but they cant anymore or else it would hit my bottom teeth, so they need to put the bite plane in so my teeth dont go together so they can move the tooth fully... has anyone had this before or is dealing with it right now???? plz i need answers!!! lol...

Bite Plane?!?!?!?!!!?
i do have my biteplane right now!!! My mom says i am speaking weird, but when your at home all you have to do is read a book out loud and your speech will go back to it's normal way
Reply:It does affect your speech anytime you have it in your mouth, will sound different than from when you don't have it in.


Can babies get a molar tooth first before incisors?

My 4.5 month old has all the symptoms of teething but when I felt his gum I am sure I can feel a bottom molar cutting through but he has no other teeth! Is this possible or is there something wrong? It is a pointy bit set into the gum a bit next to where canine should be. Thanks for your advice :)

Can babies get a molar tooth first before incisors?
i would have thought so
Reply:It's not always the incisors that come first. My nephew was born with 2 upper canines.....evil vampyre baby.


How much does dog dental work cost?

My puppy has lost almost all of her puppy teeth except two of her canines. The new canines are already coming in beside the old ones and it is hurting her terribly. I think I am going to have to take her to the vet to get them out. Does anyone know how much it cost to have teeth extracted from a dog?

How much does dog dental work cost?
Depending on what the Vet tells you needs to be done. Since the dog is a pup, and most of the baby teeth are out, he may tell you the other remanding teeth will also fall out. The teeth coming in may probably just push the baby teeth out on there own. My poodle had a double row of teeth also when she was a pup. Eventually they all fell out. If she seems in alot of pain, maybe the Vet can recommend something. Usually when dogs have dental work, such as cleaning or pulling, they have to put the dog under. Being that your dog is a pup, they may not want to do this. Depending on the size of the dog, and the work that has to be done, is usually how they arrive at a price. I had to have my Rottweiler's teeth cleaned, and one extracted, it ran me around $80.00. Again, it depends on the size, as well as the Vets pricing, the amount of work that needs to be done too. Call your pup's Vet, and explain what is going on, and they should be able to give you an exact or ballpark cost. you may not even have to have them extracted. Hope this helps.

Debi - Professional Pet Sitter
Reply:Just wait it out....get her some soft chew toys, and even let her have some crushed ice for the pain. They will come out eventually.
Reply:Don't wait it could cause serious problems for your pup. As for cost, that depends entirely on your vet, no 2 vets any where charge the same, good luck and give your poor puppy a hug
Reply:Provide plenty of different "chewy toys" and they will fall out on their own. It is not worth it to put them under anesthesia just to remove baby teeth.

Although, if you have the puppy spayed/neutered soon you can ask the vet to go ahead and remove the teeth as well if they feel comfortable with it.

My own puppy had his adult canines grow in right next to his puppy ones--the puppy canines ended up falling out on their own.
Reply:Charges can vary quite a bit. The best way to find out is to go to your vet for an exam, and ask him or her to give you an estimate for the cost of the work your puppy needs. Vets understand that people have budgets and can't always just jump into things having no idea what they'll cost. If you don't already have a good vet, ask friends and family for a recommendation.
Reply:It costs too much my grandma won't tell me how much it costs but I do know it costs up to 1,000 I think.

Java and C++

Help meeeeeeeee?

Im 15 andi havent been the dentisr since i was about 6

ive always brushed my teeth twice a day, and since i was about 8 i've had like white - blotchy stains on my teeth. on one of my teeth there is a yellow stain.. its like in the middle of the tooth. And both of my canines have gone a greyish colour. The bottom set of teeth are fine.. it makes me feel really self conscious too. I want to go to the dentist but i'm scared of what they'll think :S does anyone know whats wrong with them?

Help meeeeeeeee?
well my teeth get like that all the time! It's not a big deal. But your best bet is to just go to the dentist. They won't think things bad of you. They probobly see that stuff all the time. You could go to the dentist and if nothings wrong then just get your teeth whitened. just have your parents make you an appointment!

%26lt;3 Jesse mcCartney %26lt;3
Reply:Go to the dentist. Believe me dentists have seen brown rotting teeth, they've seen things 10,000 times worse than whatever is going on with your teeth. The longer you wait the longer you'll have to suffer with self consciousness. Have your parents make you an appointment now.
Reply:Darling - everyone is freaked out by their teeth - you can tell by the number of ads on tv for toothpaste, toothbrushes, mouthwaste, tooth whitening products, and gum. I'm SURE your teeth are fine - they are intact, they have been well cared for by you, and you seem to have healthy gums (which is a really important thing to think about). BUT...

You must go to the dentist. Period. The dentist has seen EVERYTHING in the world, and certainly your issues are not new to them. My guess (uneducated, except for my own teeth obsession) is that you have stains due to childhood illness (antibiotics when you are a baby can stain your permanent teeth, and it's nobody's fault), and the "greying" can be your imagination...or a sign of a more serious issue like root or nerve damage. Or, they might just need a professional cleaning! (the dentist has polishes and tools that a toothbrush cannot mimic - if you try to brush things tooooo much, you can cause damage to your gums and enamel).

So, please make an appointment. If your family doesn't have insurance, you might be surprised that a good dentist will clean your teeth for around $80 (please, please look up a good dentist - ask your doctor or a friend with good insurance for a recommendation. There are some bad guys/gals out there who can do damage, and you want someone with great references and continuing education), xray, examine your mouth (it's important to check for any skin problems IN the mouth, just like you check your skin for moles).

You will find your first "adult" dental visit to be GREAT - you'll get information on how to care for your teeth, you will know not to worry (or when to worry), and you'll be on your way to managing yourself as an adult. It sounds like you are responsible for caring for yourself. Good for you for asking questions about things that concern you - it's the best way to learn. But remember: the "splotches" aren't important if your teeth are healthy. The world of advertising is trying to make us all think that everyone has perfect straight white teeth and clear skin - this is an ideal, but there are 100s of shades of teeth and on any given day we all have a blemish. Perfect is healthy, not blemish-free. And remember doctors frequently train on unusual problems, or study them....there is nothing under the sun that they haven't read about, or heard about.

(one note - if money is a real issue and you can't get to a dentist, please call the local dental school and ask to be a trial patient. Dentists and hygenists have to learn on real people, and their training is supervised by dentists who are professors. A teaching school is a great place to get dental help, medical help, haircuts, etc. - don't be shy to look at ways to get what you need.) Good luck!

safari browser

The infamous "Dog Food Question" Again...........?

After seeing so many posts about dog food, and so many replies about dog food, I am yet to see "Canine Caviar" as a recommendation. I have been feeding my dogs "Canine Caviar Dry food" for months, and their teeth are pearly white, and coats really shiny. Since only one pet store carries it in my area, I decided to switch to wellness. Within a week, their coats became dull, and their coats were dry and less shiny.

How can Dog Food Analyses say canine caviar is a 3 star food, while wellness is 5?

Has anyone else ever heard of Canine Caviar? I will be honest, I never heard of it until my pet store recommended it.

The infamous "Dog Food Question" Again...........?
I have personally never heard of it. None of the stores in my area carry it and I've never come across it in any of my internet-surfings.
Reply:I have never heard of it.I understand what you are saying I tried the 5 and 6 star foods and she did not like them and her coat got dull went back to Royal Canin her coat is so shiny and she looks great.
Reply:Never heard of it...I'm a Canidae feeder. I'll check it out.
Reply:I have never seen it or heard of it. Sounds like you need to switch back to it though!
Reply:Doesn't look bad, dehydrated chicken is the first ingredient and there's no corn meal - analysis is good too for normal (not very active) dogs. Only problem would be the rosemary in it, which caused 2 of my dogs a lot of itching and the reason I took them off the cheaper and more easily available Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover's Soul dry.

If your dog does well on it, fine, but I don't think this stuff is nearly as good and easy to digest as Canidae chicken and rice. bases its ratings on a variety of factors, including grain content, actual protein content and the presence of possibly dangerous or unhealthy substances. For instance, an artificially colored food may receive a low rating based on the presence of artificial color, which isn't healthy for dogs.

Canine Caviar may be a decent food but it may not be well rounded in general (I haven't read their analysis of it yet.) Wellness is a quality food overall.

Different dogs have different nutritional needs and your dogs may be experiencing these effects as a result of a change in diet alone.
Reply:I've fed Canine Caviar as treats for my dogs (since I feed a primarily raw diet.. I give high quality kibble as treats). Most large dogshows in my area have a Canine Caviar booth and I can get bags of it at a discount. I rotate a bunch of high quality kibbles.

Different dogs do better/worse on different foods.

Some dogs do great on one.. but not on another. You need to do what is best for your dog.
Reply:I've never heard of it. I just googled it and the reason is: it isn't sold close to where I live. As for Dog Food Analysis, who knows.
Reply:Not all dogs do well on the one food. Try switching to another High Quality brand and find the right one for your dogs.

I personally feed Canidae ALS and my dogs are healthy and shiny.
Reply:Canine Caviar looks ok to me.

You have to look at the criteria some of those sites use. I am not real big on those sites myself. You never know who is behind them and what agenda they have.
Reply:Probably because "Pearl Millet" is the #2 ingredient. Pearl Millet is a grain usually used in food for cattle. The web site says they don't use filler grains but that is exactly what Millet is. Millet is high in protien so I would bet they add it to increase the protien content of the dog food, which is precisely the reason other manufacturers add corn.

The #3 ingredient is brown rice. I'm not a big fan of any type of grain in dog food - whether it be wheat, corn, brown rice or millet.
Reply:As long as it has meat or meat meal as the first ingrdient and it's free of any corn,wheat,soy,by products,or glutens, then I wouldn't worry.

If your food does have any of the nono ingrdients then switch to something like Canidae. It's a five star food and it's pretty cheap too.
Reply:never heard of it. i think i will be staying with my current food, solid gold. my mastiff and rhodesian ridgeback are thriving on it, and that is enough for me.
Reply:I have never heard of Canine Caviar. I feed my dog Taste of the Wild, which I think it pretty good and gets 6 stars from Dog Food Analysis.

I'm not sure why yours only got 3 stars...the editor's review on DFA says that it is too low in meat content according to their standards. That site can be a good guideline but you should also trust your gut on what your dog does the best on.
Reply:I have never heard of canine caviar- but have heard of wellness. Shame that they didn't do well on wellness. I have personally seen results re: brighter coats and helping with itching and scratching when the dog is on Lifes Abundance, , dog food. You can get it only on the internet and it is made fresh- none older than 6wks old. I have seen remarkable improvement in dogs eating this food-price also compares to most other premium foods, and it is shipped direct to you. Check out the site it is very informative.

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Confusing dream?

I know what parts of the dream mean, but not all of it. Any help would be appreciated.

I start out with my front tooth falling out. Then the two teeth beside it (the other big front tooth and the one next to the canine) fall out. I shove them back in my mouth free-floating and ask my mother to take me to the dentist. She is ticked off saying she doesn't have the time, but she takes me outside.

I thought at first we'd take my father's van (my parents divorced years ago and don't live together) which was in the driveway, but Mom said we couldn't because the tires were flat. I looked and the driver front tire is flat, the back two tires aren't there (the back end is up on cinderblocks). So we take my first car I ever owned (Chevy Corsica), which is parked on the street. Then I realize I'm not in my current trailer, but in front of my old house I moved out of about a year back. It seemed important that I was there but I didn't know why.

Confusing dream?
I did a search on dreams and found this AWESOME dream Website called: Dream Moods. Apparently, dreams about teeth are common (It's listed under one of the Common Dreams on the Left Hand Menu).

As far as the flat tires and your mother not responding appropriately...perhaps that happens in 'reality'? Is she there for you when you need her?

My interpretation, along with what I read about teeth...this part in particular..."Teeth are used to bite, tear, chew and gnaw. In this regard, teeth represent power. And the loss of teeth in your dream may be from a sense of powerlessness. Are you lacking power in some current situation?"...and the comments about your old car and house might mean something is still unresolved in your mind.

Interesting. I hope you get some resolution!
Reply:check out the post "dreams of traveling (car)" at
Reply:First of all, those dream interpretation websites are terrible because they're very generic. In order to get an honest idea about your dream you need to know the mood of the dream and other specific details. It seems like your mom being mad is your subconscious saying something about your mom's unwillingness to take care of you. I don't think the locations mean anything, often in dreams old houses are in new locations and other various things are disoriented. I can't figure out the rest, sorry but I hope that little bit helps.
Reply:Does your dentist use LSD in place of sodium pentathal?
Reply:You feel your sense what you think
Reply:the teeth falling out means you will have some financial reverses, having new beautiful teeth grow back means happiness and prosperity. the flat tires could mean to protect your resources from an unexpected demand, and be careful about hidden jealousy from friends or family. Dreaming of your old house will bring up a renewal of an old association. Are you subconsciously upset at your mom? did she not do something for you?. good luck.

my cat

Yellow canines?

I'm relatively happy with the colour of my teeth, I might get them whitened at some point in the future, but it's not something which greatly concerns me at the minute.

But I got some photos back recently, and looking through them, my canines appear really yellow in comparison to my other teeth. When I look in the mirror, they are a bit more yellow than my front teeth, but it was really obvious in the photos.

Why is this? And is there anything I can do about it cheaply?

Yellow canines?
Canines are relatively large compared to their neighbors. They have more underlying Dentin which is yellow and comprises the body of the root. If your enamel is somewhat translucent there is more yellow and it will show through more than your front teeth. So they appear more yellow. Currently the only way to improve on that would be to try whitening them selectively to see if you can bring the shade closer to your front teeth. Or veneers, but they are expensive.
Reply:Are you talking about you or your badger?

Sorry! Just that badgers have yellow teeth but they are lovely.

But seriously, don't worry, a lot of people have yellower canines. It is because they are thicker and stronger than front teeth. Think of their function in biting into food.

Did you know that yellower teeth are often stronger than white?

You could try paying extra attention to your canines. It might be that you are brushing them less. Use a good electric tooth brush and gently use a whitening toothpaste (Colgate is as good as most)

Hope this helps.
Reply:Sounds like badger teeth syndrome to me.
Reply:that normally happens when you smoke, or drink coffee or tea...go to the dentist for a cleaning..the polishing tool that they use will get it right off or you can try bleaching, but if you do, concentrate on the k9's before you bleach the rest...cheapest route..crest whiting strips
Reply:Was going to say exactly as person above...........

family nanny

My Frenchie puppy has a very loose and bleeding tooth, should I pull it out?

He definitely wants it out, he is chewing on everything.... it's his upper right canine.... not sure if its a puppy tooth or not, but i think it is....

My Frenchie puppy has a very loose and bleeding tooth, should I pull it out?
Just give him a good chew toy or rope toy and his chewing will remove it. Hopefully it's a puppy tooth, you really don't want him losing permanent teeth if he doesn't have to, especially a canine tooth.
Reply:Hello. My puppy is teething too. I have found that giving her a frozen teething ring really helps with the irritation, and it also helps her chew with the loose tooth so it loosens more and falls out. I'd be careful about pulling out the loose ones yourself. It's already a miserable experience for her, and if that tooth's not ready to come out, then that can cause extra pain unnecessarily. My vet said to just try and make her comfortable. Hope that helps.
Reply:It is probably very uncomfortable for your dog, but, the best thing that you can do, is have it looked at by a vet. If your vet is closed today, or, it's late at night, I would recommend that you make an oppointment with your vet the next day. Try to get everything that your dog is trying to chew on, out of the way. Do not mess with it. It could be infected, and, your vet will know what to do! If you feed your dog in the morning, give him something soft, such as wet dog food. Thanks, and, good luck,

~ Future Vet,

Also, check out these two questions:

Thanks again!
Reply:i think the best plan of action would be to take it to the vet.

good luck!
Reply:don't pull the tooth !! he is teething !!try soaking an old washcloth in water, place it in the freezer til it's frozen . then give that to the dog. it will numb the pain he is having .

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Are these vocabulary words used correctly?

Yo, it’s Vocabulary Week Six

1. The feral child had been raised by wolves and had acquired canine mannerisms, growling ferociously and baring her teeth whenever it felt threatened.

2. The WWII veteran was very candid with the men interviewing him, sharing highly personal details of his life regarding his stay in Germany.

3. For anyone going into the car-towing business, it is necessary to learn how to manage the many cantankerous car owners that come in demanding the return of their car.

4. Her peer’s captious criticisms regarding her attire caused the girl to go home and change, although there really wasn’t any real fault in her first outfit and they were just perfectionists.

5. Nebraska’s weather is famously capricious and most residents have learned to adapt to the sudden storms that appear on otherwise auspicious days.

Are these vocabulary words used correctly?
yes some are weaker than others but generally acceptable. if you are in an AP, IB or advance class I would reword 4 and 5

windows installer

Questions About Genesis For Christians?

First let me state that I fully appreciate that the vast majority of Christians do not take Genesis literally and accept evolution as science. So this question is really for the bible literalists only.

1) Do you actually believe that ALL animals were orignally herbivores according to Genesis 1:30? Lions were eating grass? Tapeworms were sucking on mushrooms, mosquitoes were sipping nectar and sharks were munching on kelp? If so, why were they designed with sharp canine incisors and not the crushing grinding teeth found in cows and horses? What about their lack of a digestive system to deal with an all-veg diet? Why are their very design so well adapted to being the predators or blood suckers we know them to have been for millions of years?

2) Do you believe plants were created before there was sun for life-essential photosynthesis according to Genesis 1:11? This is especially for those who believe the "days" were actually ions of time?

Scientific answers appreciated.

Questions About Genesis For Christians?
In the beginning everything was made and God called everything good.

Certain diseases were non existent then. So also certain worms or blood suckers, etc. weren't there. Some things are created after the fall of Adam %26amp; are a curse. For example weeds grow in our gardens. We have to pull the weeds out.

To God, a day is like a 1000 yrs and 1000yr like a day. That would be one Ion or an age (1000 yrs).
Reply:im kind of a bible literalist... kind of... not really.. or not sure.... heh..

1) right so first off, yes evolutionarily speaking, the Lions have specialized incisors for carnivorous activity. But this is not to say that what a Lion to us was not a lion back then. uhhh tapeworms could have got it off earth and mosquitoes could have got it off other animals? sharks on other animals..... thats if any of these animals existed back then. The point i am trying to get across is that they could have evolved ( uh oh im stepping on a slippery slope) or that the animals we see today were simply no existant back then and could have been a more unofrm species. The second part of your arguement falls under this, that when you create something such as a lion for eating other animals, why not give them a complete diegestive tract and a good pair of incisors with it?

2) I think you mean eons....

oh and uh maybe you havnt read this..

Genesis 1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

yup there was already light...
Reply:1.Read the text again please; sharks are not land animals. I will have to look closer at land animals (lions) eating 'grass'. I had not thought about that aspect before.

2. Yes. Jesus was the light of the world. Rememer; even day 1,2, and3 had light, even though the sun, moon, and stars had not been created yet. Why the sun was created after plants; I currently do not know.
Reply:the answer is quite simple and profound, ive thought of this myself. the conclusion of the matter would be in order of the questions

1) animals pre-flood would have eaten only vegitation and this states that evolution cannot be but adaptation is a real thing that all christians and scientists can agree on or at least cant ignore. but that is not to say that one species evolved from one to another. there is no reason to believe that some of these species even existed in the beginning either. the bible does talk about amalgamations not explicitely but it does allude to them. this would explain some of the new species coming out.

2) and to believe that the days referred to in genesis were years is a bit of a stretch but understandable how you may have came to that conclusion. the bible says that God created light even before the sun so the light required for the plants would have already been there.

also an added question. if the sun and moon were created later how could there have been an evening and morning of the first day if they were created the fourth day. the answer is simple evening and morning are simply increments of time the sun and moon were given for signs of time. to put it simply God created time first (which would explain him being outside of time and not held to the laws of it as we are) and then he created the clock to measure it.
Reply:First of all, sharp teeth do not prove that an animal is a carnivore, or even an omnivore, for that matter. Look at gorillas, fruit bats, iguanas, etc. Also, there was a recorded instance of a lion who was raised in captivity in a zoo who refused to eat meat its entire life. It was a vegetarian lion. It's digestive system was obviously just fine for digesting vegetation. In fact, you may hear even today that an all-vegetable diet for your dog is the optimum diet that will allow your dog to live 20-30 years. Your dog will avoid so many of the diseases that plague other dogs who are fed the usual meat/grain diet. It's teeth have nothing to do with it.

There is even evidence that T-Rex may not have been a carnivore at all, but a melon-eater. His teeth are similar to those of an iguana, which is a fruit-and vegetable-eater. He's really not built for speed or stealth, and all the biggest animals this planet has ever seen have all been herbivores (or krill-eaters at the most). Why should T-Rex be any different?

And how do you know that God didn't provide some animals with a means of extracting nutrition from the world around it after the Fall?

Also, I do believe that plants were created on Day 3, even though the Sun wasn't created until Day 4, for two reasons:

1) The plants would havehad enough energy to survive for one day without sun, and 2) God Himself is light, and He would have provided any needed light for them anyway. If one believes in the Day/Age theory, those poor plants would have had to wait for millions of years for the sun to come up!

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Teething at 3 months?

my son will be 3 months on the 20th and i think he may be teething. he has been crankier than usual, he is usually SO good and sleeps well but not lately. my question is:

is this possible?

and also, i think it may be coming in on the top left (canine) but i heard that the first teeth come in on the bottom. is THIS possible??

Teething at 3 months?
My son got 2 teeth in when he was 2 months. And while that happened he sleep only a few hours and would wake up screaming. He got his "third" tooth in when he was 4 months, and it was the top right canine haha. He looked like a jackolantern. He had a fang. and only one. so he had three teeth til he was 8 months. Now at 9 months, he has 8 teeth. 5 came in at the same time.

Give him some baby tylenol. That always seemed to help sooth him
Reply:Every child is different and he certainly can be teething. My son got teeth at 4 months. My daughter at 7.
Reply:my friends brother was born with a tooth so maybe...
Reply:The canine would not be the first tooth to come in, it's actually one of the last. He could be getting his top middle teeth in first, for sure. Even if he is teething it's pretty unlikely a tooth will show up for at least a few more weeks, if not another couple of months. My boys both got their first tooth at 4 months and the doctor was very shocked that they were getting them so early. They have all their teeth (including 2 year molars) before they are 14 months old. This is NOT a good thing though, it's actually bad. When they are little they really fight you when brushing so it's hard to impossible to get the molars really well. I highly recommend Hylands teething tablets for discomfort.
Reply:Every child is different. I do know of a baby that got two teeth when they were 2 months old, so it's definately possible.

However, my first daughter started teething around 3 months and it didn't push through until she was 6 months.

The first teeth that popped through were the bottom two, than one top and then the other, this was the case with both my children.

Anything is possible because every child is unique.

Good luck!
Reply:Yes it is possible. My son is 11 weeks old and has been teething now for about the past 2 weeks.
Reply:Teething can start as early as 2 months. This doesn't necessarily mean that teeth are coming anytime soon, it can take months for them to come in after they've started teething.

It's most common for the two bottom teeth to come in first, but it's also possible for other teeth to come in first instead. I thought my daughter was getting a canine tooth first, but then it didn't come out and now she has her two top and two bottom.


Tooth is loose?

The tooth to the left of my left canine is loose...I'm 12...Is this a baby tooth or have I done something to knock the tooth out? I'm not sure if I've lost this one or not.

Tooth is loose?
danobou isn't entirely correct.

Permanent teeth can be loose when they first come in. This happens all the time. It's because teeth form from the crown to the root. So the tooth you see in your mouth still has a root that is forming beneath the gum. This permanent tooth will feel loose until the root fully forms.

I am a dental hygienist so I know what I'm talking about. The tooth to the left (or toward your ear on either side) is a bicuspid and it comes in around this age. So without looking, I'm not sure if it's a baby tooth or a permanent tooth so don't wiggle on it just in case you've already lost that one. A dental professional can take one look at it and tell you if it's an adult tooth or not.

Hope this helps.
Reply:I am 12 as well and I went through a period where I lost several teeth. Permenent teeth are pretty much stuck in your mouth so they can't be permanent teeth. So that is a baby tooth.
Reply:upper or lower. The upper canine comes in last, besides the molars, so you shouldn't have any teeth really loose next to it. If it is the lower then it's probably a baby tooth. If it really does hurt then it's probably a baby tooth, but an exam may be the only way to be sure.


When should I have my puppy's tooth pulled?

I have a 5 month old Rottweiler. The teething process has been fine so far, but one of her K-9 baby teeth is dis-colored and has not fallen out yet. Her adult canine has grown in behind it and looks out of line with the rest of her teeth. Should I rush her to the vet and get it pulled or just wait for it to fall out?

When should I have my puppy's tooth pulled?
If the baby teeth have not fallen out by now I would get them removed as the aduly tooth have arrived and there is no movement in the baby tooth it may not fall out by itself. I had this same problem and I waited untill 7 months and the adult teeth set in the wrong place and the dog was not able to be showen and the K9 was hitting the top of the mouth and I had to get the K9 filed down to make it more comfortable for him.
Reply:I would leave it alone and let it fall out on it's own. Just watch for any changes in her behaviour to indicate you might need to get it removed by a vet. The discoloration just means its' a dead tooth.

Give her something plushy to chew/play with...that might wiggle the tooth out enough.
Reply:If it doesn't come out by six months, it should be pulled. It should be time to get her spayed soon, so ask the vet to check it while she's under. If it needs to be pulled, then you won't have to pay for anesthesia twice.


Has anyone here had root canal therapy done on their dog before?

My dog needs a root canal to repair an accidental break. The dog broke an upper canine. It's a healthy tooth. I don't plan on having it extracted. Anyone here have this experience? How did the process go? Did you use a board certified dental vet? If yes, who?

Has anyone here had root canal therapy done on their dog before?
Here is an article for you to look at


My 11month son has a cold with vomiting is this a gastric flu? he is teething right now with his canines,?

my son has been teething since 4 months old and has been constantly ill with virus after virus and restless nights. My doctor isnt worried as he is gaining weight ( he is 11months weight 23lbs) is is normal for babies to get so ill with teething? he has 4 teeth top and bottom and the canines are comming through now. Just want to hear if anyone has experienced this and any advice !

My 11month son has a cold with vomiting is this a gastric flu? he is teething right now with his canines,?
My son is also 11 months old. If fact I have been worrying about the same thing. He is also been vomiting. my doctor says teething effects babies different ways. Which never happened with my oldest son. Teething ( if you ever felt wisdom teeth come though) will have times where it hurts for a few days and then you'd be fine and start over again till the teeth come though. My doctor said this could take months. Don't worry as long as he is not vomiting blood or running a high fever. Just give him some Tylenol or teething tablets, teething gel or what ever works best for your son. Just make sure he is gaining weight.
Reply:sometimes it's not a virus... but the large amount of saliva that is swallowed can cause some vomiting or diarrhea...

my daughter didn't really vomit, or spit up so much, but when she was teething badly, she would almost always have much runnier stools and need rash ointment!!
Reply:Some kids have a really tough time with teething. My 14 month old's nose runs like a tap when he's cutting teeth, and sleep is non-existent, regardless of which teething remedies we try.

My first started teething around the same time yours did...cut his first three teeth in two days at 4.5 months. That was no barrel of laughs either.

Just take care of him, he'll be fine.
Reply:my son seemed to have terrible problems when teething.

Runny nose, rosy cheeks, irritable etc. Yes it's been known for babies to get ill while teething. Just part of another stage the young ones have to go through and the parents have to endure this. It's very sad because there isn't a lot you can do for them except using Bonjela teething gel is a great product and very soothing. Plenty of fluids too so they don't get a temperature during this stressful time. I'm sure I used it on my own gums from time to time when I'd get tooth ache.
Reply:It is normal my 10 month old neice got her first four teeth and she was very sick. When we took her to the doctor she said it is very normal. give him lots of pedialyte. and more solid food rather than milk because it would probably upset his stomach.

family nanny

Do i have tmj syndrome?

i have braces but

i just realized it might be a problem

that whenever i open my mouth,

my jaw moves to the left.

i just looked in the mirror a few weeks ago

and realized the left side of my bottom jaw was high

now, i also have a rubber band

around teeth #10, 11, and my mand. canine

(sorry. forgot the number)

is the rubber band causing it and should i take it off?

what do you think?

i prefer professionals but

anyone else who knows this


(im 16, by the way)

Do i have tmj syndrome?
"The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects your jaw to the side of your head. When it works well, it enables you to talk, chew and yawn. For people with TMJ dysfunction, problems with the joint and muscles around it may cause

* Pain that travels through the face, jaw or neck

* Stiff jaw muscles

* Limited movement or locking of the jaw

* Painful clicking or popping in the jaw

* A change in the way the upper and lower teeth fit together

Jaw pain may go away with little or no treatment. Treatment may include simple things you can do yourself, such as eating soft foods or applying ice packs. It may also include pain medicines or devices to insert in your mouth. In rare cases, you might need surgery."

Your braces and especially the band are altering the position of your mandible (jaw) and this may be part of your treatment, and it may be an issue arising from incorrect or insufficient band wearing or some other issue.

Call your orthodontist %26amp; describe what's going on.

TMJ usually involves a pain in the jaw or clicking due to the joint being misaligned or malformed.

Your orthodontist, dentist %26amp; even some massage therapists can help you deal with the muscles around your jaw to relieve uneven tension %26amp; allign your jaw.

Don't do anything until speaking with or seeing your orthodontist.
Reply:Please be patient until your treatment ends. Malocclusion is normal during the treatment...
Reply:When u open ur jaw, it tilts 2 d left side. This means there is problem in ur tmj ligaments.... without x-ray examination its difficult to locate d position 4 where d problem lies..... U shud consult a MAXILLOFACIAL SURGEON.

Thank u!...

office supply

I have an abcess tooth but I have no money for a doctor what can I do?

I've had an abcess before about 4 months ago on the same tooth which is my lower left canine but treated it with antibiotics. I was supposed to get a root canal but never did because I didn't have the money. Now it's coming back really bad and I need to know if there is anything I can do without having to go to a doctor. Are they any over the counter antibiotics or anything I can but at the store that will at least get rid of it for a little while? Any help with this will be greatly appreaciated because I'm in a lot of pain. Thanks in advance.


I have an abcess tooth but I have no money for a doctor what can I do?
dude, you really do need to see a dentist. maybe they can put you on some kind of payment plan. if an abcess gets out of control, it could be dangerous. get it taken care of. and soon.
Reply:not really! Be very careful about your abscess tooth! i work at a dentist office and we know of 2 people who have passed away from an abscess tooth!
Reply:that can be one of the worst pains ever! i really dont think anything over the counter is gonna give you the help you need.
Reply:you need antibiotics, the blood flowing around your abcess can become infected and make you very sick, in the mean time clove oil on cotton placed on the infected site is great for pain. see your dentist ASAP
Reply:You dont want an ifection to spread into ur blood system.Its possible u can die from that.If you get a fever go to the emergancy room. you can have it pulled once the swelling goes down.I use pain reliever but you need antibiotics. ASAP
Reply:Contact your local dental society. It is usually named by the city, state or county that you live in. For example, Chicago Dental Society, Florida Dental Society, Broward County Dental Society. Contact the American Dental Association and they will give you the name of yours. The society usually has a listing of hospitals, dentists and dental schools that provide free, low-cost or sliding scale services.

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My baby is teething, is it strange for her canines to come in first?

I have heard these teeth also be called milk teeth and eyeteeth. She is 5 1/2 months old, and breastfeeds. She drinks her juice from a cup with my help, and eats number 2 level baby foods. She is vigorously chewing on fingers and toys in the sides of her mouth and I have noticed the top right canine is showing a white mark the way my son's gums did before his teeth broke through. Is it strange or wrong for these to come in first?

My baby is teething, is it strange for her canines to come in first?
No, even though most people belive that the top or bottom center teeth should be the first of the teeth to come in, The child can have almost any of the front area, upper or lower set of teeth to come in first. ( A tell tell sign is how the child is teething.)
Reply:Well, it's normal for the bottom center to come in first....but it's not ABNORMAL for others to come in first. I know this is going to sound crazy but my oldest daughter got a BACK tooth in first. I was totally freaked But, I called MY dentist and they said that while it's rare, it does happen. So, don't worry....every baby is different.....
Reply:no, it happened to my daughter when she was about six months old, it's a bit strange cause they look like little vampires, but is normal, her front teeth will eventually come out. Don't worry.
Reply:Does she have a tail too,,just kidding,,im getting sleepy %26amp; silly.'s not strange at all. I thought my daughter's were coming through, and so I asked her ped about this. I guess it happens all the time.
Reply:yes, that's normal but uncommon.

my baby girl's canines came out first too. i thought they were freaking funny.
Reply:hey, my little boy got his bottom middle two first and then he got two more up the top but they were the canines. It is normal so dont worry. They just look like little vampires for a while. He is now getting his middle ones and they are coming doing straight and just fine. So dont worry. its called cross teething i think
Reply:Best person to relieve your concerns is his pediatrician. It IS early for the canines to be coming in....but that doesn't mean it's a problem. Good luck.
Reply:All babies are different and there teeth are no exception. Some kids start teething really early and others don't. My son is 10 months and his first tooth finally pooped out -- top front tooth. I have 4 kids, 2 got the bottom teeth first and 2 got the top teeth first. The thing you should be worrying about is the breastfeeding and teething. Luckily I haven't got bit yet and I wish you the same luck.
Reply:The eye teeth are the ones directly on either side of the two big front teeth. The canines are the ones on the outside of those (the sharp ones). I think they can come in in any order they want. :) My younger son got his eye teeth first. He was SO cute for the longest time--we called them his "fangs."
Reply:It is very strange for those teeth to come in first. My first daughter got her canines when she was about 18 months old, after she got her first set of molars.

It may not be a big deal however. I'd call a pediatric dentist just to be sure because that is so unusual.

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Impacted tooth/tooth exposure?

I'm going to be getting a tooth exposure and I'm super nervous and worried!!! It's my canine on the left. Or the third tooth.

How much will it hurt after??

Will you be able to tell form the outside that you got a tooth exposure done? If so how long before it looks normal again?

I don't understand the part about pulling it down with a chain, could someone explain a bit better?

How long before it fully heals?

Will I be able to go to do anything about 2 days later? (I have something I really want to go to but might not be able to if it hruts too much!)

10 points for whoever answers all my questions!!!

Impacted tooth/tooth exposure?
I'm not going to lie! It will be painful when the anesthesia wears off.

Basically, your gum will be cut open to allow the tooth to become exposed. After the gum heals, the tooth will need braces to be pulled down into the correct position.

Healing depends on you. If your body heals fairly quickly, then give it a few days. If your body takes longer, maybe a few weeks.

The braces will take several months.
Reply:I am sure u will be fine. My well wishes are with u. Good luck!!!!!
Reply:Hope this link helps you with all information regarding your teeth.Try out for more details.

Visual Arts

Should I have the tooth extracted?

The canine on the upper right of my jaw is still a primary tooth. For whatever reason growing up it never came out. I found out recently on a trip to the dentist that indeed there is a permanent tooth above it, and, in his opinion and the one of the orthodontist I saw shortly thereafter, that I will lose it at some point and will have to get the permanent tooth pulled down. According to the orthodontist this will require not only surgery, but braces to align my teeth correctly and make space for the permanent tooth, my question is if anyone has had this performed and whether or not it is worth doing right away (I'm 24), or just wait until it actually becomes and issue?

Should I have the tooth extracted?
Actually this is not all that uncommon. My sister is going thru exactly the same thing. She is 22 and found out last year that she had one baby tooth that was cracking and no permanent tooth to replace it. It has since fallen out and she is now in the first phases of orthodontics. Her plan includes having to replace that now lost tooth with an implant or bridge.

You should consider a consultation as it is likely that baby tooth will not last forever, and once it is gone, there will be shifting that will affect you bite and ability to clean your teeth properly. Do this now, so at least you have a plan , whether you decide to start now and have it out now, or know what will happen once that tooth (probably) falls out. Good Luck!
Reply:Listen to whatever your dentist and orthodontist suggest, they are way more knowledgeable in denstistry than any of us are!
Reply:i would not have it may never come out......canines are never pulled unless necessary
Reply:Get it pulled. If the teeth are wonky like that the upper tooth hidden in the gum can become infected eventually and rot out both teeth and both will have to go. Sounds like a pain in the *** to get it done but you gotta do it.


Tooth Question?

What is the tooth that is in between the canine and molor called?

Tooth Question?
they are the bicuspids, incisors are the 4 front teeth.
Reply:I'm pretty sure its an Incisor.

exchange rate

Lost my retainers and afraid of the consequences!?

I had to wear braces for about 9 months only cause my canines were out and my teeth were aligned like half of a square instead of U. I removed my braces 4 months back. I lost my retainers 2 weeks ago (it went in the trash can and to the dump) I am afraid that my teeth will come out esp. my canines. I have a feeling that It already slightly has (but maybe i am wrong cuz i keep thinking about it and it looks lk its moved to me)

So do i need to get new retainers? Or wearing it for 4 months is enough and that it wont move.

I could go to the dentist but I am scared what he might say and ofcourse he will say to get a new one cuz we'll pay him.

Thanks in advance!

Lost my retainers and afraid of the consequences!?
you deffinetely need to go an get new retainers, it's in your best teeth will most proably have moved already but unless you want them to return to where they were i'd be getting new ones. 4 months is no where near long enough, you need to wear them for about 2 years even yes go n get new ones....n your orthodontist won't mind
Reply:The Dentist works for you. Do you want to go through life with your current bite, or do you want to get corrected? Don't be afraid of the Dentist. His/Her job is to make your teeth look good. S/he may say something, but you will see him/her for 1 hour or less, and you can go on with your life. Suck it up and make an appointment tomorrow.
Reply:Go back to your Ortho and they'll make you a new set. I've had that happen and you just pay and he makes you a new set. My Ortho laughed and said,"It happens. No problem." You'll risk your teeth shifting if not. Good luck!


How long does it take for a permanent tooth to grow in completely?

here are some facts that might help:

1: I am 13 years old and i'm just loosing (it's just about to come out, aka hanging by a thread) one of my last baby teeth (is this normal?)

2: It is my upper right canine

3: I can feel the tip of my new tooth growing in already

4: I just want to know so I can figure out when I'll have all my teeth back...

How long does it take for a permanent tooth to grow in completely?
it'll take between 3 to 6 months.u shud've lost all ur baby teeth by the age of 12.but its ok fer em to fall out later.don't be concerned.its alright.what u need to do to is get an OPG aka orthpantomogram done.its a full mouth will show the position of all ur teeth in one x-ray.

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How common is it to retain a baby tooth?

I'm in my early 30's and I still have a baby canine. It's solid, but recently I crowned the two teeth below it and the baby tooth has pushed out little (to meet the lower teeth) and now the dentin is showing and it's a bit sensitive (hot and cold) it doesn't hurt. I'm thinking of getting it pulled and replaced with an implant. (x-rays show no other tooth under it)

How common is it to retain a baby tooth?
It's a fairly common occurance. Both my sister, my mom and now my daughter all have baby teeth with no adult tooth under them.

If you have pain %26amp; sensitivity, have it pulled. It will only get worse with time.
Reply:I still have several baby teeth............... that I saved from when my kids were young.
Reply:Retained baby teeth are genetic, someone in your family had one also. Since the tooth is loosing its enamel and getting sensitive it will just worsen. Another option before pulling it and replacing it with an implant is just have it crowned since it still has bone support. If you are loosing bone around it then I would pull it. Buy your self time with a crown for now.

myspace images

Why does my cat meow very loudly for food, only to throw it up soon after?

We have two cats. One is a 6-8 year old rescued that's very large, although loving, and runs/hides from non-family. The other we got from a litter our relatives found. He was always there and followed us around, so we just had to have him. Anyway, he is more active than the other one, and chases him around. He is goofy, to sum him up in a word. He chewed on the frills of a pillow, and ripped all his little teeth out between his canines (on top). We feed him Iams Indoor weight and hairball care. He meows for food and water like he is dying (he isn't dying, I don't think), and gobbles it up only to throw it up 75% of the time a few minutes later. Of course, he begs for food again right after. It is rather annoying, and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Why does my cat meow very loudly for food, only to throw it up soon after?
Make sure he has fresh water daily. Is he on any hairball remedy? He could have a hairball even though it is just food that he is throwing up.
Reply:your cat may be sick and may need vet attention a s a p therefore it cant get much food down meaning it doesnt eat much wich could be serious that may be y it really wants food and water because it cant eat enough and keep it down for him to be full
Reply:Poor kitty! Have you taken him to the vet for this problem, or described the problem to your vet? I've had cats that will gorge themselves on food, and then be sick afterwards from eating too much. How's his weight? Is he losing weight dramatically? Maybe try putting down small amounts of food at a time, and see if that helps. Believe me, I know that keeping two cats happy with feeding time, while trying to monitor one closely in regards to food is NOT easy, but try. He may also have an intestinal bacteria or parasite. Talk to your vet.
Reply:He may be eating too quickly because he is allowed to get too hungry between feedings and then he overloads his system.

He may have experienced too much hunger in his past and now is inclined to binge eat. ( It has been proven in humans that those exposed to extended food deprivation are proned to binge eating later in life.)

He may have a stomache condition that needs medical attention. I'd call and ask the vet.
Reply:I have a couple of cats. Some cat foods are too rich in certain nutrients like protein for their bodies to handle. My one cat cannot eat the cheaper brand of food or moist cat food. Will turn and yack in no time! The other one just gorges herself to the point of yacking.

Try the "natural" type foods. All my cats do well on the new "Good Life" brand of foods. Put out small portions. If that doesn't help, try rice mixed with some tuna or chicken. Leave the water out of the way until after they have eaten, to give them time to get the food settled in their gut a bit.

Good Luck!

Nothing like a running yacking cat! Yuck!
Reply:He's pretty clearly telling you the reality of dry food - it's not good nutrition for a cat. A cat is a carnivore, and they can't digest cereal, even if it's meat flavored like dry cat food. Switch him to a quality meat canned (or raw) food with no gravy, and no added grains, fruits or vegetables. He will be able to feel full (cats don't feel full on dry food because there's not enough protein in it for a carnivore) and he won't throw up.
Reply:It depends how soon after eating also what it comes up looking like!

If the food has been digested, then it could be a low grade bug.

However in most cases it is just a case of re-gurgitating the food, or bolting the food, which just comes back quickly and often the cat re-eats it.

I doubt it is an illness as she probably would not be eating at all.

Try a light diet of fish %26amp; rice or boiled chicken etc.

Also another good thing is natural live yoghurt which should be given after staving the cat for 24 hrs (allow water only) then spoon the LIVE yoghurt in if necessary, this is good for gastic/tummy upsets/mild enteritis.

You could try slow him down by putting a few clean stones that cannot fit into his mouth into his foodbowl.

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Funny Answers to Science Test it?

These are from test papers and essays submitted to science and health teachers by junior high, high school, and college students around the world. It is truly astonishing what weird science our young scholars can create under the pressures of time and grades:

"When you breath, you inspire. When you do not breath, you expire."

"H2O is hot water, and CO2 is cold water"

"To collect fumes of sulphur, hold a deacon over a flame in a test tube"

"When you smell an oderless gas, it is probably carbon monoxide"

"Nitrogen is not found in Ireland because it is not found in a free state"

"Water is composed of two gins, Oxygin and Hydrogin. Oxygin is pure gin. Hydrogin is gin and water."

"Three kinds of blood vessels are arteries, vanes and caterpillars."

"Blood flows down one leg and up the other."

"Respiration is composed of two acts, first inspiration, and then expectoration."

"The moon is a planet just like the earth, only it is even deader."

"Artifical insemination is when the farmer does it to the cow instead of the bull."

"Dew is formed on leaves when the sun shines down on them and makes them perspire."

"A super-saturated solution is one that holds more than it can hold."

"Mushrooms always grow in damp places and so they look like umbrellas."

"The body consists of three parts- the brainium, the borax and the abominable cavity. The brainium contains the brain, the borax contains the heart and lungs, and the abominable cavity contains the bowls, of which there are five - a, e, i, o, and u."

"The pistol of a flower is its only protections against insects."

"The alimentary canal is located in the northern part of Indiana."

"The skeleton is what is left after the insides have been taken out and the outsides have ben taken off. The purpose of the skeleton is something to hitch meat to."

"A permanent set of teeth consists of eight canines, eight cuspids, two molars, and eight cuspidors."

"The tides are a fight between the Earth and moon. All water tends towards the moon, because there is no water in the moon, and nature abhors a vacuum. I forget where the sun joins in this fight."

"A fossil is an extinct animal. The older it is, the more extinct it is."

"Many women belive that an alcoholic binge will have no ill effects on the unborn fetus, but that is a large misconception."

"Equator: A managerie lion running around the Earth through Africa."

"Germinate: To become a naturalized German."

"Liter: A nest of young puppies."

"Magnet: Something you find crawling all over a dead cat."

"Momentum: What you give a person when they are going away."

"Planet: A body of Earth surrounded by sky."

"Rhubarb: A kind of celery gone bloodshot."

"Vacumm: A large, empty space where the pope lives."

"Before giving a blood transfusion, find out if the blood is affirmative or negative."

"To remove dust from the eye, pull the eye down over the nose."

"For a nosebleed: Put the nose much lower then the body until the heart stops."

"For drowning: Climb on top of the person and move up and down to make artifical perspiration."

"For fainting: Rub the person's chest or, if a lady, rub her arm above the hand instead. Or put the head between the knees of the nearest medical doctor."

"For dog bite: put the dog away for sevral days. If he has not recovered, then kill it."

"For asphyxiation: Apply artificial respiration until the patient is dead."

"To prevent contraception: wear a condominium."

"For head cold: use an agonizer to spray the nose until it drops in your throat."

"To keep milk from turning sour: Keep it in the cow."

Funny Answers to Science Test it?
OMG.THis is hillarious.

I cant believed it!

Cant stop myself laughing right now!


"Three kinds of blood vessels are arteries, vanes and caterpillars." ???

Wth? funny!

Reply:OMG THESE ARE SOOOO FUNNY.... im 14 and i've done tht h2o 1
Reply:I would like my hydrogin on the rocks, please. (And I thought the lawyer jokes were hysterical)
Reply:I like the last one, to keep milk from going sour keep it in the cow. Yuk, yuk! They're all pretty cute.
Reply:Vacumm: A large, empty space where the pope lives."

ha that made me laugh (no ofence to any1 or direspectfuleness).

sure dude they r okay
Reply:please tell me this not true

Reply:Pretty funny! Except I've gotta say, I've heard of better ones. Try these on for size:

1) Ancient Egypt was old. It was inhabited by gypsies and mummies who all

wrote in hydraulics. They lived in the Sarah Dessert. The climate of the

Sarah is such that all the inhabitants have to live elsewhere.

2) Moses led the Hebrew slaves to the Red Sea where they made unleavened bread, which is bread made without any ingredients. Moses went up on Mount Cyanide to get the ten commandos. He died before he ever reached Canada but his commandos made it.

3) Solomon had three hundred wives and seven hundred porcupines. He was an

actual hysterical figure as well as being in the bible. It sounds like he was sort of busy too.

4) The Greeks were a highly sculptured people, and without them we wouldn't

have history. The Greeks also had myths. A myth is a young female moth.

5) Socrates was a famous old Greek teacher who went around giving people

advice. They killed him. He later died from an overdose of wedlock which is

apparently poisonous. After his death, his career suffered a dramatic decline.

6) In the first Olympic games, Greeks ran races, jumped, hurled biscuits, and

threw the java. The games were messier then than they show on TV now.

7) Julius Caesar extinguished himself on the battlefields of Gaul. The Ides of

March murdered him because they thought he was going to be made king.

Dying, he gasped out "Same to you, Brutus."

8) Joan of Arc was burnt to a steak and was canonized by Bernard Shaw for

reasons I don't really understand. The English and French still have problems.

9) Queen Elizabeth was the "Virgin Queen". As a queen she was a success. When she exposed herself before her troops they all shouted "hurrah!" and that

was the end of the fighting for a long while.

10) It was an age of great inventions and discoveries. Gutenberg invented

removable type and the Bible. Another important invention was the circulation of blood.

11) Sir Walter Raleigh is a historical figure because he invented cigarettes and

started smoking.

12) Sir Francis Drake circumcised the world with a 100 foot clipper which was

very dangerous to all his men.

13) The greatest writer of the Renaissance was William Shakespeare. He was born in the year 1564, supposedly on his birthday. He never made much money and is famous only because of his plays. He wrote tragedies, comedies, and

hysterectomies, all in Islamic pentameter.

14) Writing at the same time as Shakespeare was Miguel Cervantes. He wrote

Donkey Hote. The next great author was John Milton. Milton wrote Paradise

Lost. Since then no one ever found it.

15) Delegates from the original 13 states formed the Contented Congress. Thomas

Jefferson, a Virgin, and Benjamin Franklin were two singers of the

Declaration of Independence. Franklin discovered electricity by rubbing two

cats backward and also declared, "A horse divided against itself cannot

stand." He was a naturalist for sure. Franklin died in 1790 and is still


16) Abraham Lincoln became America's greatest Precedent. Lincoln's Mother died in infancy, and he was born in a log cabin which he built with his own

hands. Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves by signing the Emasculation


17) On the night of April 14, 1865, Lincoln went to the theater and got Shot

in his seat by one of the actors in a moving picture show. They believe the

assinator was John Wilkes Booth, a supposingly insane actor. This ruined

Booth's career.

18) Johann Bach wrote a great many musical compositions and had a large number of children. In between he practiced on an old spinster which he kept up in

his attic. Bach died from 1750 to the present. Bach was the most famous

composer in the world and so was Handel. Handel was half German, half

Italian, and half English. He was very large.

19) Bethoven wrote music even though he was deaf. He was so deaf that he wrote loud music and became the father of rock and roll. He took long walks in the forest even when everyone was calling for him. Beethoven expired in 1827 and later died for this.

20) The nineteenth century was a time of a great many thoughts and inventions.

People stopped reproducing by hand and started reproducing by machine. The

invention of the steamboat caused a network of rivers to spring up.

21) Cyrus McCormick invented the McCormick raper, which did the work of a

hundred men.

22) Louis Pasteur discovered a cure for rabbits but I don't know why.

23) Charles Darwin was a naturalist. He wrote the Organ of the Species. It was

very long and people got upset about it and had trials to see if it was really true. He sort of said God's days were not just 24 hours but without watches who knew anyhow? I don't get it.

24) Madman Curie discovered radio. She was the first woman to do what she did.

Other women have become scientists since her but they didn't get to find radios because they were already taken.

25) Karl Marx was one of the Marx Brothers. The other three were in the movies. Karl made speeches and started revolutions. Someone in the family had to

have a job, I guess.
Reply:haha cute...
Reply:lol oh my goodness thats hilarious! i cant believe people actually wrote those lol thanks for the laugh!!
Reply:haha there all really funny. forget what eros12 said, he doesnt no wut hes talkn bout. thanx for the laugh :]
Reply:Hahaha. I can't believe that these students write those answers on their tests.
Reply:"The body consists of three parts- the brainium, the borax and the abominable cavity. The brainium contains the brain, the borax contains the heart and lungs, and the abominable cavity contains the bowls, of which there are five - a, e, i, o, and u."

hahahaha! i wont get over this one for a while!
Reply:you silly wabbit
Reply:yeah there funny...
Reply:That's great,I was laughing so hard I almost peed myself. What made them even funnier is you said they were real answers.
Reply:Okay, that's funny. Long, but funny. LOL
Reply:that was pretty boring... you lost me at C02 is cold water...

acne scar

Vegetarian dogs?

Just flicking about on the Internet and saw the vegetarian society have produced menu sheets to feed your dog a veggie diet. They say dogs dont need meat (why are their teeth like that then, canines, incisors, those scissor ones at the back).

I am a vegetarian but I wouldn't dream of imposing that on my little poochie pal.I feel itd be cruel to my dog.

What do you think???

Vegetarian dogs?
i am a veggie as well but i am sure that dogs are carnivores and need to eat meat! It is completely normal and natural for them. How would a wolf (ancestor of dogs) survive winter in the forest if he didnt get enough fat and protein from the meat? So despite the fact im a vegetarian i give my dog chicken and other low-fat kind of meat. Trying to impose vegetarian diet on dogs is fanatism and nonsense.
Reply:This is a crazy idea.
Reply:It seems mad to feed a carnivor a vegetarian diet, but then again they do feed cows bone meal.
Reply:Dogs can handle it. It's not good for them, but they can handle it. If their owner would rather mistreat their own pet than kill another animal, a dog can live on a vegetarian diet.
Reply:i think it comes down to the indivduals choice in the end

if you're happy feeding your dog meat, then do so, if not, keep them on vegies...
Reply:I agree with you. People can live on a vegetarian diet and have the right to do so, but dogs have the right to eat as nature intended and nature intended for dogs to eat MEAT! You are absolutely correct about their teeth being that way for a reason. They are carnivores and need meat to really thrive. They may 'get by' on a vegetarian diet, but they will not be as healthy as a dog that is given the proper diet.
Reply:I think it is animal abuse. They are not herbivores. It is ok to have your lifestyle, but you can't impose an unhealthy diet on a dog.
Reply:While dogs could survive ( unlike cats) a solely vegetarian diet, they would not thrive. They are primarily carnivores (well developed canine teeth, eyes on the front of their heads) and their digestive systems don't break down plant material. Stick to a normal well made canine food.
Reply:dogs are carnivores,,,,,'nuff said
Reply:dogs are natural carnivores. the idea of depriving a dog of meat, for many reasons, is not a good one.
Reply:You have teeth like that too!
Reply:Friend of mine left me to care for her dog when she was in hospital. She's a full blown vegetarian and had her dog on a vegetarian diet. She insisted her dog was to stick to his veggie food.

My dogs were never vegetarian (Part from grass they pick and chew when feeling like it) so i served them their usual and my friend's dog took a sniff, ran out to their plates and helped himself. By the time she got out of hospital! She wasn't happy because her dog didn't want his veggie food. So she starved him until he started to eat it but then, and visiting once, saw him wriggle out of her arms (A Yorkie) Run straight to my kitchen and wolf down what was on my dogs plates.

She then agreed to feed him a little meat twice a week.
Reply:i think thats a great idea feeding ur pet you two can eat together..chow!
Reply:Try eggs as a replacement for meat. If you give it good nutritious food, it may not need meat. Discuss the vegetarian options with the vet.
Reply:Dogs are omnivores not carnivores,look at it`s teeth more closely and you will see it`s teeth are capable of eating different kind of foods.The same with the length of it`s intestinal tract.
Reply:It is wrong. Dogs are carnivores and need meat in their diets. I have actually seen this site, and i can tell you a dog on this diet will not live a long happy life.

I have over the last 6 months treated half a dozen dogs and cats that have become ill from this diet.

As a vegetarian you know that you still need to take supplements for red meat, usually in tablet form. A animal doesn't have this luxury.
Reply:Well, Dogs are actually omnivores.

Humans are healthier cponsuming only vegetable based foods, and so are dogs.

The longest living dog on record was an Australian Cattle Dog, who was fed a soley vegan diet.

The dogs don't care, food is food. If they are healthier on a vegan or vegetarian diet, so be it. Health first, I don't care what people say is "natural".

Also, it is ecologically more sound to consume food from the lower thropic levels. Conserves FAR more energy. True, just study Fundamental Ecology (thropics)
Reply:i can't understand what the owners think imposing such habits on a 'friend' they love much...

is there really such needs?

i DON'T see a point on this.

i won't disagree the fact that they are torturing the poor animal.

i'd tell them..."respect your dog., they deserve IT)
Reply:I'm sorry i don't believe in dogs being vegetarian they need meat, I'm glad you have decided not to make your dog a vegetarian as it's not in the make up not to eat meat like they would in the wild.
Reply:A dog can be a vegetarian if done from the puppy stage..A Vet told me that..Am Vegetarian feed my dogs meat as that's what they want...
Reply:People think dogs are omnivores just because they can force them to eat like one. Dogs are survivors, they will eat anything in order to survive, that does not make them omnivores people.

They will eat the crap kibble you feed them because they choose to LIVE.

Set a dog free on the range to survive and let me know if he raids a garden, picks berries or kills a rabbit or deer.
Reply:Dogs are natural carnivores....they need to eat meat. a dog just cannot get by on a veggie diet!! Don't do it....give your dog meat!!
Reply:You shouldn't - he'll only start hugging trees, joining CND and driving around in a SmartCar

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Too young for treats/play?

Ok...I already got chastized for picking up a 7.5 week dog.(although the breeder thought it was fine and she really has a good rep). So my question if following: Is there such a thing as too young to appreciate toys or treats?

Of all the toys I presented to her (many - trust me), she only seems to really like and play long enough with just ONE. In fact, her attention span is a little limited - likes mostly sleeping. Do you think it's the age? When might she pick up in spunk? Show more alertness?

She just started to teeth (has all 4 canines, plus some odds and ends elsewhere), so she cannot have very hard food, and really seems disinterested in the treats I got her. She kind of plays with them, chews on them, but I sure do not get an impression of "addiction" to it or loving it enough to be prepared to learn tricks for it. Is it a matter of wrong treat? Or of age again? Can you recommend some treat BRANDS that all dogs absolutely cannot live without - dog equivalent to chocolate?

Too young for treats/play?
Yes, young puppies need LOTS of sleep, so you can expect her to be taking plenty of short naps throughout the day. She is also still getting used to you, and her new environment, which is probably why she has become attached to just one toy. Its fine, don't worry. The most important thing at this point is that she stays hydrated, is eating her puppy kibble, has good looking stools, and has a check up at the vet (if you haven't done so already).

Soft treats are best for training. Try Rollovers Natural, they are very healthy and come in a sausage-like roll that you can cut up into tiny puppy-appropriate pieces, then put them all in a ziplock in the freezer. I paid $6 for a roll which, once cut up, filled a freezer-size Ziplock bag and will probably last a good couple of months. She's probably a little young to learn "tricks", but short (5 minute) training sessions to teach "sit" and "down" wouldn't hurt.

Puppies, generally, have very short attention spans. My pup is almost 6 months and we are still working very hard on focusing his attention! This is why shorter training sessions (increase frequency as she gets older, but keep them short) are better, and more effective. In a few weeks, she'll be more lively and will be more interested in play. Always make the training fun and rewarding for her (never punish her while she is learning), so that she feels good about performing well, and will continue to respond well to training for the rest of her life.

Good luck!
Reply:umm..maybe you should stop buying from a puppy mill and adopt a dog from a shelter that needs love just as much as the next guy..

you're puppy is too tiny to appreciate all of're right he's just going to sleep most of the a few weeks, she should be more alert and into toys and stuff..

i remember all i had to do with my dog when she was a puppy was get her to run across the yard and she was lights out after that :)
Reply:You need to wait for a few months when she can gain strenght to keep up with everything. and make sure they are toys small enough for her. I wouldn't be giving her treats right now though i would wait and keep her for a while like 2 months or more.. you will be able to tell when she's ready i only started playing rough with my dog when she was 5 months old and then she was ready.. so good luck =)
Reply:Your dog is just a little baby, that's what babies do is sleep! She is way to young for the treats or toys! Why do you have a puppy without a book on how to raise it properly? There aren't any bad dogs, just bad owners that ruin the dogs! There is to much for you to know for us to tell you on here, so go get that book, tape or whatever, just get something so you raise your puppy properly and it works for both of you!!!
Reply:never give your dog choclate it will make him really sick , try out different treats step by step try cheese , or some bacon or meat ! small pices remeber good luck !!
Reply:She's really too young to exhibit any energetic playing.. Puppies that young spend most of their day sleeping, the other part eating.. Sometimes they play with their brothers and sisters , but toys and treats just really arent going to be her forte right now..

Most breeders will keep puppies until at least 8 weeks.. But think of it this way, you basically just brought a newborn home from the hospital :) They are cute to look at, but pretty much all they do is eat sleep and poop.. Give her a month or two and you wont be able to keep up with her..

I reccomend Kong brand toys, because they last FOREVER even with my pit and boxer trying to demolish them.. As far as treats, make sur eyou get something that is healthy IE not treats you buy from Walmart.. There are all kinds of hard and soft treats that are very healthy though, do you have a 2 Dog Bakery, or My Dogs Bakery nearby? If so I highly reccomend that.. Otherwise treats made by high brand dog foods are good too!

Good luck with your new baby!
Reply:A seven week puppy is very much like a human baby. They need ton's of sleep!!!! Let her sleep undisturbed when she is tired. She will become more playful as she gets older.

If you have toys around the house, she will eventually play with them. You will be able to teach her to fetch- a game my dog plays for hours.

But right now she is just a baby. You wouldn't teach a baby to rollerblade would you? Respect her age!
Reply:Yes, she's a bit too young to appreciate treats and a variety of toys, as well. She's just starting to settle in. Let her have her favorite for now and introduce new toys 1 at a time.

As for teething, she's not teething. Puppies start teething at 3 months. There is not one brand that dogs absolutely love. Dogs are individuals and don't all like the same things. But treats to stay away from are those containing a lot of dyes and preservatives. The ones I like to get are made by Wellness, Innova, Mother Hubbard or else I get rabbit or chicken jerky - the only ingredient is the meat, nothing else.

As for a puppy this young sleeping a lot, that's absolutely normal. A healthy puppy this age does a lot of sleeping, combined with short bursts of energy, eating, drinking, peeing, then sleeping again.
Reply:It all depends on what dog did you get. Most puppies sleep about 80% of the time. They play for like 5 minutes and go back to sleep. It's normal. Again depends on the breed, some dogs just don't like toys or treats. You shouldn't see an "addiction" to toys or treats...that's actually more OCD to be obssess. My dogs really like the yogurt treat petsmart has and pupperoni are pretty good and tasty treats.

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So confused and so scared?

14 yr old female!

im getting a tooth exposure on my canine that hasnt erupted yet and i am just so confused. can some 1 answer these questions !

1.can you bleed to death during surgery! ( btw i read that on the internet sum where). long does it take like how long is the surgery!

3.i also saw a picture and it was 3 months after ther surgery and it look like it was still bleeding does it bleed for months.

4. it looks and sound painful for like months afterwards is that true.

sorry if my questions are stupid its just cos im really scared.

So confused and so scared?
1. I suppose you could, but your dentist/surgeon would never allow it. It would be quite difficult to bleed to death actually, out of such a small wound.

2. I don't know, I've never had any oral surgery except for removal of wisdom teeth

3. No, you won't bleed for months, your mouth is extraordinarily good at healing itself :)

4. Again, not sure, but I highly doubt the pain will last for months afterward. After my wisdom teeth were removed I think my gums were sore for about a week maybe? Again, your mouth heals itself very quickly.
Reply:This a question that should be asked by your dentist.You will probably get a lot of answers on this forum,but we are not talking about a routine extraction or root canal,but oral surgery.Please let your dentist decide on this one.OK?

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I'm so happy I wrote this story. Read it and Love it. Please comment on it. It's not that long.?

Chapter two: Werewolf’s curse.

After seeing Lily and the man walking away in the distance, my surroundings transformed back to where I originally was. The cat was resting on my leg again, purring peacefully. I scratched her head and then she stood up and looked at me.

“Did you find anything important?” She asked. “Like you name?”

“I think so,” I answered. “Is this name Lily Rosewood?”

“Yes it is,” replied the cat delightedly, “That little girl you seen in that memory, she was you! You were so cute, but please don’t tell anyone. I’m not supposed to peek in someone’s memory without permission.”

“Um, okay”

All of a sudden, there was a loud, yet recognizable scream. I stood up and looked around the forest with alertness.

“You don’t have to look around so much.” Said the cat, “Do you remember what this man in your memory said about you possessing great ability?”

“He said something about that, yes,” I said, trying to wonder what the cat was trying to say, “Why?”

“Do you want to know what that ability is?”

“Yes I do”

“Close your eyes, and remain calm”

I did what the cat told me. Staying calm seemed so easy. My environment appeared in black with a blue outline. I looked around the forest until I saw two moving living beings which were blue in color, one of them seem to be a girl fleeing from the other being that I could not identify. I knew the one being pursued was Aiyana, but she is so far-off. I opened my eyes and looked down at the cat.

“That girl, do you know her?” asked the cat, “She must be in trouble, let’s go help her. There’s something else that I want to show you.”

The cat ran ahead through the bushes and I soon followed without hesitation. Not running for very long, I began to notice of a cluster of trees just up ahead.

“I think we should jump across those trees” insinuated the cat, “That way we should get to the girl much more quickly. See that tree over there? On the count of three, we’ll jump on that big branch. And keep your eyes closed so you can pinpoint this girl’s location. Ready, One…..Two……..THREE”

I sprung forward and ascended and perched upon a large solid branch. I felt something land on my right shoulder. I turned and saw the cat, who looked back at me.

“Don’t worry about me,” she said, “you should be focusing on helping your friend. Now let’s keep going, and keep your eyes closed and focus. You can still see where you’re going.”

I closed my eyes again, and heard panting. It sounded like it was coming from every direction, making it difficult to follow the sounds. The two blue images returned to my mind, heading in my direction. I leaped forward to the nearest tree branch, and kept going until I brought myself to the ground. I watched them patiently.

“Pretty smart getting ahead of them,” said the cat, impressed “Now to show you what I promised. Are you left handed or right handed?”

“Do you expect me to know that?” I snapped.

“Okay never mind then, as I recall, I think you are right handed, right? Yes you are definitely. Sorry, forgot. Reach out your right hand and focus your energy through your fingers.”

I extended my right arm forward. Looking at it, I envisioned some sort of electrical surge emitting through my fingers. Immediately there appeared a swirl of blue light which formed into a blue ball. The ball of light grew larger and brighter which each passing second. I could hear the two figures approaching, so closing my eyes to see their outlines wasn’t really necessary. My eyes widened to see the first one running out in the open to be Aiyana, followed by some grotesque looking creature chasing her. She looked at me with a gaping mouth.

“Get down Aiyana!” I barked.

Aiyana jumped forward, landing in the dirt on her stomach. The creature came at us with its feral hostility. For some reason, it stopped running. The creature was huge and muscular standing on two legs. Blood and drool dripped from his canine-like face. Yellow stained his teeth and his claws were not only sharp but also filthy. I aimed the ball of light at the creature, shaking violently as I looked into his golden eyes. The creature gave a deafening roar, then he swiftly moved toward me with ferocity.

I'm so happy I wrote this story. Read it and Love it. Please comment on it. It's not that long.?
You won't get very good replies from here, mainly because this is a question-answer section of There are websites that are especially for posting your original works, and the best one out there (in my opinion) is There are other places where you can post your stories, like and, etc., but those places have other things, too, like art and quizzes, so the audience is narrower. At fictionpress, everything is either stories or poems, and you'll get reviews for the things you post. You should definitely check it out.

And sorry that I didn't read this. I actually am supposed to be off of the computer right now, but I thought I should tell you about
Reply:ehh, I'm not one for short stories but it made me think of Allen Poe

Reply:I like it. It's descriptive and paints a picture. 8/10. Just make sure to put punctuation when you close your quote, e.g., "Um, okay." , "Yes, I do."

Hope this helps!


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