Can i get my braces off with a small gap??

i've had braces for 4 yrs now and last month my ortho said i could probably get my braces off this month unless something changes. I have a very small gap between my right canine and another tooth %26amp; already have the powerchain %26amp; elastics and that is not closing the gap! will i be able to get my braces off in a couple days or not with this small gap??? Can i get a retainer to help close the gap with my braces off or will my ortho take the braces off even if i have a small gap??

Can i get my braces off with a small gap??
You've paid this much money and gone through this much stress-INSIST that he not take the braces off until your teeth are perfectly straight. You deserve it! Good luck!
Reply:thats up to you and him but why would you go 4yrs and want to get them off if you have a gap still? they are to make teeth perfect so why not wait until they are perfect!!!! wait before you take them off. the retainer is just to keep them straight and in place after the braces are off. they are not to close gaps.
Reply:You asked the same question like a week ago.

Go to your orthodontist and talk to them! We don't have your chart in front of us and we haven't been to dental school. There is a lot of things that factor into getting your braces off.

Your ortho is the only one that can really tell you.

Good Luck

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