Vegetarian dogs?

Just flicking about on the Internet and saw the vegetarian society have produced menu sheets to feed your dog a veggie diet. They say dogs dont need meat (why are their teeth like that then, canines, incisors, those scissor ones at the back).

I am a vegetarian but I wouldn't dream of imposing that on my little poochie pal.I feel itd be cruel to my dog.

What do you think???

Vegetarian dogs?
i am a veggie as well but i am sure that dogs are carnivores and need to eat meat! It is completely normal and natural for them. How would a wolf (ancestor of dogs) survive winter in the forest if he didnt get enough fat and protein from the meat? So despite the fact im a vegetarian i give my dog chicken and other low-fat kind of meat. Trying to impose vegetarian diet on dogs is fanatism and nonsense.
Reply:This is a crazy idea.
Reply:It seems mad to feed a carnivor a vegetarian diet, but then again they do feed cows bone meal.
Reply:Dogs can handle it. It's not good for them, but they can handle it. If their owner would rather mistreat their own pet than kill another animal, a dog can live on a vegetarian diet.
Reply:i think it comes down to the indivduals choice in the end

if you're happy feeding your dog meat, then do so, if not, keep them on vegies...
Reply:I agree with you. People can live on a vegetarian diet and have the right to do so, but dogs have the right to eat as nature intended and nature intended for dogs to eat MEAT! You are absolutely correct about their teeth being that way for a reason. They are carnivores and need meat to really thrive. They may 'get by' on a vegetarian diet, but they will not be as healthy as a dog that is given the proper diet.
Reply:I think it is animal abuse. They are not herbivores. It is ok to have your lifestyle, but you can't impose an unhealthy diet on a dog.
Reply:While dogs could survive ( unlike cats) a solely vegetarian diet, they would not thrive. They are primarily carnivores (well developed canine teeth, eyes on the front of their heads) and their digestive systems don't break down plant material. Stick to a normal well made canine food.
Reply:dogs are carnivores,,,,,'nuff said
Reply:dogs are natural carnivores. the idea of depriving a dog of meat, for many reasons, is not a good one.
Reply:You have teeth like that too!
Reply:Friend of mine left me to care for her dog when she was in hospital. She's a full blown vegetarian and had her dog on a vegetarian diet. She insisted her dog was to stick to his veggie food.

My dogs were never vegetarian (Part from grass they pick and chew when feeling like it) so i served them their usual and my friend's dog took a sniff, ran out to their plates and helped himself. By the time she got out of hospital! She wasn't happy because her dog didn't want his veggie food. So she starved him until he started to eat it but then, and visiting once, saw him wriggle out of her arms (A Yorkie) Run straight to my kitchen and wolf down what was on my dogs plates.

She then agreed to feed him a little meat twice a week.
Reply:i think thats a great idea feeding ur pet you two can eat together..chow!
Reply:Try eggs as a replacement for meat. If you give it good nutritious food, it may not need meat. Discuss the vegetarian options with the vet.
Reply:Dogs are omnivores not carnivores,look at it`s teeth more closely and you will see it`s teeth are capable of eating different kind of foods.The same with the length of it`s intestinal tract.
Reply:It is wrong. Dogs are carnivores and need meat in their diets. I have actually seen this site, and i can tell you a dog on this diet will not live a long happy life.

I have over the last 6 months treated half a dozen dogs and cats that have become ill from this diet.

As a vegetarian you know that you still need to take supplements for red meat, usually in tablet form. A animal doesn't have this luxury.
Reply:Well, Dogs are actually omnivores.

Humans are healthier cponsuming only vegetable based foods, and so are dogs.

The longest living dog on record was an Australian Cattle Dog, who was fed a soley vegan diet.

The dogs don't care, food is food. If they are healthier on a vegan or vegetarian diet, so be it. Health first, I don't care what people say is "natural".

Also, it is ecologically more sound to consume food from the lower thropic levels. Conserves FAR more energy. True, just study Fundamental Ecology (thropics)
Reply:i can't understand what the owners think imposing such habits on a 'friend' they love much...

is there really such needs?

i DON'T see a point on this.

i won't disagree the fact that they are torturing the poor animal.

i'd tell them..."respect your dog., they deserve IT)
Reply:I'm sorry i don't believe in dogs being vegetarian they need meat, I'm glad you have decided not to make your dog a vegetarian as it's not in the make up not to eat meat like they would in the wild.
Reply:A dog can be a vegetarian if done from the puppy stage..A Vet told me that..Am Vegetarian feed my dogs meat as that's what they want...
Reply:People think dogs are omnivores just because they can force them to eat like one. Dogs are survivors, they will eat anything in order to survive, that does not make them omnivores people.

They will eat the crap kibble you feed them because they choose to LIVE.

Set a dog free on the range to survive and let me know if he raids a garden, picks berries or kills a rabbit or deer.
Reply:Dogs are natural carnivores....they need to eat meat. a dog just cannot get by on a veggie diet!! Don't do it....give your dog meat!!
Reply:You shouldn't - he'll only start hugging trees, joining CND and driving around in a SmartCar

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