A Question about my daughters tooth?

my daughter is 6. like 10 months ago she got her 1st loose tooth! well, it still hasnt come out. since then, she has lost both bottom teth, and the other top one next to this one. 2 months ago, an adult tooth grew in behind the loose one. the loose one become really loose and i thought it would finally fall out. well, it titened up. now, she has another loose one..i think its a canine, idk. next to the loose tooth on top. it real loose, to point it prob be gone by end next week. well, the adult tooth behind the loose one has compltyl grown in, but it has taken the place of both teeth. plus, a 2nd tooth(i'm assuimng becasue of on she fixin to lose) is trying to come in. so, she has like 3 teeth literally rite behind each other. the dentise said 2 months ago, it will come out. but, its been 10, and she stil not lost it. in fact, it no looser then before. i'm afraid this will cause probs in future..but she is not complining of pain. has anyne had this happen to their kids? or, waht to do?

A Question about my daughters tooth?
Dentists do not like to do extractions on kids unless its absolutely needed. Really all she needs to do is keep wiggling it. Or you can wiggle it for her. Have her bite into an apple with that tooth, wiggle wiggle wiggle, and dont be afraid to give it a little pull. Sometimes they just need a little help setting themselves free of the socket.

you dont mention, but im assuming you take her to your general dentist, try taking her to a pediatric dentist in your area. alot of general dentists dont like to work on kids period. pediatric dentists have to go to school longer then general dentists and are trained to deal specifically with children.
Reply:I'd get a new dentist and a malpractice lawyer. You just don't wait for something like that. If the new tooth is already growing in the dentist should have known the other one needed to come out. Besides they can tell from the x-rays if there's another tooth comming in soon.

You're going to have to get some orthodontic work done that the dentist that told you to wait should pay for.

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