My 3 month old baby girl has Refulx... She was taking Infant Gaviscon out of a bottle before I breastfeed. About a week ago she turned her nose up to the breast and was prefering the bottle. My doctor put her on Ranitidine to stop the need for bottles so she'd keep feeding off me but we are still having to top her up with formula as I don't seem to have enough milk. It is almost impossible to get her to take her ranitidine and she spits it out (so would I!!! it tastes bad) so I don't know if I should now go back the the gaviscon. She will stip periodically feed from me but still refuses occasionaly so I can't do away with the bottles completely.... she also seems to have really bad wind with breast and bottle!!!
Ontop of all this she is now cutting a tooth... not a normal first tooth it's her canine or first molar (not sure which) so is no longer sleeping though the night!
I understand that this is all normal baby stuff but would love any tips or ideas to make it easier.....
Reflux, feeding, teething... HELP!?
Sometimes, babies with reflux problems are reacting in fact to a large amount of breastmilk, or a strong/overactive let-down reflex. You might want to look for informations on how to manage these situations.
If she bites, give her a hug so close that she will need to open her mouth to breath. this is safer for the breast than pulling and breaking the breast tissues.
From my own reflux experience (as an adult), I always found that Gaviscon was efficient rapidly and ranitidine needed a few days/weeks to be efficient. Personally, I did not fin d it very efficient for myself.
Keep her upright for a while after feeding. This should also help her.
This is a difficult time but it should get better! Good luck! You are doing the best you can.
Reply:My son was prescribed Zantac for reflux when he was an infant. Don't know if this is an option for your daughter or not but you could ask the doctor. It does taste better. I was also told to keep my son upright for 15-20 minutes after eating. For the late-night feedings, I used to set him in the little bouncy chair (it sort of leaned back) and he'd sleep in a reclining position. Iron drops were also supposed to help the reflux.
You can buy drops for the gas at the pharmacy or grocery store. They are over-the-counter and they are fine to use with babies. Sometimes I thought they worked and other times I wasn't sure. It doesn't hurt to try. My daughter used to love them! At least if the gas is passing through her, that's better than worrying if she's crying from gas pains. They really hurt!
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