Hello, i am just here because i am wondering what my options are for my teeth. I am 21 years old and i have a cross bite. My left canine rests behind the teeth of my lower jaw, and the rest of the teeth on the left side of my mouth are a little behind as well. I was reading around and i found out that i might have to get a rapid palatal expander, but due to my age i would probably have to get a surgery to assist the expander. Is that the only option i have?
I also read that one of the side effects of the expansion is a widening of the nose and cheekbones.. which i may not like the result; i'm already self conscious about my nose as it is. I am very worried about getting surgery (i often faint at the sight of a needle)... and i am also uninsured.. is an RPE + surgery the only option i have?
Orthodontic options?
Schedule an appointment with an orthodontist. Usually, the first consultation is free. Since you're just 21, it seems like you can go through all the procedures the teenagers go through. By all means, go check it out. You will be glad you did. Get out your yellow pages or ask some teenagers where they go and make an appointment.
Reply:you don't say what your age is so its hard to determine your options.
even with a crossbite - ortho tx can be accomplished. and without an arch expander in adult cases.
my advice to you is to get a referral from your dentist to a orthodontist in your area and see what he says. it is most likely not near as bad as you imagine it to be.
good luck.
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