I'm 17, with baby tooth and braces, what happens after they extract the baby tooth?

About three and a half months ago, I got braces. My upper right cuspid or canine is a baby tooth that never came out because the permanent one that was supposed to grow out was surgically removed when I was twelve. I don't remember why but they had to do it right away.

My dentist is gonna extract the baby tooth soon, are they going to put a fake tooth there or something? I'm getting really worried.

I'm 17, with baby tooth and braces, what happens after they extract the baby tooth?
If the permanent tooth was extracted prior, and there is a deciduous tooth, they have a few options. In some cases the deciduous tooth is used or retained as the permanent, it will depend on its size and structure.

Although, usually the smaller deciduous tooth is removed and replaced with a larger permanent restoration such as an implant or a three unit bridge.

A three unit bridge is considered to be a good option, but at your age it is strongly scrutinized. A three unit bridge would require removing good or sound tooth structure from #5 and #7 the two adjoining teeth, that may not have anything wrong with them; since there is such good success with implants, it is considered the more feasible yet expensive of all options, in almost all cases.

There is one factor that must be considered, your age and growth. It would not be practical to do this too early or it would have to be re-done larger later, which just isn't done with implants, after you've finished growing is the best choice. At 17 years old, you are probably about finished with your growth, so this may be what they are waiting for, that and making the space large enough for the implant to be placed.

Trust your dentist and orthodontist; they will do what is best for your particular situation. Also at your age, you should ask any questions about your dental care, become more involved in the choices made with your teeth since they will be permanent ones.
Reply:Dont worry :) they will put a fake tooth they wont just leave a gap lol.

I am 18 and i still have 3 baby teeth lol so dont worry.

I had braces when i was 16(meant to have them for 1 year but because i love hard candy i had them for 2 years lol i kept braking the brace :P).

So again dont worry they will replace the tooth with a fake one or change you brace a little so that your teeth will come together and you cant see the gap.

Good luck x
Reply:Well, I hate to tell you but your facts do not sound quite accurate. You state that you still have a baby cuspid and that the tooth that was to replace it was removed. The tooth that would have replaced it WAS a PERMANENT CUSPID. It is highly improbable that your dentist would have pulled a permanent cuspid especially while your baby cuspid was STILL PRESENT. More than likely, you had a PERMANENT BICUSPID removed in order to open up space to allow the rest of your teeth, including the permanent cuspid, to be grow in nice and straight with the help of braces.

Now, you need to find out if there is a PERMANENT CUSPID to replace the baby one when it is removed. If it is up in the arch it should come down on its own or with dental assistance now that the bicuspid is gone and there is room for it.

If you were born WITHOUT a permanant cuspid, you will be fitted with a bridge or an implant.

What is upsetting to me is that you are certainly old enough to have this information easily conveyed to you by your dentist or orthodontist. It really bothers me that no one took the time to tell you what YOUR treatment plan was!!! They have a legal responsibility to ensure that you DO know what is happening, you APPRECIATE (therefore agree with what they are saying) what they are recommending, and finally, you provide WRITTEN CONSENT for treatment (a signature suffices, yours or parent or guardian). It does not sound like any of this occurred. Not good.

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