Questions About Genesis For Christians?

First let me state that I fully appreciate that the vast majority of Christians do not take Genesis literally and accept evolution as science. So this question is really for the bible literalists only.

1) Do you actually believe that ALL animals were orignally herbivores according to Genesis 1:30? Lions were eating grass? Tapeworms were sucking on mushrooms, mosquitoes were sipping nectar and sharks were munching on kelp? If so, why were they designed with sharp canine incisors and not the crushing grinding teeth found in cows and horses? What about their lack of a digestive system to deal with an all-veg diet? Why are their very design so well adapted to being the predators or blood suckers we know them to have been for millions of years?

2) Do you believe plants were created before there was sun for life-essential photosynthesis according to Genesis 1:11? This is especially for those who believe the "days" were actually ions of time?

Scientific answers appreciated.

Questions About Genesis For Christians?
In the beginning everything was made and God called everything good.

Certain diseases were non existent then. So also certain worms or blood suckers, etc. weren't there. Some things are created after the fall of Adam %26amp; are a curse. For example weeds grow in our gardens. We have to pull the weeds out.

To God, a day is like a 1000 yrs and 1000yr like a day. That would be one Ion or an age (1000 yrs).
Reply:im kind of a bible literalist... kind of... not really.. or not sure.... heh..

1) right so first off, yes evolutionarily speaking, the Lions have specialized incisors for carnivorous activity. But this is not to say that what a Lion to us was not a lion back then. uhhh tapeworms could have got it off earth and mosquitoes could have got it off other animals? sharks on other animals..... thats if any of these animals existed back then. The point i am trying to get across is that they could have evolved ( uh oh im stepping on a slippery slope) or that the animals we see today were simply no existant back then and could have been a more unofrm species. The second part of your arguement falls under this, that when you create something such as a lion for eating other animals, why not give them a complete diegestive tract and a good pair of incisors with it?

2) I think you mean eons....

oh and uh maybe you havnt read this..

Genesis 1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

yup there was already light...
Reply:1.Read the text again please; sharks are not land animals. I will have to look closer at land animals (lions) eating 'grass'. I had not thought about that aspect before.

2. Yes. Jesus was the light of the world. Rememer; even day 1,2, and3 had light, even though the sun, moon, and stars had not been created yet. Why the sun was created after plants; I currently do not know.
Reply:the answer is quite simple and profound, ive thought of this myself. the conclusion of the matter would be in order of the questions

1) animals pre-flood would have eaten only vegitation and this states that evolution cannot be but adaptation is a real thing that all christians and scientists can agree on or at least cant ignore. but that is not to say that one species evolved from one to another. there is no reason to believe that some of these species even existed in the beginning either. the bible does talk about amalgamations not explicitely but it does allude to them. this would explain some of the new species coming out.

2) and to believe that the days referred to in genesis were years is a bit of a stretch but understandable how you may have came to that conclusion. the bible says that God created light even before the sun so the light required for the plants would have already been there.

also an added question. if the sun and moon were created later how could there have been an evening and morning of the first day if they were created the fourth day. the answer is simple evening and morning are simply increments of time the sun and moon were given for signs of time. to put it simply God created time first (which would explain him being outside of time and not held to the laws of it as we are) and then he created the clock to measure it.
Reply:First of all, sharp teeth do not prove that an animal is a carnivore, or even an omnivore, for that matter. Look at gorillas, fruit bats, iguanas, etc. Also, there was a recorded instance of a lion who was raised in captivity in a zoo who refused to eat meat its entire life. It was a vegetarian lion. It's digestive system was obviously just fine for digesting vegetation. In fact, you may hear even today that an all-vegetable diet for your dog is the optimum diet that will allow your dog to live 20-30 years. Your dog will avoid so many of the diseases that plague other dogs who are fed the usual meat/grain diet. It's teeth have nothing to do with it.

There is even evidence that T-Rex may not have been a carnivore at all, but a melon-eater. His teeth are similar to those of an iguana, which is a fruit-and vegetable-eater. He's really not built for speed or stealth, and all the biggest animals this planet has ever seen have all been herbivores (or krill-eaters at the most). Why should T-Rex be any different?

And how do you know that God didn't provide some animals with a means of extracting nutrition from the world around it after the Fall?

Also, I do believe that plants were created on Day 3, even though the Sun wasn't created until Day 4, for two reasons:

1) The plants would havehad enough energy to survive for one day without sun, and 2) God Himself is light, and He would have provided any needed light for them anyway. If one believes in the Day/Age theory, those poor plants would have had to wait for millions of years for the sun to come up!

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