My son is 10 1/2 yrs old. His four upper front teeth are quite splayed. His baby canines are still intact. The orthodontist wants to wait and see if his canines come in high in the gums before doing braces. My son will be 12 or 13 before this happens. He is beginning to be self-conscious about his smile. I would rather the ortho put the braces on to bring his teeth together so the canines will have enough room to erupt. I don't understand why he is waiting when he could be pro-active and make room for the teeth. It is possible, I suppose, that even if he got braces now, the canines could still come in high then the braces would have to be redone. With all of this said, has anyone had experience with this type or ortho situation? Should I just ask that the braces be put on now?
Should my son have braces now or wait till he's older?
I think waiting is the best advice. First, when the canines erupt, they may close some of the space naturally. The permanent canine tends to be a large bulky tooth that is the "cornerstone" of the jaw. Our jaws are "U" shaped and this tooth is so important to the alignment of the bite. Think of the waiting time as the natural progression of growing up. We all go through that "ugly duckling" stage.
Plus, oral hygiene is so important when ortho bands are in place. It is so sad when a young child just doesn't comply to the extra care it takes to clean around all that hardware.
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Reply:Usually when someone gets braces at a very young age like that they end up having to get braces twice, and that will run into a lot of money. Most kids around that age don't have straight teeth. I would wait until he is a bit older.
Reply:my son had his braces for a lg gap at age 10. tecnically we have not follwed up properly( my son refuses even though his smile is crooked- now 16) an orthdontist might be trying to spare you a second round of braces because of a growing changing mouth. consider the expense of 2 rounds and the (mild) suffering- maybe get a 2nd opinion
Reply:I am surprised that the orthodontist wants to wait. My son had the a gap between his two front upper teeth, so the orthodontist out brackets only on them when he was 9 years old. He wore them for only 6 months and then he felt alot better himself. He did go back into braces when he was 12. If I had to do it all over, then we would do the same thing.
Reply:Forty-five years ago, when I was a medical student, we were advised by the dental faculty that it is best to wait until the mandible and maxilla (upper and lower jawbones) had achieved most of their growth before starting braces.
Over the years I noticed some orthodontists putting braces on younger children. I would be interested to know if this is still an area of controversy.
Reply:It is better to wait, till his baby canines fall off
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