ok so i have braces and all of my teeth are adult teeth except for one canine(the pointy one) and on the x-ray it shows it coming like this / (crooked) and they say that it will run in and come in behind my front teeth... to fix this problem they have to take my baby canine out ...cut up my root and stick a wire through the root and wrap it around the adult canine.. which is in my ROOT... and then i'm gona have it there till it comes down straight.. everytime they tighten my braces theyre gonna turn it the wire so it'll go into place
so my question is... will this hurt after a while? like if someone was to slap or punch me
should i go ahead and follow this thing?
what if my tooth comes in straight cuz i my other canine was gonna come in crooked but i my baby canine fell out...
so .. my theory is if i was too pull my baby canine out would my canine come in correctly since it has an open space...
cuz it's probably crooked cuz my baby tooth won't budge....
!!!please help!
!!!!!!!Braces Surgery HELP!!!!!?
no.. it shouldn't hurt
my friend had the same thing done, just take it easy for a couple hours.
if it starts to hurt just take some advil or soemthing
Reply:Not so sure that they are going to stick a wire through the root. However, it sounds like the surgeon is going to take out your baby tooth and make a window (real small incision in the gum) to the canine and bond (attach) a "button" on it. To that there will be a chain on the button and they attach a wire to the chain and that wire will attach to your arch wire and that will help pull your tooth down into the place that your orthodontist wants in. Over-all not a big thing, you'll have some minor discomfort but they should give you some pain medication for it and if not use Ibuprofen. No sorry to say your permanent tooth will not come in correctly just because you have an open space. Don't be too worried, you'll do just fine
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