Teething at 3 months?

my son will be 3 months on the 20th and i think he may be teething. he has been crankier than usual, he is usually SO good and sleeps well but not lately. my question is:

is this possible?

and also, i think it may be coming in on the top left (canine) but i heard that the first teeth come in on the bottom. is THIS possible??

Teething at 3 months?
My son got 2 teeth in when he was 2 months. And while that happened he sleep only a few hours and would wake up screaming. He got his "third" tooth in when he was 4 months, and it was the top right canine haha. He looked like a jackolantern. He had a fang. and only one. so he had three teeth til he was 8 months. Now at 9 months, he has 8 teeth. 5 came in at the same time.

Give him some baby tylenol. That always seemed to help sooth him
Reply:Every child is different and he certainly can be teething. My son got teeth at 4 months. My daughter at 7.
Reply:my friends brother was born with a tooth so maybe...
Reply:The canine would not be the first tooth to come in, it's actually one of the last. He could be getting his top middle teeth in first, for sure. Even if he is teething it's pretty unlikely a tooth will show up for at least a few more weeks, if not another couple of months. My boys both got their first tooth at 4 months and the doctor was very shocked that they were getting them so early. They have all their teeth (including 2 year molars) before they are 14 months old. This is NOT a good thing though, it's actually bad. When they are little they really fight you when brushing so it's hard to impossible to get the molars really well. I highly recommend Hylands teething tablets for discomfort.
Reply:Every child is different. I do know of a baby that got two teeth when they were 2 months old, so it's definately possible.

However, my first daughter started teething around 3 months and it didn't push through until she was 6 months.

The first teeth that popped through were the bottom two, than one top and then the other, this was the case with both my children.

Anything is possible because every child is unique.

Good luck!
Reply:Yes it is possible. My son is 11 weeks old and has been teething now for about the past 2 weeks.
Reply:Teething can start as early as 2 months. This doesn't necessarily mean that teeth are coming anytime soon, it can take months for them to come in after they've started teething.

It's most common for the two bottom teeth to come in first, but it's also possible for other teeth to come in first instead. I thought my daughter was getting a canine tooth first, but then it didn't come out and now she has her two top and two bottom.



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