so, when do we know if we need to have a tooth pulled? my puppy has been losing her teeth very well, all the front ones, one canine and a molar or two have already fallen out and are being replaced by adult teeth, no isses with any of them. but then yesterday we noticed that one canine is coming in in front of her baby canine, and its already crowned, about 1/4inch but its red and slightly puffy, but the baby tooth isnt even lose yet. should we wait and see what happens or have it taken out? i dont want her to have a problem, but at least it came thru the gums already, right?
Puppy tooth extraction?
Some of the teeth come out harder that others. The puppy tooth should come out when the new one comes in. If it is given time and it still doesn't come out, contact the vet.
Reply:It should resolve itself.
Reply:Call your breeder or call your vet. This might be a breed-specific issue.
A good breeder or your vet can tell you over the phone what to do or if you should worry and they won't charge you.
Reply:mmm i would take her to the vet..if its a small dog then it is very possible she needs to have some teeth pulled..i had a little yorkie and he had to have like 4-8 baby teeth pulled cause they weren't falling out on their own...
Reply:I'm not sure, but last year I extracted my right rear Molar with a pair of pliers and I shot Cocaine in that gum and it worked just fine. The Cocaine cost me $40.00 now thats a cheap tooth pull. The Dentist wanted to charge me $110.00
Do it yourself tooth extractor kit for only $40.00
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