Can a cavity get bigger in 20 days?

I have several cavities and my appointment with my dentist is in 20 days, he said that day we will take a full set of Xrays , he will do some other work (from last visit), I'll get a cleaning and we will make a plan to treat my cavities, but I have a cavity in between my right canine and the other tooth to the right (not the incisor), it doesn't hurt but it looks big to me and I want it treated. Can it wait that long?, it'll probably be more than 20 days since I don't think he'll fix it the same day of our appointment, should I tell my doctor I am in pain so he treats it sooner?...

Can a cavity get bigger in 20 days?
it will be fine. keep your teeth clean by brushing and flossing often.
Reply:it wont get that much bigger. if i doesnt hurt don't worry
Reply:Yes, it can, but not much. The best thing that you can do is brush before and after every meal (as often as possible) to prevent further decay. To get it treated, you may want to mention that it hurts.

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