I'm in my early 30's and I still have a baby canine. It's solid, but recently I crowned the two teeth below it and the baby tooth has pushed out little (to meet the lower teeth) and now the dentin is showing and it's a bit sensitive (hot and cold) it doesn't hurt. I'm thinking of getting it pulled and replaced with an implant. (x-rays show no other tooth under it)
How common is it to retain a baby tooth?
It's a fairly common occurance. Both my sister, my mom and now my daughter all have baby teeth with no adult tooth under them.
If you have pain %26amp; sensitivity, have it pulled. It will only get worse with time.
Reply:I still have several baby teeth............... that I saved from when my kids were young.
Reply:Retained baby teeth are genetic, someone in your family had one also. Since the tooth is loosing its enamel and getting sensitive it will just worsen. Another option before pulling it and replacing it with an implant is just have it crowned since it still has bone support. If you are loosing bone around it then I would pull it. Buy your self time with a crown for now.
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