I have an abscessed tooth (lower canine on the right side) I have an unsually high tolerance to pain. They say before it gets to the abscess you'll be sensitive to hot/cold, etc well, I never feel any of that. Yesterday morning I got up in terrible pain... Couldn't get a hold of my dentist but I managed to get an appointment with another one tomorrow morning 8h50 (I'll be there at 8h30 believe-me!)
Yesterday, my tongue spent a fair amount of time where my abscess is... Just like when you lose a tooth or if there's something unusual, for some reason your tongue can't help but stay in that spot you know? Well, my tongue spent too much time there.This morning when I got up, my tongue felt as if I had burnt it by accident. I left it at that. But I checked it a few minutes ago. Oops: there is a HUGE white pimple on the tip of my tongue. What's THAT??
Thanks for reading this. Hope someone will be able to answer me ASAP!!!!!
Abscessed tooth -- tongue infected too?
no clue. sounds to me like you just over irritated the tip of your tongue.
Reply:It is probably just a coincidence. The abscess is an infection in your gum. So unless you have an open sore right there it won't effect your tongue any.
Reply:its probably cause your stressing out minds a powerfull thing also your immune system gets lower when your stressed so pimples boils cold sore appear.
also try oil of oregano i had a absess and used it the stuff is amazing
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