Cannot eat solid foods but can eat soft solid

I just had exposure surgery to help bring down my canine (third tooth from the front) down from the roof of my mouth so now I have a hole there with a bracket attatched to the tooth (which is slowly clotting) and I can barely swallow and anyway, I could hurt myself in the process of chewing. I have tried eating solid foods but my gagging reflex kicks in and then food gets all over...but I can get down french fries and string cheese...I've also been drinking smoothies but its also hard to suck and using straws is prohibited so I've been using a sippy cup :(. So any suggestions on soft solid food that doesn't break up (no cookies, cakes, muffins, rice) or smoothie recepies?

Cannot eat solid foods but can eat soft solid
Oh.. you poor little kid!!! Nothing is going to take the place of real food..but yogurt is healthy and maybe ice cream with a couple of cookies all smashed up so you don't have to chew them?? Pancakes can be pretty sogged up with syrup...maybe you could just swish them a tiny bit and swallow?? Mac and cheese can almost be put through a blender

and not be really gross..cause you know for sure what it is.. I hope this condition doesn't last for long. One thing about "mouth" heals pretty quickly. Baked potatoes!!!! That could work with sour cream and could blend it all together into a pasty stuff...and you might could swallow that..??

...just teeny tiny bits at a time??

This is one time in your life when you can have all the choc. malts you can swallow! My mouth hurts for you...get better quick! ♥



ice cream

Reply:Have tried pre prepared baby food? That may help. How long ago was the surgery. If it was a couple of days, I suggest you get it checked out, as your gag reflex should have recovered by now. Good luck.



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