I just had some dental work...?

I just had nine fillings and two root canals yesterday all across my top teeth. The two root canals are in my left canine, and the tooth to the right of it. The dr said that i should be back to my normal routine today and didnt give me anything for pain. However, I suffer from RA and fibromyalgia, so I process pain a little differently than the average person. This morning when i woke up, i was in excrusiating pain, but only in the root canal teeth. I cant even stand to bite my teeth together.

has anyone been through this? Can you offer advice? I would appreciate anything that can get me over this part.....thank you.

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I just had some dental work...?
you had quite a lot done in one day, its no wonder that you are in pain. I have had my share of root canals and I can tell

you that they are a bit painful! Contact your doctor and

let them know about the pain. An antiinflammatory med

will help, but you may have some teeth hitting together and

this just agravates the pain. The dentist should bring you back in and check to make sure that the "fillings" in the

root canals aren't to high or to low. The weekend is coming

up and you don't want to be in pain. Call today and

demand to have some help. Have them prescribe you

a pain killer. Did you tell them about the RA and fibro?

If not you need too.

Good luck! fell better
Reply:Can you take an anti-inflammatory tablet like Ibuprofen? That will help to reduce swelling and pain.Keep to soft foods, nothing too hot or cold.If the pain continues for more than a few days, see your dentist again, or your doctor for stronger painkillers.Hope you feel better soon, I had a filling last week, I felt sorry for myself after that.
Reply:It sounds like the ligaments around the root canal teeth are sore - take your normal OTC pain medication for this. If the pain persists - have the occlusion checked on the teeth - if you are hitting high in any spot it will make the teeth tender - You didn't say where the fillings were (biting surface,etc.). I have had several root canals and the teeth were tender for a few days. I had the occlusion adjusted on a couple of teeth and that seemed to help. Give the dentist a call.
Reply:Some pain is normal but, if unbearable you should seek your dentists advice first. Usually the temporary cap is placed on the area to make sure no more gas build up will occur before a permanent cap is placed on it. I 've had it done 3 times. Give your dentist a call first.

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