Weird Braces?

Hi i have these braces that are strange. The brackets are different from the other ones and its not the damon system or the other new one without elastics. Mines with elastics but def looks strange. is there different types of braces brackets? i am depressed as i really dont like my dentist. He seems to not know much in my opinion and i also have two teeth on between my front two teeth and canine like this. ( )...( )( )...( )

My parents already paid for braces but what should i do? if i switch dentists would they do braces free of charge and replace mine? I mean my dentist didnt even tell me to use some dam floride. He is an old asian dentist and i seriously dont trust him with my teeth. ESP cause of my braces brackets look really weird.

Weird Braces?
Definitely go see another dentist! You dont want to be stuck with a crappy dentist for ur whole braces journey!
Reply:I would go to another ortho just to see what they think.

Maybe this guy is doing your braces wrong, who knows!

However, let's say this guy is doing them wrong, I'm sure you can get your money back because, I mean, he isn't doing his job right!

Good luck!

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