Bridge vs implant?

for clarification, I already have all teeth capped. I have some bone loss so I can get implant or a bridge of six teeth from canine to canine: This is expensive but dentist says it will be stronger and look better aestically. His reasoning against implant is that would be solid and the other caps may have some play. My original caps are individual so maintenance is easier than a bridge. The bridge will be more expensive but long term may be better : Hope this helps

Bridge vs implant?
You need good bone structure to securely anchor implants, or securely anchor teeth that are supporting a bridge. If you continue to lose bone after the implants or bridges are in, they will fail and you will have spent a lot of money for little benefit.

If you got bone loss problems, there might be other issues that needs to be addressed before you can consider getting implants or bridges.

The most prudent thing to do at this point is get a second opinion from another dentist and learn as much about your present condition as possible so you can make an informed decision.
Reply:If you have bone loss I think that the best way is an implant for 2 reasons. First , the dentist will give you a graft and that way you will get the bone tissue back, after your is better, they will do the implant ans it will get secured by the bone tissue and you will have it for more than 20 years, then you just need a crown on top of it. Second, I think that the physical changes that you will get in you face with a bridge are going to be too noticeable with the pass of the years, and no matter how old you are you want to look the best for your own sake. Also, consider that you can loose your bridge, if you drop it or something and maintanance is easier with implants trust me!So, get an implant!!! Hope it helps!
Reply:Implants in this area. I just had to replace all 4 front teeth due to a bridge which needed replacement and didn't work out. I refused Bridge canine to canine.

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