What in your opinion is the best teether?

My 6 month old is getting her lower canines (first teeth.. unusal) none the less, I have some of those water filled teethers and the teething beads, a teether from discovery toys - none seem to settle her. I have seen the star teethers that vibrate and I know a few moms who have them, aswell as the teethers that look like a soother - what have you found to be the best - (I don't care for teething pills, advil, ambesol, numbing gels, teething biscuits etc,...)

What in your opinion is the best teether?
I agreed w/ you in the beginning about pills and medicine when my daughter was tiny.

But if you think about it, if you've got a mad headache, a toothache, or a bad sprain... you're in pain. When I'm in pain, real pain, I take something for it.

I tried to make her feel better in this order:


herbal tablets


Sometimes the teethers were enough, sometimes the herbal tablets were enough. Sometimes her gums were so red, and she was so upset, I had to give her a pain killer to relieve her pain!

My point- try all the teethers you can find, they often work wonders... but don't completely rule out the tylenol.

This was my daughter's favorite teether:

Reply:Well, I personally think that a cold wet washcloth works the best. And I also think you should reconsider teething tablets. They are completely safe and it's not about what 'you' care for, it's about helping your baby feel better, right?
Reply:tittys. i still teeth
Reply:my son didn't care for teethers much at all...he preferred to gnaw on his hands and drool all over the place!
Reply:put a damp wash cloth in the freezer for about an hour in a sandwich baggie and let her naw on that....or fill up a nipple with water and put it in a ice tray let it freeze then screw it on to a bottle and let her chew on it.... this way she doesn't get her hands cold
Reply:I found a little stuffed husky by munchkin at wal-mart, it's top paws are gel-filled teethers and the feet are crinkle paper. I think it's called arctic friends. It also has a rattle in the head and is machine washable, lol. My daughter absolutely loves hers, she brings her "wuffie" wherever she goes at 8 mo. old. Her first tooth just broke through and she's using it to sooth herself a lot. But she's also using her blocks from her "Baby's 1st blocks" set to chew on too. She seems to like the harder surfaces better they soothe more. She also has a Dora teething blanket, that's my fav cause it naturally wicks away a lot of drool, it has 3 rubberized corners to chew on and one soft side where you can attach a binky if your daughter uses one, mine didn't so we cut the elastic off. Remember, just refrigerate, don't freeze any teethers, babies tend to get crankier after a really cold teether Good luck!



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