Can I still have braces at the bottom part of my teeth even though my teeth there are not complete?

Is it still advisable to have braces even I don't have 1st molar on the left and right side and I also don't have 2 canines on the right side?

Can I still have braces at the bottom part of my teeth even though my teeth there are not complete?
you should wait for all your teeth to grow completely... otherwise you could get braces and have your wisdom teeth grow and push your teeth forward making them crooked... and then you would need braces again
Reply:If you have enough teeth on the bottom row your orthodontist can pull (with the braces) the remaining teeth slowly together and recreate canines for you. It's not necessary to have molars and no one will know the difference.

What the dentist does is he places the actual brace on the bottom row teeth, the wire that stretches across (secured to each brace) will slowly be tightened over time which will force your bottom row of teeth to shift towards each other closing those gaps. it's not painful but it's not a comfortable process either.
Reply:It really depends. If all your teeth are still milk teeth then no, you have to wait until all of the teeth in your mouth are complete. If the teeth in your mouth is all grown and permanent already, then its ok. The orthodontist will pull your teeth together until the space is closed. Or if your teeth are too many, the orthodontist will pull/extract some of your teeth or maybe just 1 tooth and THEN pull the teeth together. Don't worry, its part of the braces. He wont pull your teeth all at once. There's something in the braces that will do it for you.

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