Specifically the two central incisors, lateral incisors, and the canines?
How is hypocalcification of teeth treated?
Hypocalcification of the teeth is a problem where the tooth enamel is not as tough and well formed as it should be. It can be restored with conventional approaches if the enamel is not severely involved. Bonded restorations may be successful in some cases depending on the enamel mineral content and strength. If the enamel is of insufficient strength to retain bonded restorations, stainless steel crowns are indicated in the primary and early permanent dentitions.
Ultimately, porcelain fused to metal or other custom fabricated crowns can be placed on the dentition. This may be delayed until late adolescence or early adulthood .
Reply:bleaching your teeth may help minimize the appearance of hypocalcification, but you may need crowns or veneers to get rid of it completely
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