I had a retained baby tooth removed and now I have some pain?

Well I had a retained canine baby tooth, and it had forcred the adult canine to be pushed forward and up. Now the baby tooth is gone and the adult tooth has moved some as expected, but now it feels just a little bit loose and if put pressure on it, it hurts a bit, so I'm just curious if this is normal or not.

I had a retained baby tooth removed and now I have some pain?
Well it is a new developed tooth so it has to adjust in your mouth for a few days...If you aren't so sure, ask your dentist
Reply:ghost pain ?
Reply:I would like an x-ray and know your age.

If it is a canine, the adult canine will normally erupt around 11, but I've seen normal canine eruptions as late as 19 years old which was normal for that patient because they had a very delayed eruption pattern from average. The rest of their body developed at an average rate.

There are several things that can cause mild pain as simple as chewing on something hard to a crack, gum disease or decay. If you are well beyond 18, the adult canine has probably been fully formed for a long time.

I've never seen phantom pain from lost teeth. Although, as I think about that, what if I had seen phantom and didn't recognize it and how about all those treatments I performed that may have been incorrect like root canals, but I haven't heard of it.



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