I had a root canal started Thursday, finished Friday. It's now Saturday night and there's still pain, sometimes severe. The tooth, prior to the root canal, was already dead and there was no pain before, only a slight sensitivity. Now it's Saturday night and sometimes it's ok, sometimes severe pain will come every few hours. The dentist said that the x-rays looked good afterward. He's done 2 canals before on me and both turned out good and were on back teeth. This one was a canine (front tooth). He gave me percocet which helps but obviously I don't want to take this more than 2-3 days.
Is it normal to have pain 2 days after root canal?
The last one I had done hurt like all get out and my Dentist didn't even give me anything for pain. Mine lasted a good week. I have had them before and it never hurt but I guess this one was more complex.
Reply:Sorry for your pain but the infection can be the root of your pai and the dentist should give you a strong antibiotic if that is the case other wise you some type of pain killer over the counter to soothe the pain
Reply:yeah my root canal hurt for about a week
or it didnt hurt per say, but it was extremely sore
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