Im 19, just had a baby tooth pulled out, how long for adult tooth to come in?

I'm 19 years old, i recently went to get braces put on and discovered i still had a baby tooth(Upper Right Canine)... x rays were taken and showed that my adult tooth is directly behind the baby tooth... i had the baby tooth and the tooth next to it pulled... its been about 5 months ago and the adult tooth has yet to even break the surface... my ortho told me if it hasnt started by mid january ill need to have my gum cut to expose the tooth so they can put an attachment on that connects to the wire of the braces and pulls it down.... is there any chance i wont have to go thru that? Or how long should it take for my tooth to grow in normally?

Im 19, just had a baby tooth pulled out, how long for adult tooth to come in?
I had a similar problem when i was 17, i went to a dentist and he found out that 1 of my teeth is a baby tooth, and he told there wouldnt be any new teeth grow at that spot at that age, he said if that tooth was pulled out i would have to plant a fake tooth at that spot. Weirdest thing is i still have that tooth right now at 21 and it works fine.
Reply:This is a question only a highly competent dentist or orthodontist can answer......they must take x-rays and get an opinion of it.

You might also want to consult with an oral surgeon...just a consultation...take the x-rays with you if you see an oral surgeon.

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