wt treatments u ofered to soothe ur baby. i have been giving her medicine for fever and doing couple of things to soothe her gums. she is 7.5 months old and having upper 2 teeth and canines on thier way too. she is having 4 of them one `after an other. she never had problem while having lower two . she is also having loose motions. any home remedies?
My baby has constant fever since 5 days, she is teething.I need to knw...?
if its been 5 days of constant fever you should really call your pediatrician. There could be an underlying problem like a infection. If you don't want to take her to the doctor just give them a call and see what they recommend. Also as for the teething both my kids loved to chew on frozen waffles it soothes there gums and because they are sucking on it so long it breaks into little bits that they can just swallow. My kids always hated the cold washcloth I think because there was no flavor to it. Anyway Best of Luck!!
I just reed the above answer don't give the baby tea! Its really supposed to not be good for them, even in the decaffeinated type there is still caffeine. anyway best of luck
Reply:You could take a wash cloth get it wet and put in the freezer. Then when frozen let her chew on it. That will help to numb her gums. Keep giving ibuprofen as that is better for teeth and fever than tylenol. Also if you have some baby ambesol that will help too.
Reply:If your baby is still running a fever after 5 days you need to get her to a doctor NOW.
Reply:YES! Take her to a doctor right away! OMG! What is wrong with you????
Reply:There is no medical proof that a fever is associated with teething. The same goes with loose stools. If your baby has had a fever for 5 days then you need to get her to a doctor.
Good luck
Reply:When my children was teething, what seem to work best was somethink cold for them to chew on. But if she keeps run a fever you may want to take her to the doctor. Also if she is fussy try alittle catnip tea to calm her. Right now you can find fresh with the other herbs at the gardencenter at Lowes.
Reply:Depending on how hi the fever is take to the doctor or if its just the teething I would try childrens allergy medicine. Give the same amout as u would tylenol and every 6 hours. It is helping my son alot. It will make her drowsy and also put anbesol on the gums. My son has a slight fever and cutting 4 teeth at once and his first 4 Good luck.
Reply:Yes it's possible it could be from teething - no matter what the Doc's tell you. Some babys just have issues. Cold things to chew are great - a frozen bagel, a frozen wash cloth, things like that. All of mine would fuss, have runny poops, drool, chew on everything and some ran low grade fevers.
If her fever is over 101 though you might want to get her checked out - my dd developed an ear infection every time she teethed. That being said at least 1/2 of ear infections are viral so she may not need antibiotics right away. You are safe with a wait and see approach so long as her fever doesn't spike and she's not in horrible pain.
I don't know where you live but weak tea is FINE. They give Fenchel (Fennel) tea to babies from birth in Germany - other parts of Europe. You can try chamomile - generally regarded as safe. Just make a very weak tea (colored water) with a 1/8 -1/4 tsp of sugar (less than in most formula!) but NEVER honey (under a year) !! She may really like it and it is very calming for tummies and teeth. You can add Peppermint as well if she likes the taste. Make sure to let it cool!
For what it's worth one doc told me that Anbesol over time may actually make the gums tougher to break through. My 17 yo who is cutting her wisdom teeth hates the stuff.
Reply:its probly just from teething but to make sure you may want to take the baby to the doctors just to be on the safe side
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My baby has constant fever since 5 days, she is teething.I need to knw...?
Posted by
on Thursday, March 11, 2010
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