Am i a bad mother????

I sometimes punish my son(5 yrs) by biting his finger with my canine teeth...till he cries but after that he doesnt repeat his wrong behavior thanx

Am i a bad mother????
Poor Kid is being raised by Wolves
Reply:evil mother!!!!!!!!!stay away!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:kind off..there are other ways if u insist on punishing the poor kid
Reply:wow yeah that isnt very good parental behaviors but maybe you should check that out
Reply:i hope this is a joke!
Reply:That's extraordinarily disturbing, so YES you are a bad mother!
Reply:This is child abuse.
Reply:Yes. And this path you have started on will lead to things even more cruel than just biting a finger.
Reply:depends on how you punish him
Reply:Yes your a bad mother, you don't bite your kids you idiot! That's why kids are so messed up nowadays, my mom never hit me, lord knows she never bit me and I'm not crazy. STOP BITING YOUR SON YOU FREAK!
Reply:Umm...why would you bite your child? That is not acceptable and certainly isn't a good way to punish your child. Why don't you try time outs or taking away tv/video games from him. Biting him isn't going to teach him anything and it's going to make him really dislike you.
Reply:THAT IS A HORRIBLE THING TO DO. You should find better means of teaching him lessons than to bite him and cause him pain.
Reply:if it stops him from doing wrong and his finger doen't get broke then go ahead.
Reply:Can't you think of another punishment besides biting. You are only teaching him to bite. He may go to school and bite other kids. Put him in time out or take away a toy he loves.
Reply:Not only does that not need an answer, you need to hope that noone from child protective services read from this site. How can you tell your child not to go to school and bite people if that is what you do to him. How about just taking away a toy and rewarding him heavily when he does something right so he can look forward to the rewards more than thinking about the negative behavior. I have 2 boys aged 4 and 13 so I have a little, good luck.
Reply:Gee, hmmm, let's see... does child abuse make you a bad mother? I'm going to go ahead and say YES!
Reply:your far worste then any abusive mother you need help your a very sick sick person, who seems to enjoy delevering pain, my best suggestion would be to call me
Reply:no you arent. Im only a kid but even though i get mad at my dad, i learn a lesson and dont do it anymore. This is comin from a kid
Reply:A little advice for next time: Just give him a swift swat on the butt but don't bite him, that just doesn't sound good. Poor kid, that would hurt especially if you have "canine" teeth. If you keep on biting him then yes, you are a bad mom.
Reply:My mom would not let me bite anyone. So she would never think of biting me. It seems like no thing now but he my bite other people. And now a days there is AIDS. I think maybe a spanking may be better. Good luck.
Reply:I think biting him and making him cry is a little extreme, and that might make him think its ok to use similar behaviour on others, which can be a problem. It doesn't necesarily make you a bad mother, but maybe you should look into other disciplinary non-physical methods. Also, if you feel what your doing is wrong, then maybe you shouldnt do it.
Reply:As long as you dont break the skin or leave long lasting marks i dont think it would make you a bad mother. I have a five year old son, I've only bitten him if he bit someone first.
Reply:that is never ever bite your child no matter what he does....bad mother....shaking my head
Reply:Imagine that you're your son. Your mother makes you bite your finger everytime you do something, wrong, say spill the milk, for example (it's a lame example but who cares). So you bite it and cry. Now, bite your finger the way you make your son bite it. If you don't like it, then you probably shouldn't make him do it either. Now, I suggest watching supernanny more often because that show is exactly for the type of mother you are.
Reply:Yes!!!! Insted put him in time out for 10 minutes or take away stuff like his toys and other privlages.
Reply:I wouldn't say you are a bad mother, I would just say, well, I dunno. All I know is that I wouldn't bite him. Like if he says something rude, pop him on the mouth. I would only bite his fingers if he had a baaaaaaaad habit of biting his fingernails or something. it causes appendisitis, or however you spell it. just pop him about 3 times on his butt. biting hurts. if this doesn't help, sorry.
Reply:my mom used to dip my fingers in the jalapeno can if i bit mine, or she used to rub onion on my fingers. they burned too. so don't feel bad if you don't go to these extremes... =)
Reply:Yes you are a bad mother, why don't you read some parenting books.

Do what I do with my kids beat thier asses
Reply:whatever happen to sending you child to the corner for 15 minutes as a timeout/punishment?

Yes, you are a bad mother!
Reply:yes you are teaching him bad behavior and to be abusive



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