Why do you pray before you eat?

I hear that people are thanking God for the food, but in reality farmers are the ones who supply your food. If it wasent for them you would be starving. Now your probably going to be compelled to say something like,"God created the seeds and such." But im going to counter that by saying humans are born with canine teeth for what other reason, then to eat meat. Not only does that give a bit of evidence, but its known for humans and animals to become cannibals if there is no source of food around them. An example would be the praying mantis and rugby team who crashed in the Andes Moutains.

Here is one of Saint Paul's quotes.“For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: ‘If a man will not work, he shall not eat.’ We hear that some among you are idle. They are not busy; they are busybodies. Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the bread they eat” (2 Thessalonians 3:10-12)

Why do you pray before you eat?
Christians are "instructed" to give thanks in all things. This is our way of remembering that God is the source of all good things. As for the farmers/ranchers/suppliers of our food, it is implied in our giving thanks that we also thank God for giving us those who supply our food, since they are part of that "food chain."

As for cannibalism, albeit an extreme example, I would hope that the people would remember to pray for those who died, to ask God for forgiveness if they feel it wrong to do so, and thank God for the life He is giving themselves by eating the bodies of the dead. Some people have even equated the Lord's Supper to cannibalism, as Jesus instructed us to eat His body and drink His blood. So, if Jesus had "no problem" in telling the Disciples to eat His body and drink His blood, then He wouldn't have any "problems" with cannibalism. Of course, this is an "extreme" view and naturally not widely accepted.

The Bible also states, "Man shall not live by bread alone,

but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Matthew 4:4
Reply:I do?
Reply:so you don't choke,and if you do, that someone knows the heimlich maneuver.
Reply:to give thanks that you even have anything to eat. some people in the world do starve to death!
Reply:i really dont know what to say, i dont pray for the food, i guess its a nice thing to do idk
Reply:It says in the Bible that you should always give thanks for your food.
Reply:The reality, God provided the farmers.
Reply:You cut out the middle man and thank the creator of it all. Sometimes being grateful is better than being wordy.
Reply:When we pray before eating we thank God for giving us our food as many in this world go hungry.We ask God to Bless it so it will be pure and fit to eat also.,with out contamination's.
Reply:I supply my food because I buy it from stores that are supplied by farmers. Farmers were given their love for the land and ability to grow things by God. I was given the ability to earn a living by God. That's why I give thanks before I eat.
Reply:Remind me not to book an airplane ticket next to you.!

We are full fledged omnivores.

We thank the farmer and the rancher, the truck driver and the grocery clerk; may they eat as well as we do.

Now go back to work and earn that T-bone steak.

one apple a day! will keep the bowels on their way.
Reply:Because many many many many years ago - you could not trust the market, cook, or many people - they'd poison you to advance their career/position in town, etc.

"Bless us, oh Lord, and these thy gifts which we are about to receive from thy bounty, through Christ our Lord; Amen."

Sounds like - "please let me eat this and NOT die." to me. Historically the world was very different than today.

Today we say this prayer and the prayer AFTER eating in thanks for our blessing at having food, and family in communion with GOD.
Reply:We pray before we eat because if there is something bad in your food god will get rid of it and heal you if you believe. Also we must give him thanks for giving us all these wonderful foods. Even though people might have hand made them god put them in his or her head to create them.



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