My dog Judy (she's 6 years old) has been experiencing in the past months ulcers in her gums... Last summer she had her teeth cleaned, and her gums were OK, but in the fall she developed 3 painful ulcers in the gums. She was treated with antobiotics, but a month later the problem re-ocurred. She was given antibiotics again, but once more, a month later, she's having trouble with her gums.
I'm still waiting to hear from the vet again. Could someone let me know how can I prevent this from happening, if this is a chronic conditions we're going to have to deal with, if there are natural means to treat/prevent the ulcers?
CANINE GUM ULCERS - Treatment and Prevention?
Gum ulcers in humans (canker sores), seem to respond well to B vitamins. You may also try to use hard dog food to feep the mouth clean.
If you have used even one round of antibiotics, consider giving your dog Acidophilus in its food for a month. This will help the good bactreria in your dogs gut to return to normal levels, after being wiped out by the antibiotics.
An excellent supplement to try for vitamins, minerals, healthy oils ect. to support normal healing and immune function is k9rx. They sell their dog supplement via internet, and the powder u mix with water and put in the dogs food. The web site has many testimonials too.
My dogs love it.
Reply:give her some antibotics in her food for about two months. you can get penacillon from the pet shop
Reply:Phone:(541) 899-2080 or .website > She is a wonderful animal holistic practitioner.... I have relied on Marina for years, and she has saved my pets many a time. I asked her last week if she minded me giving her contact info to yahoo askers, and she said it was fine. If her dad answers he is a retired vet, and very helpful and kind. If anyone would know of home or natural remedies, marina would. Hope this helps
Reply:spray a little diluted hydrogen peroxide on it occasionally...peroxide's always been good for ulcers
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