Really when you sit down and consider it, isn't it unnatural, homo sapiens are omnivores. We have plant grinding teeth and canine teeth.
So isn't not eating meat unnatural, in the animal sense?
Because we are built to eat both plant and animal tissue.
Vegetarianism and Veganism Unnatural?
If people still lived on their own farms and kept their own animals, meat eating might not be so unnatural. But the way meat is produced today is anything BUT natural. Of course, "in the animal sense," wearing clothes is unnatural, walking upright is unnatural, using our vocal cords for speech is unnatural, living in houses is unnatural.
Reply:No, it's not really natural, our physiology is better made for eating vegetation.
This website really details it well.
Reply:Homo sapiens also lived in caves, killed their own food and never wasted it, died before 35, and ate a mainly vegetarian diet.
Early Homo sapiens did not have factory farms, tons of animal by-product waste, or fast food.
Early Homo sapiens did not have access to high protein vegetarian foods in the amounts that we do.
Modern Homo sapiens kill for pleasure. Meat is not needed. If it were, we, like most felines, would be unable to survive without it. We can not only survive, but we thrive.
We do NOT have carnivorous teeth.
We DO NOT have fangs.
We do not have natural hunting attributes (like claws and rotating ears).
Processing meat is actually very difficult for humans.
While meat can be a great concentration of nutrients, it's an unneeded and violent way to get them.
Reply:yeah and our eyes are on the front of our heads like a predators for better depth perception. however our intestinal system is set up to digest vegetation matter.
Reply:certain tribes in africa, pakistan, afghanistan are vegan and they have the same teeth. vegetarians in india account for about 40 percent of the population and they have the same teeth.
whether it's natural or unnatural will be debated a lot but it doesn't matter when you see that people thrive on vegetarian and vegan diets. that's all the proof I need to see that it's natural.
Reply:Are you SERIOUSLY talking about "natural"?
What do we do that's natural anymore? We eat crappy genetically modified processed food....we are all getting fat...
we work in bad environments, bad air quality, bad lighting, we don't exercise, we suffer from all kinds of crazy mental conditions, we are depressed...
Our food is toxic, we get sick from eating salmonella vegetables, we feed factory farm animals..other animals, they are pumped with hormones and antibiotics, so I ask you, what is natural here? I don't care what my teeth look like, that crap is not natural!
:) come on brotha, join us on the light side :)
Reply:Meat has been linked to cancer. Anyways, humans dont feel adrenaline when killing an animal like carnivorous animals do.
Reply:Wow, then when you *sit down and think* this is what you come up with? Maybe you didn't really think
In reality humans are herbivores. Eating meat and especially dairy is extremely unnatural. Let us review the facts shall we?
-Slaughterhouses %26amp; animal production today are extremely unnatural.
-Why is meat and dairy linked to so many diseases and problems?
-We do not have carnivore canine teeth, the only thing close is maxillary %26amp; mandibular 'canines', they are all located three teeth away from the midline, and they are not located near the front in which they either protrude out or near protruding.
-In the past when humans ate animals, they had to use tools and fire (because we do not have carnivore teeth, or stomachs to digest meat properly, also we do not have claws) you don't have to do this with plants, grains, etc.
-We do not have claws
-We have stomach acid that is 20 times weaker than that of a carnivore
Plus I could go on, but if those reasons plus the links I have provided don't work for you, then I don't know what to say!
And most importantly we can live a longer, healthier life, without animal products, but you can't live without plants/grains!
Next time you *sit down and consider things*, you might want to really consider them, do research, and learn!
Reply:No --- It is not unnatural. As I've said before, we are extremely adaptable ... not only in dentition, but physiologically as well. There is NOTHING that says we are made to be one way or the other. We are true "omnivores" and hence can live in any geographical area of the world and our bodies will adapt to available food.
For instance re: the stupid "weak stomach acid" comment. In those cultures (Inuits) that are as close to carnivorous as one can get, the body adapts and begins secreting additional stomach acid to accommodate the change in diet. We are the PERFECT ominivores.
Reply:We are an evolution of an omnivorous species. We can be either veg or carn, or omni, but it is a decision based on personal preference as opposed to 'what ever we can find'. We are not helpless hunter gatherers, we no longer need, 'providers'. We work for money to buy us heaps of crap... man I'm hungry.
Reply:Oh I guess you coud think that.
But I think we can naturally eat whatever we please!
Bon Appetite!
Reply:It's not unnatural. Humans can much more easily survive without eating meats than they can without eating produce.
Reply:Just because we're capable of ingesting and digesting something, it doesn't mean we're obligated to do so. The way meat is produced these days is what's unnatural. There's nothing natural about eating flesh that's full of antibiotics, hormones and steroids.
Reply:What's unnatural? Choosing to eat plants, or eating a slab of meat taken from an animal that was packed full of hormones, fed the cheapest swill possible, and kept confined in a small, dirty cell until it was time to be slaughtered?
Fortunately, we humans have the mental capacity to make the choice to be omnivorous or vegetarian/vegan. You're free to do whatever you wish, but I certainly don't see why not eating another animal would be considered unnatural.
Reply:The mysteries of chimps become violent while eating meat is unknown. Apparently, human do not necessarily need meat for survival or to become violent.
Human is only self-claimed omnivore in the earth that could not crash the bones, shell and intestines, neither his digestive system would not able to assimilate them. Why don’t you have a try?
Compare to those "perfect" omnivores like bear and dog. Why don't you collaborate with a "perfect" herbivore...gorillas?
If you analyze the above facts, your mind will be pretty much determine that our body anatomy is very much resemble to the vegetarian diet. It also good for you, for the animals, environment and earth.
Reply:We are omnivores that is what is natural. If somebody wants to be a vegetarian that is fine, what is unatural are VOC(vegans of convenience) those whop run around like a bunch of zealots only to still have animal tendencies themselves.
Reply:From my studies, no, I think we are designed for eating vegetation. Canine teeth... um.. no, sorry, mine are not able to rip meat.. that's why we have forks and knives and cook the meat.. to make it edible. Teeth are just one part of our system, which is obviously not designed for meat. But, let's just, for the sake of argument say that you are correct, that we are designed to eat meat and can if we want to.
I also believe it is totally natural to have sex with as many people as possible of the opposite sex, but I stay with one person exclusively. Totally unnatural and it can drive me to sexual frustration at times... but I do it -- and so do many meat eaters. Why, because it would cause harm to most relationships.
Same reason more people are moving towards a diet that lacks animal products and includes more plant products. Although people wave meat in front of their faces, ice cream, junk food, etc. that all smell and taste good and are very tempting, people realize it's bad for them and avoid it.
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