ok. i am 17 years old and i have lost all my baby teeth except for one stubborn canine in my upper jaw. it will not come out! my permanent tooth has completely grown in and the baby tooth isnt even loose. its been like this for like 2 years now, i just figured it would come out in time. but it hasnt! im scared to go to the dentist cuz i really dont want to have it pulled! help! why hasnt it come out yet? any one that has anyyy information it would be greatly appreciated!
I have a baby tooth that absolutely wont come out!?
I had one like that and the dentist just pulled it out for me (he numbed the whole area first of coarse).
Reply:Most of the time when a baby tooth won't come out, it's because there's no permanant tooth under it. If it needs to be removed, it's usually a VERY simple procedure, because the roots of baby teeth dissolve, and there's just not much under the gumline. You do need to have it checked, to be sure that it's not somehow impeding a permanant tooth - not something you want to have happen, as you'll end up loosing both of them to decay eventually, and that WOULD be painful!
Reply:I'm 20, and I still have one baby tooth. The second one I still had fell out last fall. More than likely the reason why it hasn't fallen out is because your "grown-up tooth" wasn't coming in correctly so it just kinda pushed it out of the way. The reason why I still have mine is because I don't have any "grown-up teeth" in those two spots. The dentist wanted to pull my teeth out and give me braces, but I got a second opinion. Dr. #2 said that more than likely over time the root will eventually dissolve into the gum, the tooth will get loose and it will fall out. So unless it's very unsightly I wouldn't worry about it at all. Your body always has a way of taking care of itself!
Reply:your 17 and you still have a baby tooth?? hehe.
Reply:My mom is 52 and still has one. If you are worried about it, ask your dentist. If not, I'd say let if go if the destist isn't saying anything about it.
Reply:my son is 6 and he still has his baby tooth. Actually allot of them. :~^)
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