Swollen Gums?

A part of my gums above the tooth next to the canine is swollen. It's been like this for a year or so. It doesn't hurt and it doesn't bleed. It's almost like a bubble. Like something was in there before it closed up and bubbled or something. It's hard to explain. Again, there is no discomfort at all, nor does it bleed. It just covers a considerable amount of that tooth. The gums behind the tooth are normal. Also, it's not red. Just pink like the rest of my gums. I think it might be because I still have my baby canines (with the adult canines out fully from above the gumline, but this hasn't happened to the other side.

I don't have dental coverage and can't afford a visit to the dentist. Has anyone else experienced this? I've tried gargling warm salt water, but that hasn't worked. I brush, floss and rinse regularly, as well.

Swollen Gums?
Are your teeth crowded? Maybe one of your teeth never erupted and you're left with a big bulge. You should have this looked at by a dentist, just to be sure. It needs to be examined properly. Do you live near a dental school? Usually their prices are 1/3 -1/2 those of a private dentist, and they have a walk-in dental emergency clinic during business hours.
Reply:it might be a tooth abbsess. I've had a few, actually. They are somewhat like your description.

I didn't catch whether it was a baby tooth or not...if it is, it could merely be the permanent tooth coming down.


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